Persona Driven Multi Channel Email Campaign That Works in 2018
In this episode, Chris and Aaron (Data Dude) discuss 6 Steps to a Successful Persona Driven Cross Platform Multi-Channel Marketing Drip Campaign that Works in 2018. Join Matt and Chris for another thrilling episode of the Best SEO Podcast. TRANSCRIPT:

Chris: Hi and welcome to the SEO Podcast: Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing. My name is Chris Burres, owner of eWebResults.

Aaron: And my name is Aaron Weathers, your Data Dude.

Chris: The Data Dude! Welcome to the podcast. Actually he’s been in another podcast before with us, also sponsored by eWebResults.

Aaron: Definitely.

Chris: And you might notice that he’s not Matt.

Aaron: I– I–

Chris: You’re not.

Aaron: I’m not Matt.

Chris: You’re not Matt. Even if you hold the bobblehead right there– punch in the face to all our YouTube followers. If you hold the bobblehead, you’re still not Matt.

Aaron: No, I’m not Matt.

Chris: You’re not Matt.

Aaron: But Matt’s super though.

Chris: Welcome back to another fun-filled edition of the podcast. This is Podcast #429. We’ve got some amazing stuff. We usually do a teaser, so we’ll skip into that. As always we have a tip from our previous podcast, and the tip for today is–

Aaron: Work with a company that has a long history of marketing success.

Chris: So the last podcast we did was about the history of eWebResults since 1999, and it’s important. If you’re going to work with an internet marketing agencies– agency, make sure that you’re working with one that has a long track record of marketing success.

Aaron: Yes, it’s results and we have results in our name.

Chris: Subscribe. Follow.

Chris & Aaron: Boom!

Aaron: I’ve been waiting to do that.

Chris: Boom! That was awesome.

Aaron: La la la la la

Chris: Please remember that Aaron and I, we are your Results–

Chris & Aaron: Rebels!

Chris: Yeah. Hey, I had a review. I did have a review, it has disappeared. And so I’m not going to read a review today. I don’t have tear tattoo. I don’t know why that one didn’t show up. I don’t have a tear tattoo because we did actually get a review, but we’ll have to read that review next time.

Aaron: It was awesome though. It was of course–

Chris & Aaron: 5 stars!

Chris: You’ve been waiting to do that too.

Aaron: Yes, yes!

Chris: That was awesome! Alright. So if you’re checking into our podcast again it’s probably because you like the information you get from our podcast, and you’ll probably be interested in, “5 Online Marketing Mistakes That Can Tank Your Business & How to Avoid Them.”

Aaron: Yeah, don’t do those.

Chris: If you want those, you can go to our website eWebResults.com and then– I think the place is different, but I think you can actually go to eWebResults.com/SEOTip and that will actually take you to that podcast. We were getting a little feedback there, had to fix that. If this is the first time that you’re listening to the podcast: howdy, welcome to the podcast. This is called the potatoes, we’ll get into the meat in a little bit. In fact I got a little teaser, the article that we’re– oh wait, there’s no article.

Aaron: No article.

Chris: We’re not covering an article today.

Aaron: I changed it up.

Chris: He switched it up. He steps in, he’s like, “Oh oh, Matt’s not here?”

Aaron: I’ll make up my own rules.

Chris: “Here’s what we’re going to do.” We’re going to talk about an article we’re going to write.

Aaron: Yes.

Chris: It’s, “5 Steps to a Successful Person Driven, Cross-Platform, Multichannel, Marketing Drip Campaign That Works in 2018.”

Aaron: In 2018.

Chris: That was easy.

Aaron: And 2019.

Chris: And beyond, yeah.

Aaron: I mean we’ve been in business since ‘99.

Chris: Yeah, we know it’s going to continue, yeah.

Aaron: Yeah, of course.

Chris: Alright, so if you’re in a position to, please tweet now. You can tweet #SEOPodcast this is Podcast #429, @BestSEOPodcast, @eWebResults, @MattBertramLive, @ChrisBurresEweb. And tag all of us and say that you are enjoying the podcast. We will really appreciate that. Each week we have a contest, and the way the contest works is if we get 10 shikos– do you know what a shiko is?

Aaron: It’s a share, a like and a follow.

Chris: So if we get 10 shikos and we get a review, then we move the section where we tell you how to leave us a review to the bottom of the podcast. It’s at the bottom of the podcast, we’ve been killing it on all our social media and reviews, so punch in the face to you guys for getting those reviews to us. Let’s see, anything else. If you would like a free website analysis, you can get that by going to our website eWebResults.com. There is a slider, it’s got three slides. The main one and the first one, and it comes back. That’s how sliders work, right?

Aaron: Yeah, we made sure.

Chris: Is the website analysis. Go ahead and click that button, fill that out and we’ll be in contact with you to get that website analysis. Alright, I don’t have any news today because we were prepping for this podcast, going over this kind of exciting article, this exciting process that we’re going to talk about. It’s a complex process. We’ve decided we’re going to break it up into two podcasts. There’s no way one podcast would be enough.

Aaron: No.

Chris: And I’m excited about this. I know Aaron has been working on a number of campaigns that are along these lines.

Aaron: Yes.

Chris: He’s mentally exhausted, fired up for the podcast but mentally exhausted from this process. So we really kind of– I opened up his brain and I dug in, and I’m like, “Let’s pull out all of this good stuff and throw it into a podcast.” And so we’re about– you know this also means you’re in the next podcast.

Aaron: Oh! Booking myself! You know what? We’re going 5-part.

Chris: We’re going to have a 5-part podcast, that’s good. We got to run that by Matt.

Aaron: Yeah, we’ll run it by.

Chris: Of course we could just say, “Hey Matt, we need 5 podcasts–”

Aaron: “Hey Matt, what do you think? Can I be in 5 podcast?”

Chris: Nod nod nod.

Aaron: Yes.

Chris: It’s right there for everyone to see. Alright so let’s get into this. The title is– and we’re just going to go over like even the meaning of the title, because it’s such a powerful concept, “5 Steps to a Successful Person Driven, Cross-Platform, Multichannel, Marketing Drip Campaign That Works in 2018.” The first piece of it is Persona Driven, right? So you want to talk a little bit about what do we mean when we say persona driven?

Aaron: So persona driven, what you typically want to do – and this is for everybody, no matter what niche you’re in – you want to kind of build a persona, build an avatar of your target person. So you have a male and you have a female. And so you know what they like, what they like to watch on TV, maybe books they read that nobody else has read. What they typically do if they have hobbies, soccer moms, whatever. Where they hang out on a daily basis, kind of their habits.

Chris: Right, okay. Yeah, great. That’s persona driven. So we’re thinking about that persona and we’re going to drive the campaign off of that.

Aaron: Yes.

Chris: Next is the cross-platform. So we really wanted to break up cross-platform because it could mean a bunch of different things. For the purposes of this article or this conversation, cross-platform, we’re just going to say: traditional marketing and kind of all the things that can happen there. That could be billboards, radio, TV, mail-outs. We’re going to focus specifically on mail-outs for that. And then then other platform is digital, right? Which can be everything. That can be just the website or landing page, we could lump those together. It could be the PPC campaign, it could be an email campaign.

Aaron: Yes.

Chris: If you’re talking digital. We could almost call this text messaging, right? Could almost be like direct mail but digitally, right? But we’ll keep it on the digital–

Aaron: And if you’re listening to this podcast and you’re like, “I don’t have time for all of these different things.” Let me warn you, don’t pick out just one. If you want to build a multiplatform funnel that works–

Chris: That works in 2018.

Aaron: And it’ll work in 2019, and it’ll work in 2020. You’ll be able to build this out and you’ll always have it. So you’re building up assets and that’s what we tell our clients all the time, to build up these assets and you can deploy whenever. So like I need new clients or whatever, you just push that button–

Chris: Turn the lever.

Aaron: Turn the lever and cash just comes out.

Chris: I love how that sounds.

Aaron: Ching ching! Turn lever, ching ching!

Chris: No wonder we’re growing so fast.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: Really when you put together the campaign and it’s successful, then that is how it works. You pour more people into the funnel and then more customers come out of it. Alright, so that’s cross-platform. Really traditional versus digital marketing. And then we talk about multichannel. So even traditional can have the multichannel, right? One channel would be TV, or radio, or billboards– and billboards could be all sorts of– you know, there’s billboards all over the place.

Aaron: Yes, signs and stuff.

Chris: And mail-outs. And we will focus on mail-outs. And then if you think about the channel on the digital side, there’s a Facebook channel, there’s a Twitter channel, there’s an AdWords channel. Even within the AdWords ecosystem, right?

Aaron: Platform, yeah.

Chris: There’s a bunch of–

Aaron: You got Display Ads, you got Search Ads, you got Remarketing Ads. You have YouTube of course, which is in AdWords but it’s a video. So there’s a lot of different options in there to take advantage of.

Chris: And so that’s a channel within a channel if you will.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: So we’ve kind of defined cross-platform, we’ve done multichannel. Marketing drip, I guess the best analogy is: I think most people are aware of like an email drip campaign.

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: Right? So somebody gets into it somehow. Maybe you meet him at the– by the way I recommend this wholeheartedly. We actually have like a flat rate price for putting this together for you: Is you go to a networking event.

Aaron: Yes.

Chris: You get a business card. So sometimes that business card it’s a– I call it a 30-second card flip. Like maybe when you’re out the door, like, “Oh, here’s cards, cards,” and you’re collecting them as you go.

Aaron: He gets a card! She gets a card! Everybody gets a card!

Chris: So you’re going through this process, right? And you got all these cards and you got a choice. Like the choice is basically you should either throw them away or do something with them.

Aaron: Yes.

Chris: What usually happens with them, right? Before you are an expert sales person, what do you do with them?

Aaron: You just– they just go into oblivion.

Chris: They find a desk, right?

Aaron: No where, you never do anything with them. Like I think about like 90% of people who meet people at networking events never follow up.

Chris: In any way.

Aaron: Any way at all, don’t even send an email, a phone call, a text, anything. So you ultimately– when you have your networking event, you want to have canned responses or campaign just set up that you can deploy every time.

Chris: Yup.

Aaron: You don’t even have to think about it, you just click a couple buttons and it automatically goes out.

Chris: Yeah, you go back, you put in the name and the email address and boom it’s like, “Hey it was great to meet you at XYZ event last night.” We do such an such, or we think we’re talented because of this, or hopefully you can take advantage of this, or let me know how I can help you, like those. And then drip that out for 5 wee– we recommend our campaign, the kind of flat fee is 5, which is it gets you into the next month, right?

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: If the first one is within 24 hours and then the second one is within 24 hours of the fist one that you sent out, right? And then it’s once a week you’re getting another one. So you turn a 30 second card flip into a full month of contact with the person.

Aaron: Or even like we have a couple months and you know.

Chris: And an infinity campaign?

Aaron: And an infinity campaign. If you’re not getting the emails, get on the email list. We give tips there too.

Chris: They’re great tips, they’re great stories that teach about internet marketing. So yeah.

Aaron: Yeah. Yeah, it’s entertaining. We’re not just going to say: buy our stuff.

Chris: Yeah, buy our stuff! Buy our stuff! No, that doesn’t– it turns out that doesn’t work.

Aaron: Yeah, it’s kind of like if you were on a date, if you were looking for– you know kind of courting or looking for someone. You say, “Hey, marry me.”

Chris: Yeah, yeah. How does that go? First off I’d love to hear if anybody’s tried it, and how that worked out for them. I think there’s a TV show where they get married within one episode or maybe–

Aaron: Like a week or something. Yeah, marry me, something like that.

Chris: So yeah, what do you do? You do things– and actually we’ll draw some parallels to that dating as we talk about this kind of marketing drip. So you got that email that drips out to them. It’s kind of a no-brainer, you don’t necessarily have to think about it. And that’s probably where there’s a distinction that we’re going to make, is because we believe in measuring everything and improving everything on an ongoing basis. So we’re not just talking about something that yes, it’s an asset and you could set it and forget it, but if you want to maximize it, you should be tweaking it and adjusting it.

Aaron: Yeah tweaking it all the time, definitely.

Chris: So that’s the marketing campaign that works in 2018. Who is this for? Who is the type of person that really should take advantage of this? You’re the persona driven, cross-platform multichannel marketing drip campaign that works expert in 2018, 19 and 20. Who’s this for?

Aaron: So when you’re talking about all these different platforms, all these different campaigns. This is for B2B. It can be for B2C as well, but typically what you want is a high-ticket item. And so what we teach, what we have our clients do is we have what you call an ascension period – or like a kind of stair step ladder – on what products are there. You know they have the irresistible offer, then they have their easy bump, then they have their high-ticket item, and they have something that’s recurring. And so if you’re a B2C or a B2B business and you only have one product, you want to kind of extend that and ultimately get to recurring revenue, which is what you want.

Chris: Just as an example, that’s one of the things we did, right? When we started eWebResults– it actually started as e-WebStyle, our focus was programming and websites. And it became pretty clear pretty quickly that we needed one: a better business model, and two: a way to deliver more value to our customers, and it turned out they’re the same: deliver internet marketing leads. So yeah, change your business, adjust your business model so that you’ve got that ongoing revenue. So really if you’ve got an ongoing revenue model, then this is the right thing for you.

Aaron: Oh, this is definitely for you. If yours is ongoing monthly, recurring, you want to do something like this because ultimately – and we’ll talk about the math probably next week – it’s a math problem right? So if you typically have a customer that stays with you for 5 years, you want to add up that whole lifetime value and then take about 10-15% and that’s what you can use to get that customer. And so if you get a customer they’re going to stay with you for 10 years like a dentist, gynecologist.

Chris: Average value for a dentist new customer is $10,000.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: Lifetime.

Aaron: Gynaecologist is right there too. So if it’s that much, you have the ability to run campaigns like this. So that’s what we always want. If you don’t have, if you feel like a remodeler or something like that, maybe have warranty that they pay yearly for? Something like that. But those are kind of little things you can add to recurring, but you really want to know your lifetime value. And that’s how you determine if this campaign’s for you.

Chris: If it’s the right thing. And once you have it up and running, is it really working? Because it may not be cash flow working, but it may be building your business, which is the largest asset that you’ll ever build.

Aaron: And ultimately, this is a kind of tip, typically when you’re running a campaign to like cold traffic or something like that, you typically kind of– you’re good if you’re breaking even on that campaign. You’re spending $10 to get $10–

Chris: Cash flow even.

Aaron: Yeah, cash flow even.

Chris: Yeah, yeah.

Aaron: Because on the back end you know you have that recurring income–

Chris: Upsell.

Aaron: And you can upsell, and you can cross-sell, and do all those different things, you have your partnerships and everything like that. So you really want to think of that partnerships and upselling is definitely something we recommend. And you do that in your email, so if you’re not following up, get that as soon as you can. But yeah, that’s all about the recurring–

Chris: I got to throw this out there: yes, we do have campaigns that are cash flow positive.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: That’s our focus, that’s always our focus. It’s how do you reduce the expense for each new lead?

Aaron: Right.

Chris: And when you start looking at their competitive industries out there– specially it really matures quickly in the pay-per-click environment where if you’re not taking lifetime value into consideration, you shouldn’t be playing that game.

Aaron: At all.

Chris: Yeah.

Aaron: Because ultimately, the person who can spend the most will be on top. And the people that spend the most have a back end that’s working for them and bringing in that cash flow.

Chris: Yeah, absolutely. Alright, so what we thought it would be– so we know who it’s for, what we thought it would be best to do before we kind of dig into the 6 steps, right? We haven’t changed the title there? The 6 steps is to really kind of lay out an example of a marketing drip that we’re talking about, right?

Aaron: Yup.

Chris: And give you a couple examples and then we’ll kind of hit pause, we’ll come back in the next podcast, we’ll probably go over the example one more time and then jump into: okay great, now you conceptually have it, how do you make it work? How do you make it work for you and your business? So we’re going to over 6 steps and then they actually repeat.

Aaron: Yes.

Chris: It’s not a bad idea to have these kind of campaigns as infinity campaigns where each week or each month you’re coming– at least each month you’re coming in and you’re adding one new piece to the campaign, so it just keeps growing and growing and growing. Alright, so kind of first step. Let’s say you’ve got– you end up with a list, right? So you figure out who– you’re the business for whom this campaign is the type of thing that will work, and then you end up, we’re just going to assume for now, that you have a list of the right people.

Aaron: Right. And we’ll talk about that next week on how to get the right list.

Chris: Next time like what that list looks like and how you iron it out.

Aaron: Leaving them on the edge, that what they do in the TV shows.

Chris: Well yeah, we’re leaving them on the edge and this is the persona. So you’ve got a list of person people.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: A couple things about that list, it does need their name. Title it probably helps you to figure out the list, it’s got to have email.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: Right? And it’s got to have a mailing address for what we’re talking about.

Aaron: And number.

Chris: And phone number.

Aaron: Possibly, yeah.

Chris: Yeah. So you end up– each of those components sometimes can make the list a little more expensive, but it’s worth it and hopefully you can understand that. We’re going to go through this kind of 6 drip campaigns. Number #1 is an email or text. So the first thing you want to do is send– well, maybe there’s something you should do before that. Maybe you should do a little Brand Mania Marketing.

Aaron: Sounds like a book I read.

Chris: Sounds like a book called

Chris & Aaron: Build Your Brand Mania.

Aaron: .com!

Chris: .com! So Matt wrote a book called Build Your Brand Mania .co– not .com, you can find the book there.

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: And what this is, is there’s another title for that type of marketing, we also call it premarketing.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: So you can do really cool things on lots of different platforms when you take a list of email addresses.

Aaron: Yes.

Chris: So before your campaign officially starts, you can actually have your ads, banner ads: inexpensive, showing up in front of your target audience before they even get their first email. So that’s really kind of brand mania marketing, building the brand so that when they get that first email, they’re like, “Oh wait–”

Aaron: “I saw that guy.”

Chris: “That looks familiar.” And they may not even know where, right?

Aaron: Yeah, and one thing, this is like legitimately secret sauce stuff.

Chris: Oh oh, Pro Tip.

Aaron: Yes. Pro Tip, Pro Tip.

Chris: Yeah.

Aaron: On YouTube– this is right now we’re actually running a campaign. I said this in the other podcast, but you probably haven’t seen it. We’re getting views on YouTube for about 2 cents.

Chris: 2 cents for a view.

Aaron: 2 cents for a view. That’s 30 seconds– they’re like they’re watching the whole commercial for 2 cents.

Chris: Wow.

Aaron: Branding. So imagine seeing eWebResults bobblehead commercials on YouTube.

Chris: Yeah bobblehead commercials.

Aaron: Yes, for 2 cents you’ll get your building your brand up with your targeted list and they’re seeing you on YouTube for 2 cents a pop. It was like we were spending like $100 bucks for like 11,000 views, it was something crazy.

Chris: Yeah.

Aaron: It was something crazy.

Chris: So we’ll throw that into like brand mania marketing, so you can get that started. By the way when do you stop brand mania marketing?

Aaron: You never stop.

Chris: Oh never?

Aaron: Make sure you have the remarketing pixel on your website. If you’re doing this campaign, and in all your campaigns, you should be doing branding. $5 a day will get you more customers, more sales, like it’s a simple thing. So if you don’t got that setup, call me for your website analysis.

Chris: Yeah, yeah.

Aaron: I’ll do that for you, we’ll get that setup.

Chris: Yeah, absolutely.

Aaron: Shameless plug.

Chris: Alright so email. So the first thing that is going out after you’ve started your brand mania marketing is email or a text, right? And maybe it’s a little bit of both.

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: Maybe a couple examples. What might they email? What might that first email look like going out?

Aaron: The email could be some educational information. So maybe it’s not about your business.

Chris: By the way what you’re telling me is it’s not Buy Now?

Aaron: No. No. Do not send Buy Now, that’s how you get–

Chris: Especially blind.

Aaron: Yes, that’s how you get spam complaints, and people complaining, and all those different things. So you want to make educational content, do something of value that helps your person. Kind of like we kinda do this podcast to help our listeners?

Chris: Help, yeah.

Aaron: Yeah. So do something of value. If you have 5 tips, or 6 secrets, or you have a blog on your website that’s giving them some good content. What you want to do – just building up that trust with your people – you want to send them something of value, educational content. If you send them like a blog link, once they click on it, you’ll be able to retarget them and drop them into another bucket. So typically that’s what you want to do with your mail and text messages.

Chris: Okay. Alright so email text, step 1. Step 2 we actually think phone call, right? So this kind of checks the validity of your list, right? Because you might have to do some research, oh that number. You know not all lists are perfect, that shouldn’t surprise you but you get in there and you say, “Hey, did you get the email?” So one: you’re checking does the phone number work? And two: “Hey, did you get the email or the text? Did you find that information useful?” You may get some unsubscribes in here, don’t be disheartened at this point, just make that contact with them because this is another touch point. It’s also like this is where you may not start the phone call with Buy Now, but you get to take the temperature of your list. And how ready are they to buy now? Some of them will actually buy right away. They’ll be like, “Okay, I’ve been waiting for you to call.”

Aaron: Yeah. They’ll ask. They’ll start asking question that’ll give you the opportunity to sell and that’s what you’re looking for.

Chris: Alright so step 1: email text. Two: phone call. Next is a mail piece, right? So mail– there’s all sorts of mail pieces. You were showing me a book the other day that had like fantastic mail piece ideas. And we’re not talking– I mean the most rudimentary would just be a post card, right?

Aaron: Yes.

Chris: Postcard’s worth doing.

Aaron: That’s okay.

Chris: Absolutely, worth doing.

Aaron: It’s okay.

Chris: Especially if you’re doing your brand mania marketing and you did your phone call and you did your email, right? So now they’re starting to get a sense of who you are. But if you wanted to do something special, there’s some really cool– what might you recommend?

Aaron: Well first of all, I know this is for me. When I get something in the mail that’s personally written, that’s handwritten, I kind of get excited.

Chris: Yeah, it’s like Christmas.

Aaron: Yeah, it is like Christmas.

Chris: “Huh! What? For me?”

Aaron: Right, so it makes it– it’s not bill? Oh my gosh! What is this? Let me open it as quick as possible. And I’m sure most people get that feeling. So you want to personalize it. If you can send a personalize letter, handwritten or whatever, there’s software online that will kind off–

Chris: Make it look personalized.

Aaron: Make it look personalized, handwritten and stuff like that. Ultimately depending on your ticket price, and your lifetime value, you can send 3D mail with like a Rubik’s Cube or a message in a bottle or something like that.

Chris: So that sounds cool. So it’s an actual message in the bottle.

Aaron: How excited would you be to get that?

Chris: Like yeah, so a bottle comes in your email and inside it’s a message. Like yeah, you’re going to open that.

Aaron: Yeah, and ultimately with the 3D mail, the goal is to get it opened. You have to get it opened. Just like email, you know how you have to have a good subject line?

Chris: Yup.

Aaron: You have to draw that attention, get that mail piece opened because based on the experts and the gurus that are smarter than me, they say people sort their email over the trash. So you don’t want to get put in the trash.

Chris: Yeah, sort their real mail?

Aaron: Yeah, real mail.

Chris: Over the trash.

Aaron: I said email.

Chris: Yeah, they’re not throwing that bottle in there.

Aaron: At all, they’re not throwing the bottle up there, it’s going to stay there. And another thing about 3D mail is you don’t want to get stacked.

Chris: Oh, yeah. Into the stack of things that I’ll read later.

Aaron: So you can’t stack a bottle, you can’t stack bulk email like a puzzle piece or something like that. And so ultimately you’ll be on the top. If you’re on the top, you get seen. If you get seen, you get opened.

Chris: Yeah, very cool. Alright so email text, phone call, mail piece. What would be next after a mail piece? That feels like a lot already.

Aaron: Yeah, do it again.

Chris: Do it again.

Aaron: Yes.

Chris: So phone call, “Hey, did you get our message in the bottle?”

Aaron: Yes.

Chris: “Oh, that was you guys?” Like they still may not have clue who you are right?

Aaron: Right.

Chris: That was you guys? That’s another followup right? In fact even in that first call you might say, “Hey, we sent something out special to you, keep your eyes open for it.

Aaron: Yeah, you can send that right when you send it. And there’s a lot of different things you can say. You know we have scripts for that, but you give them a call to just see where they’re at. So you already called them once, so by the time you call them the second time, they’ve already seen your ads online, they’ve already got the email, possibly the text.

Chris: Maybe they visited your site.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: Which maybe they have, maybe they haven’t.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: And if they’ve visited your site, you kind of move them into another category, another segment, right?

Aaron: Yeah. Hey these people clicked on my site, it’s easy to do that with the Google Analytics pixels and stuff like that, so that’s super easy.

Chris: And that’s the remarketing phase, right? So you kind of got brand mania marketing until they actually engage with you online in some way, and then get them into remarketing.

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: So that phone call and then, now what do we do? We just kind of repeat the email that comes out, right? So literally just repeat. Email, phone, mail piece, phone, email. This email’s like, “Hey, again you got the call, did you get the mail piece? Just want to make sure, we’re following up.”

Aaron: If they opened it it’s, “What did you think about it?”

Chris: Yeah, what did you think about it? How could we improve it? By any chance would you be happen to ready to buy now?

Aaron: Right.

Chris: Like now you can start asking those types of questions, right? So now you can start dripping in and easing into the purchase portion of the sale. And then phone call about that email, and then we were kind of brainstorming another puzzle piece that could come out of 3D mail – I like that name – is a puzzle. Hey, I’m puzzled why we haven’t actually connected yet.

Aaron: Yeah, puzzle piece, Rubik’s Cube, anything that’s a puzzle. You know something that people like take a long time to do.

Chris: Right, so here we go. Here’s the pattern, it’s email, call, mail piece, call, email, call, mail piece, call, email, call, mail piece. And you can stretch that out as long as as you want. All the while starting with brand mania marketing, right? So that’s taking that email list, putting it on to those different channels– not platforms because it’s one platform, digital. Put them on those different channels so that you can some premarketing in front of them, and then once they start to engage with you, getting them on remarketing, right? So that’s the campaign–

Aaron: It’s really simple.

Chris: Yeah, it’s simple. Obviously–

Aaron: Not easy.

Chris: If you’re going from a postcard to a bottle, the price difference is going to be different, right? You may want to skip of the phone calls or whatever, and we’re going to talk about when those things have value in the next podcast. And we’re going to kind of leave you hanging at this point.

Aaron: To be continued.

Chris: To be continued. So next time– actually we kind of– we deceived you a little. I apologize. Next time we’ll be talking about the 6 steps to successfully– to a successful persona driven–

Aaron: Well we talked about 6 steps, didn’t we?

Chris: Yeah, that’s true.

Aaron: Kinda.

Chris: Actually we added. I think there’s 7 steps over there.

Aaron: Yeah, 7 steps.

Chris: Alright so really that does bring us towards the end of the podcast. I want to say that if you liked this podcast, please go ahead and tell three people about this podcast. Let’s build our listenership up. We have over– is it over–? We have over 3.6 million downloads of our podcast. Punch in the face to you guys for downloading our podcast. If you’re looking to grow your business with the largest, simplest marketing tool on the planet–

Aaron: The internet.

Chris: Yeah, the internet. And most of what we’re talking about today was the internet, just different aspects. Call eWebResults for increased revenue in your business 713-592-6724. If you have a referral, somebody – I don’t know – who maybe wants a very successful persona driven, cross-platform, multichannel marketing drip campaign that works, send them our direction when they pay their bill, we pay you.

Aaron: We pay them.

Chris: Yeah, that works out really good. Or we could give it to a charity of your choice. Was there something else that I wanted to–? I don’t think that’s–

Aaron: No, no.

Chris: I think we’re good right? Please note we were filmed live here in Houston, Texas at 5999, West 34th Street, Suite 106. You can get a transcript, video and audio of this podcast at our website, which is new by the way! Go check out–

Aaron: New website! It is awesome! Shout out to JaMarcus!

Chris: Punch in the face to JaMarcus. Did you say shout out?

Aaron: Punch in the face! Sorry, it’s my first time.

Chris: You just went from 5 to 2. Yeah, punch in the face to JaMarcus, he really did an amazing job. And so punch in the face to all you guys for making us the most popular internet marketing podcast on iTunes. It is all because of you. Thanks for interacting with us. Social media: boost it, push it out there, get more value from us. Let us know the value you’re getting, we really appreciate that. Until the next podcast, my name’s Chris Burres.

Aaron: My name is Aaron Weathers.

Chris & Aaron: Bye bye for now.