#532 Enterprise SEO For WordPress: Plugins, Tips & Proven Tactics by Matt Bertram
Best SEO Podcast | EWR Digital

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Video Transcript
speakerChris Burres

Hi, I’ve known secrets of internet marketing. My name is Chris Burroughs. One of the owners here at EWR digital, 

speakerMatt Bertram

And my name is Matt Bertram. I’m the lead strategist here at EWR digital.  And hopefully there’s no feedback loop happening.  I turned down my volume. 

speakerChris Burres

Welcome back to a fun-filled edition of our podcast.  This is podcast number 5 32.  We’ve made it to 5 32.  I you probably not.  That’s pretty. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Awesome, Chris. 

speakerChris Burres

It’s a lot of podcasts.  We are broadcasting live here from Houston, Texas, and Matt and I are like working on becoming an understanding crypto at the marketing level.  Like yeah. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Yes, I don’t.  I, you know, that is absolutely true.  We are setting up some nodes with our hosting company. 

speakerChris Burres

Going on. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Yeah, we got some miners going on or we’re we’re doing a number of Rudd three stuff we’re getting into the metaverse.  Yeah.  We’re like we’re web three in it out. 

speakerChris Burres

That’s kind of what we have always intended with this podcast is we work hard to stay on top of whatever trend and frankly, in the crypto space, you really need to play around with it so that you can have some good advice and ideas to support it.  I think there’s some company has purchased some massive property inside the metaverse and they’re going to run concerts there and like that’s marketing strategies.  That’s marketing in the metaverse. 

speakerMatt Bertram

I am launching a crypto podcast this year. 

speakerChris Burres


speakerMatt Bertram

Yeah.  So I’ll, I don’t know the name of it.  I don’t have any details, but I have a number of people that I’ve connected with in the space that I will be interviewing.  So more to come on that, so, 

speakerChris Burres

Well, very cool.  I, I can’t imagine anything else then for you to also write articles on crypto, because the article we’re covering today is from search engine journal and written by none other than you.  So I can imagine that you’re going to be creating, writing some crypto articles and that’s cool.  Like you’re becoming quite the prolific content generator. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Well, you know, content generation is key and, you know, we’re establishing herself as a, I guess, a fixture in the marketing space with the number of clients.  And we’ve been bringing on a number of different people and I’ve had more time.  So, 

speakerChris Burres

You know, you said content and this has been a, you know, a stock phrase for so long content is king.  And I was having a discussion with a mutual friend of ours, Nolan Davis, and he does videos and big networking events.  He holds a Guinness world record, like just kind of a phenomenal guy.  And we kind of came to the conclusion that, you know, content isn’t really king content with distribution is king.  And you said it a different way, which is content is king queen is distribution.  And the queen wears the pants in the family. 

speakerMatt Bertram

I did say something like that.  Yes. 

speakerChris Burres

Which I also like, 

speakerMatt Bertram

Well, that is a lot of, one of the things that we’re focused on too.  So not only for clients generating very high quality content, but also syndicating that content out and repurposing that content or as like digital marketer would call it, splintering that content out and then utilizing that in other ways in on multiple channels.  And so that is really one of the things that we’re doing is really focused on high quality content creation and then using that on different mediums.  So. 

speakerChris Burres

Excellent.  All right.  So let’s jump into this article before we jump into the article.  I do have to ask that if you like the content you find on our website, please write us a review.  Hopefully you can make that review.  We need to get back in line. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Yeah, I think that really did good there.  That was pretty, pretty. 

speakerChris Burres

And the best way to do that is just go to AWR digital.com forward slash review.  And that will take you right there.  It’s super simple.  Leave that five star review.  And also if you’re watching or connecting on YouTube, make sure you like subscribe.  That includes you Patrick Lopez.  Who’s connected to us on YouTube.  Like, is that YouTube?  That may be Facebook, 

speakerMatt Bertram


speakerChris Burres


speakerMatt Bertram

I’ve seen this live on multiple trails for those that one game.  And I’m looking at Twitch, Chris, I know you said not til we get Twitch, but I’m super interested in what’s going on in Twitch.  And so we may be broadcasting on Twitch as well. 

speakerChris Burres

So yes.  And if pat, because Patrick is definitely on Facebook, he’s confirmed it also the icon next to his name confirmed, which I couldn’t see earlier.  If he was on YouTube, he would be clicking the subscribe button and clicking the notification button and making sure he gets all the latest content.  This article again is by Matt.  Well done enterprise SEO for WordPress plugins tips and proven tactics.  Let’s jump right in.  So first off, a lot of people use WordPress, right?  And apparently the number is like 39.5% of the world’s websites are on WordPress.  It is the leading content marketing system on the planet.  It runs things like Sony, Microsoft and tech crunch.  So it’s an impressive and enterprise level, piece of software.  I think that’s really important. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Chris fun fact that Matt who invented WordPress is from Houston. 

speakerChris Burres

Oh, wow. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Yeah.  And not only that in Houston, I went through like the Houston business journal and I looked at like the top, let’s say companies from like 20 million to like a hundred million or whatever, the majority of them were actually using WordPress as well. 

speakerChris Burres

Oh, wow. 

speakerMatt Bertram

And so that’s, I think a misconception that people are using like.net or Magento or some of these other sites, depending on what they’re used for WordPress is still an excellent option.  And there’s a ton of companies that are still using WordPress. 

speakerChris Burres

Yeah, absolutely.  And we want to get that out there and we’ll probably belabor that point at some point in, as we continue.  Cause it’s absolutely true.  This is open source software that can support enterprise level websites, what star.  And it started out as a blogging platform like 10 years ago.  Apparently the guy who created it lives here in Houston, it’s now not. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Anymore.  But he. 

speakerChris Burres

Was in Houston is from here. 

speakerMatt Bertram

He was day his day.  He was dating a girl in Houston, not too long ago, like couple of years back.  So I, you know, I, we haven’t like kept up with each other, but yeah.  So, 

speakerChris Burres

So 30 million enterprise WordPress websites are live again, onward press.  There are many benefits, but at the top is how it can contribute to your SEO strategy and building trustworthiness credibility in the search results.  So let’s dig into the top reasons were press, may be right for your enterprise and the tips you’ll need to make it a success by the way.  I don’t know if you want to pull this live, but there’s a good graph of the increase in utilization of WordPress. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Well, so yeah, let me shrink my screen here a little bit to pull it up, but it’s interesting.  Right?  So we actually created these images.  We’re really recommending that you put custom images in blogs, but it says image created by author. 

speakerChris Burres

It can’t say image created by AWR digital. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Nope.  Nope.  And I think if you can hear some music going on, my music just. 

speakerChris Burres

Started randomly.  So. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Yeah.  So I’m going to share my screen here for those that can see this image created by my author and then you can see the growth there.  So let me now find my volume, 

speakerChris Burres

The music. All right.  So is WordPress good for enterprise?  I think we’ve covered it, but let’s jump into it.  WordPress is open source software.  So your business has access to endless designers.  And this is really going to be like, why do we believe WordPress is good for enterprises now?  It’s hard.  And this was way back.  We made a decision at one point where we’re using dot ASP classic to generate websites.  And we made the decision to move to WordPress because one, a lot of people had questions about, Hey, I want to be able to manage it themselves.  Right.  Well, one of the things that’s interesting about that is a lot of people want to be able to manage it themselves and ultimately never manage it themselves.  They never do anything. 

speakerChris Burres

And frankly, normally when they do, they mess it up.  And that’s from the perspective, usually from the perspective of uploading photos that are too big. But at that time when we’re making that transition, my thought process was, well, we could do asp.net, right?  That’s one, there’s lots of other ways you could’ve gone down.  And I don’t remember all of them right now, but ultimately the reason I decided WordPress was too, it was easy enough that we could, in fact, if we needed to hire a high school student to work on it immediately, and that is actually still true today, we’re not talking complex changes.  We’re not talking theme level changes, but they could get on and add content, remove content.  You know, 

speakerMatt Bertram

That’s something that we do a lot with people in house is show them how to update maybe a portfolio or a blog or about us page, you know, easy changes that are not structural changes with.  We’re talking about text or adding some images.  And then, you know, depending on that person’s level of experience, we can teach them more advanced stuff.  But we do a lot of like quote unquote corporate training where people in-house, or people that have hired people to help them maybe for like a small business, don’t have to have extensive knowledge on WordPress, but can still get in there and, you know, make changes, maybe, you know, uploading a blog is a little bit more complex, but still possible. 

speakerMatt Bertram

And so, yeah, but I think that WordPress gives you the ability through like a visual builder on the backend to be able to do things.  So it’s not all done through code. 

speakerChris Burres

Yeah.  Yeah, absolutely.  And that was the other reason was, you know, people were like, okay, well, if you guys fall off the face of the earth or if I just stopped liking you and want to go somewhere else, when you think about WordPress and it’s accessibility, you can just go on to any platform that helps you find subcontractors or whatever.  And you can find an informal quantities of WordPress quote unquote experts.  So that was, 

speakerMatt Bertram

Yeah, that’d be careful that. 

speakerChris Burres

Quote unquote, excellent.  You might have to go through 10 of them to find one that is actually able to accomplish what you want to, but. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Kissing a lot, you know, you’ll kiss a lot, frogs.  Yeah, just a lot of frogs, but you’ll find maybe a prince in there. 

speakerChris Burres

I, and we don’t, I don’t know the statistic, but I, I, it would surprise me if there’s any kind of digital marketing agency around that isn’t able to work in WordPress that would surprise me greatly next.  The user community allows you to leverage best practices and implement them within your own system.  So you’re able to use lean on all the experience people have from having WordPress sites and make back, apply best practices to your own WordPress site.  Here are a few reasons why WordPress is great for enterprises.  We’ve got five of them here.  One is ongoing support as opposed to proprietary systems that provide more flexibility of the ongoing support in this open source provides more flexibility and customization to robust content editing experience with WordPress Gutenberg, that improvement with WordPress is great. 

speakerChris Burres

And so you’ve got a nice, easy interface to work.  It work with a number three high-level security.  Again, when all of these people are, all of these websites are out there, they’re exposed to a lot of cyber attacks and they’re hardened against those cyber attacks.  And that hardening information is shared throughout the WordPress community.  So you have the ability to apply that great cyber attack hardening to your own website. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Yeah.  Can I do a shameless plug here for cohost? 

speakerChris Burres

Yeah, I guess. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Okay.  So co-hosted dot com.  We’ve been onboarding a significant number of new accounts, and we are finding if you have an e-commerce site or you’re, you know, a lifestyle business, there could be credit card skimmers on your website and we’ve actually caught our security experts actually caught a, what is it called a zero day hack or something like that the community has never found before.  It was pretty complex.  He called it pretty elegant and these things are getting tougher and you really want to have a lot of security or hosting or people that know what they’re doing, managing your website, especially if you’re dealing with people’s sensitive information. 

speakerChris Burres

And everybody needs a webmaster.  And so co-host actually has that as a service as well.  Just somebody to kind of master your website, manage your website on an ongoing basis.  Next number four, scalable infrastructure.  Again, it’s open source.  It’s constantly being optimized, even Gutenberg as an example of optimizing it for user-friendliness and there’s huge cost savings, right?  You want to adopt Adobe or Magento or even HubSpot.  You’re talking about significant investment where here it’s open source.  You’ve just got to have the hosting.  And hopefully you’re going to have a web master to make sure that the changes that you want done on your website are done correctly. 

speakerMatt Bertram

So, so a couple things on that point, we’ve actually run across a few enterprise companies that don’t have enough infrastructure support internally for their website.  I think that there’s a debate between, okay, open source versus someone I can point the finger at and say, like fix it.  And I do think that a number of enterprise clients will go with that and they’re paying huge fees to do that.  But I don’t think that they understand that you still need internal infrastructure or people to do changes and management.  And so when you look at it from a security standpoint, from a cost standpoint, it’s very competitive.  It’s actually more competitive, like when we provide bids.  So we just want a bid for like, you know, 50 location company built their website.  Guess what? 

speakerMatt Bertram

We built it in WordPress?  Well, our bid came in a lot lower than people that are going to have to pay those licensing fees, not just upfront, but ongoing.  Something to think about. 

speakerChris Burres

By the way, we are not sponsored by WordPress developers have downloaded over 81 million versions of WordPress.  They have also created over 59,000 plugins and 9,000 themes.  We are not in any way suggesting that there are 59,000 good plugins out there, but there are a lot of plugins out there.  And they’re actually a lot of good ones, just not all of them were press benefits for your enterprise SEO strategy.  So SEO is an essential part of your business digital strategy, or it should be, I mean, we’ve worked with companies where the digital strategy that we’re implementing for them at first, at least is just like an add on, oh yeah.  We believe that we should be doing some sort of digital marketing strategy.  Here’s a little bit of money. 

speakerChris Burres

Why don’t you guys go play around with that.  And I don’t know if you want to speak to like what happens as they understand that we can actually deliver value and results and traceable results.  Yeah.  Their attitude changes.  Sometimes. 

speakerMatt Bertram

I, I think that, you know, you get a little taste of like what the power of SEO is and what it can do for you certainly rankings and Google can move a business’s bottom line by 25% easy. 

speakerChris Burres


speakerMatt Bertram

I mean, 

speakerChris Burres

Yeah.  All right.  WordPress SEO is well optimized to help you increase user engagement and boost rankings.  You know, user engaging engagement is very important.  Ultimately for your rankings, it includes several built-in features that help you better optimize the site, but there are several plugins to establish authority.  Making establishing authority much easier.  Here are seven of those plugins or tools that are built into WordPress.  One is permalinks.  Permalinks allows you to customize the actual links and you can actually put keywords in the URLs for the particular pages.  Of course, this is of the key ways that Google identifies what the content on that particular pages.  So very good.  Next is mad at metadata.  So simple processes or automated processes. 

speakerChris Burres

We would not necessarily recommend automated processes because you want to have kind of the human eye on the title, the meta-description for every post or every page.  Again, telling Google what’s on that particular page images, optimize images by using keywords in the alt tags.  And we talked about that in the last podcast and improve your page speed by editing the size 24%.  Remember, I like this stat 20% of us web searches happen on Google images.  So optimizing those images is very important.  Interject if there’s. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Well, you know, I mean, this was just so well-written that. 

speakerChris Burres

Next is user experience.  Develop a weld.  I agree by the way, develop a well-designed site that enhances the user experience again, good for Google.  And then site speed, select the right themes and plugins to help maintain a fast loading a website for your web pages.  That’s also good for Google.  We’ve got two more, make sure it’s mobile friendly.  So choose a mobile responsive theme.  Remember, Google is indexing mobile first and then integration.  There are lots of WordPress integration.  Some of them are G suite Google analytics, convert kit, lots, lots, more lot of value there.  And it can make your life a lot easier again.  That’s why we chose next. 

speakerChris Burres

We’re going to talk about top seven were plus plugins and tools to help you become an SEO rockstar.  Remember at the 75% of people are never going beyond the first page, the first search page result page. And so having an optimized site is an absolute must.  What’s the most significant way WordPress boosts your SEO rankings, plugins like there’s plugins that we’re going to discuss here.  There’s seven that we’re discussing.  They’re not all plugins, but we’re going to jump into this.  The first one is all in one SEO over 2 million users are using all-in-one SEO.  It offers comprehensive toolkit, set up wizard for you to establish SEO settings for your website quickly. 

speakerChris Burres

That checklist includes meta-tags generators, titles, descriptions, rich snippets, schema markup, an XML sitemaps XNL site maps is important enough, I think is even mentioned all on its own a little bit later in this article.  Yeah. 

speakerMatt Bertram

So like rank Matt Yoast all in one SEO, like you got like these, sometimes they screw up on a site maps, like when they generate them.  So you got to that’s one thing you got to kind of check in and make sure everything’s working, right?  Cause sometimes it’ll get a little finicky.  So. 

speakerChris Burres

Be careful.  Keep your eyes peeled.  Number two.  Now this is not a plugin.  This is just a piece of software that we’ve used and it’s powerful.  And it’s called bright edge provides a AI powered data driven solutions to help you manage your SEO.  You can leverage bright edge throughout every stage of content, Optima optimization, keyword research, search demand, creating impactful content and measuring results so that you can scale. 

speakerMatt Bertram

So, so Chris, like bright edge is basically like a bunch of different tools all put together in one.  So you can start learning to use one tool and like the data you can, you know, cut it multiple different ways, but it’s like, you can learn one tool.  Whereas some of these other tools you have to piecemeal, right?  And it’s like five different tools that you need to learn to work together.  And then it has like enterprise level data associated with it.  And you know, it’s, it’s a good option.  So. 

speakerChris Burres

Very cool.  Number three, also not a plugin and also more data is SCM rush.  It’s one of the best SEO tools in the market with SC and they have a writing assistant tool that you can improve your existing WordPress content with targeted focus, keywords to help you rank in the top 10 results. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Yeah.  So STM rush has made me like a tier down from that.  They have a lot of other Like significant stuff, but there’s a lot of things in SCM rush that I don’t think people utilize and they continue to add new tools in there all the time.  And so there’s just a lot of different sections that are really valuable.  They have some really good training.  I think it’s a great tool.  We use it.  So wanting to include that. 

speakerChris Burres

Yeah.  Next is a plugin it’s Yoast SEO.  It lets you easily update descriptions, titles, social media images.  It automatically creates an XML sitemap.  Again, you mentioned be careful review that site map.  Yeah. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Yeah.  I mean, Yoast is good.  I mean, it would probably like the gold standard when it comes to a lot of this, I feel like the plugins a little bit heavy, so it just takes a long time to load and you can typically remove Yoast and speed up your website quite a bit.  And again, it’s a little finicky, so it’s the gold standard though.  As far as SEO tools go and most agencies or freelancers utilize Yost or maybe rank math or online or something like that.  So yeah. 

speakerChris Burres

Next is a recent sponsor H refs it’s an all in one SEO tool that helps optimize your website, analyze industrial industry content and study your customer’s top keywords to help you improve age rough provides inter level support and unique features like multiple user seats, personalized custom support, daily updates and more.  And don’t forget the tool that is really what they sponsored us for a w a F, which was a, a, A WT, a H refs website tool. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Yeah.  So what I would tell you is AA trust has made a lot of advancements in their tooling.  It was mainly used for like off page, like looking at links and that sort of thing.  They started at a 2.0 section where they’ve gotten really good as far as looking at trend lines, keyword research, quite well, keyword rankings, it updates a little bit more regularly than a trust.  There’s other tools that we’re actually using that will update keywords daily and can do a lot of other things.  But again, it’s like you got to have a different tool in the toolkit for each things.  And trust is a great tool.  It’s very affordable.  They’re adding new features really like what’s going on over at HRS.  So, 

speakerChris Burres

And when you say very affordable, free is that’s considered. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Free or like let’s say 900 bucks, something like that.  Yeah.  So. 

speakerChris Burres

Next is nitrile pack.  This is a plugin, there’s 1 million websites that are using nitrile pack.  This performance plugin can positively impact your SEO presence.  It helps increase your speed score by up to 69% advanced features like caching built in CDN.  That’s a content delivery network, an HTML optimization to make your website fast.  So that’s nitrile pack.  And then I think it’s finally, we’ve got monster insights.  This is not, this has a plugin and it’s data.  So monster insights provides you with all the insights you need to improve search rankings by connecting Google analytics to your web press WordPress site. 

speakerMatt Bertram

And you just sped through that nitro pack Nitra packs.  Awesome.  All right. 

speakerChris Burres

I got excited.  It goes faster.  So I read faster.  I don’t know how the mind works. 

speakerMatt Bertram

All right.  Now MonsterInsights I mean, look, data analytics and understanding what’s going on with your website is absolutely key to making changes.  That’s really the power of say digital channels over traditional media channels and also understanding the customer journey and user flow.  And so getting accurate analytics is extremely important and there’s a lot of great tools to do that.  And monster insights is one of them. 

speakerChris Burres

Yeah.  And the month the wrap-up monster insights, it’s how it can show, excuse me, show you how users interact under site and connects e-commerce SEO.  Some pretty good stuff coming out of there.  And you like went the extra mile in this article and added like this whole section that we’re about to jump into, which is pretty awesome.  It’s more tried and true.  WordPress SEO best practices for enterprise is again, 40 to 60 billion estimated searches in the U S each month.  Your enterprise needs to be focusing on-page and off-page SEO strategies. 

speakerChris Burres

Again, real quick for our learned SEO audience on page SEO includes creating valuable content, adding targeted keywords, having metadata on every page or post in the context of WordPress off pages, SEO, building links on third-party websites to improve your sites, trustworthiness, relevance, and authority.  So here are some off page SEO best practices, and you like were generous and included seven best practices.  Use a dedicated focus keyword for each page and include that dedicated keyword in key places on that page.  That’s number one. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Yeah.  So just speak to that for a minute.  Google is looking for the best possible search for the best possible key phrase, right?  And if you think about it, just from a simplicity standpoint, if you have ever had a sip of water and thought it was seven up or whatever, or Coke and thought it was tea, or if you’ve had something that’s like watered down tea, right.  And think about it like that.  So you want, if you want Coke or you want whatever you want, all Coke, right?  You don’t want water down and you don’t want something else. 

speakerMatt Bertram

So if you’re trying to rank for something, you want to create some density and focus for that keyword and not add other things there, because Google is looking for each search was there’s, you know, 75% of all searches are new, but the reality is for a certain phrase or term, you want to be the most relevant answer.  And if you start talking about other stuff that’s problematic, right?  So you want to be really focused.  And then there’s certain things that the spiders look for and, you know, that’s how you do ask them so. 

speakerChris Burres

Next.  And this is related right to having the right content is right.  Valuable and authentic content.  And what you would add to this now, since you wrote it originally is that’s relevant to the search phrase you’re shooting for right.  Valuable, authentic content. 

speakerMatt Bertram

So, so one of the big things with content is you want to look in Google and see what’s going on in the national conversation for that term and understand what you can add value to that, or offer a different opinion.  And, you know, the algorithm is going to keep getting better and better.  And so, you know, you don’t necessarily need to write content about a particular word and like optimize in there for a particular word, include it, naturally write about that or adjacent topics and build contextual authority in that space or in that area by a number of different pieces of content, whether it be videos, blogs, images, whatever, and then you interlink them right where it makes sense.  And you’re just organizing data in a positive way. 

speakerMatt Bertram

And that is really the key to writing content.  I think a lot of content is starting to be written auto-generated and not adding a lot of value.  And if you know that Google is trying to index all information in the world, you want to add something new to that, or, I mean, that’s how you’re going to rank higher because you’re going to give the best answer.  So original, authentic, valuable content is absolutely key.  Or why would Google want to show it, right?  Yeah.  That’s why so. 

speakerChris Burres

Provide a good experience to the Google user and Google will shine favorably upon you.  All right.  Number three, choose a theme that supports SEO best practices.  That’s going to be true of almost every kind of legitimate or paid theme.  So if you’re kind of going to go on a budget and you want to use a theme, just make sure you do your research and make sure that theme has what you need from an SEO perspective, that’s going to be things like ability to change headings, title tags, and offers you users as simple a customer experience.  Number four is select a plugin that develops an automatic Google XML, sitemap. 

speakerChris Burres

We talked about a couple of the SEO plugins and how those site maps, you know, make sure you keep an eye on them, that you can actually get this deal.  You can get that in a separate plugin, right?  So you can actually go and just get a separate plugin to make an XML.  And I believe there are some themes out there that will provide an XML for you as well.  Number five, start building back links with other high ranking websites through content partnerships.  Yes.  Do that number six, protect.  Yeah. 

speakerMatt Bertram

So I mean, SEO, what I really call it is like online PR, right?  It’s really online PR it’s online marketing, right?  You’re showing what you’re good at or what you’re doing, but also other people talking about it.  Other people wouldn’t get back to, it needs to be like a bow tie, right?  Like you’re linking experts or Lincoln to you.  You’re linking the experts.  And you PR is certainly like that next level of SEO, but it’s all falling into like online PR and so high authority sites for referral traffic, where those backlinks are coming from, what the anchor text is.  There’s a lot of things that are really important.  And looking at sculpting a backlink profile, not just on your site, but also off your site. 

speakerMatt Bertram

And you have a lot of control on your site and you can move the needle and you can even rank on page. So you don’t necessarily need off page, but as it gets more and more competitive, but also if you’re an expert, people are going to link to you, right.  And if you’re writing good content, people are going to link to it.  And so, and if you’re doing a good thing or like we recently got recognized and like New York weekly went to the top of the business section for what we’re doing with the transition to web three, people are going to talk about, they’re going to link back to like that those things are part of natural PR, right.  And part of SEO.  So. 

speakerChris Burres

Absolutely next, this is number six, protect your site against third party attacks using SSL, HTTPS, and plugins that really support the security. 

speakerMatt Bertram

And Chris, I will say I’ve seen a lot of sites where the, the SSL certificate is not on all pages.  Like it’s on some of the pages, like it’s not on all the pages and, you know, people are not maintaining their stuff.  Right.  That’s just the bottom line.  Or if they’re adding pages, they’re doing it properly or redirects to, to different pages that are not secure.  There’s a lot of this still going on.  And that’s why I did include, even though it kind of seems like a no brainer.  Right.  So, 

speakerChris Burres

Yeah, absolutely.  And then finally take advantage of local SEO features by creating a Google, my business listing, using the localized keywords in your content, using the right plugins is a great start, but staying on top of the algorithms, monitoring your traffic daily and implementing as your best strategies on a regular basis will help ensure you drive users back to your website, or You continue to drive users to your website. 

speakerMatt Bertram

Yeah.  So just a little bit on GMB, right?  GMB is actually a different search engine, just like YouTube is a different search engine and then Google wraps it all together and it provides 30% of organic traffic.  So it’s absolutely important if you have a brick and mortar location or multi location and are specific strategies for GNB and we’re running a lot of those strategies for clients.  And we’ve seen, gosh, were just about to put out a case study where we just got somebody into the three-pack and I don’t know how much it bumped their business by.  I don’t want to misspeak, but it was absolutely significant.  Right?  And so B being in that, three-pack doing things to rank in that area and having a Google my business is absolutely critical. 

speakerMatt Bertram

And I think that this is really meant to speaking to maybe traditional businesses that COVID have accelerated the move to digital. They’re maybe not utilizing all these things that well, or they may even set up a Google my business, but they’re not doing much with it.  They’re not uploading pictures.  They’re not answering questions.  They’re not responding to reviews or garnering reviews.  There’s just so much you can do on the maps or GMB platform.  And it has really good analytics as well.  And so it’s something that I think a lot of enterprises, if they do have location or they’re trying to drive people in store that you can do.  And then there’s also new ad words, campaigns that help target and bring people into the store and then you can track in store visits. 

speakerMatt Bertram

So there’s just a lot of great things that you can do with digital marketing as technology advances and Google is certainly the leader in that.  So, 

speakerChris Burres

And, and you can count on us to continue to bring to you that new challenge, new techniques, new opportunities, new marketing strategies, great article author.  Oh yeah.  The Arthur’s view enterprise SEO for WordPress plugins tips and proven tactics.  Again, if you get some good value out of this podcast, we’re pretty sure you do.  Please go ahead and share it with three of your friends and leave us a [email protected] forward slash review.  If you’re interested in growing your business with the largest simplest marketing tool on the planet, Internet call AWR digital for increased revenue in your business.  Our phone number is (713) 592-6724.  There is a custom profit plan, just go to best SEO podcast.com and register for that.  You get time with one of our internet marketing agents. 

speakerChris Burres

You will like our, some of our best testimonials are just from that low cost plan.  So go ahead and take advantage of that. 

speakerMatt Bertram

So, Chris, I’ll just talk about a little bit about our process, right?  So our process is typically a discovery call.  We’ll point out some things we’ll make sure to leave you with some value.  Typically we get into either a workshop or a consulting session where we can dig in a little bit deeper that is typically paid.  And then we from that can develop a very customized strategy for you that you can have someone else execute, or we could execute for you, but it helps us give you a better quote, right?  Because a lot of times people are asking you to quote, remodeling a house without walking in it, right.  Without looking in the attic, without seeing if there’s this Bestos or, you know, lead pipes, or like you don’t know.  Right. 

speakerMatt Bertram

And so it’s really, and then we get to know you a little bit better. You get to know us a little bit better and we take it slow.  It’s like we date before we get married kind of thing.  And that has worked out excellent for us.  And we certainly encourage people to do that.  And if you have questions or you have referrals, also, if you’re a freelancer out there, anywhere in the world, we are hiring.  We’re looking for good people.  We have been growing a lot and we’re looking at bringing on new people.  And so if you’re out there and you want to be part of a bigger team and get some good experience and you think you can bring some value, go to AWR, digital.com and apply, we would love to talk to you. 

speakerMatt Bertram


speakerChris Burres

Got it.  And it’s a great place to work.  Trust me.  I know.  All right.  That wraps up our podcast until the next time.  My name is Chris burrows. 

speakerMatt Bertram

My name is Matt Bertram. 

speakerChris Burres

Bye-bye for now. 

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