Persona Driven Multi Channel Email Campaign That Works 2018 – Part 2
Before you start a Successful Persona Driven Cross Platform Multi-Channel Marketing Drip Campaign, know your numbers! Join Chris and Aaron for another thrilling episode of the Best SEO Podcast. TRANSCRIPT:

Chris: Hi and welcome to the SEO Podcast: Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing. My name is Chris Burres, owner of eWebResults. Matt: My name is Matt Bertram and we are live!

Chris: We are both live and recording this time. This is the third time we’ve actually started the podcast. Welcome back– we’re having fun though. Welcome back to another fun-filled edition of the podcast. This is Podcast #430. And as always, in every podcast we have a tip and the tip from our previous podcast is– yeah?

Aaron: Tip, Matt. Matt, Matt, get off of my podcast man! This is Part 2! This is Part 2! Matt: Listen to this guy, he knows what he’s talking about. This is what we do for our clients, it’s awesome.

Chris: That’s right, this is Part 2 of “6 Steps to a Successful Person Driven, Cross-Platform, Multichannel, Marketing Drip Campaign That Works in 2018.” Welcome back Aaron.

Aaron: Thank you!

Chris: I know you had to do a little work and kick Matt off of the stage three times.

Aaron: Yeah, he’s about to have a baby so I had to get him out of here so he can get over to his wife.

Chris: He’s got things to take care of.

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: I want to jump into this review right away.

Aaron: We didn’t give the tip!

Chris: Oh. Let’s do the tip! That’s right, we want to make sure we do the tip.

Aaron: And the tip is: before you start a podcast make sure it’s live.

Chris: That’s good for me.

Aaron: Before you start a successful persona driven, cross-platform, multichannel marketing drip campaign have a plan!

Chris: You’ve got to have a plan. These campaigns can be incredibly successful. Mostly because the targeting is so tight and you’re actually hitting the exact right people, and if you don’t have a plan, they’ll simply fail. Make sure that you subscribe, follow–

Chris & Aaron: Boom!

Chris: Alright, so please remember Aaron and I we are here in Houston and we are your–

Chris & Aaron: Results Rebels!

Chris: I want to jump into this review right away. This is from J Barshop, it is of course–

Chris & Aaron: 5 stars!

Chris: It says, “Matt, Chris and their guests provide some incredible actionable and compelling content, spotlighting the coming SEO & Content Marketing trends and absolute best techniques to help you effectively grow your business without breaking the bank.” I like that. “Highly recommend listening and subscribing to the SEO Podcast – Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing,” apparently we’re also really good on long titles.

Aaron: Yes.

Chris: “If you want the knowledge AND mindsets to get ahead of the curve (and reach your overall business goals as a result)!” You need to subscribe to us.

Aaron: Yes.

Chris: Man, punch in the face to you Mr J.

Aaron: Punch in the Face.

Chris: Assuming J Barshop. We really appreciate you submitting that review and making it–

Chris & Aaron: 5 stars!

Chris: “5 Online Marketing Mistakes That Can Tank Your Business–” if you’ve come back, you’re probably interested in those 5 marketing mistakes and how to avoid them.

Aaron: Yes, avoid them.

Chris: Go ahead and go to eWebResults.com/SEOTip. Next, we have a really good article today that we haven’t created yet.

Aaron: Not yet.

Chris: We’re actually going to talk, like we said in the last podcast, about those 6 steps that makes these campaigns really work. So we’re going to jump into that shortly. Then to kind of show you what you should be doing with content, then we’re going to take that content and we’re going to turn it into an article, and we’ll probably put it on some other podcast, and then we’ll turn it on another article that we’ll stick it somewhere and–

Aaron: Right. Yeah, put a press release and we’ll do everything. But you’re getting an exclusive before it even comes out.

Chris: Before it even exists. We would like if you’re in a good position to, go ahead and tweet now, you want to tag us in it: #SEOPodcast430, @BestSEOPodcast, @eWebResults, @MattBertramLive, @ChrisBurresEweb. You got a Twitter handle?

Aaron: I don’t really. I don’t have a Twitter handle.

Chris: @IDontReallyHaveATwitterHandleYet

Aaron: Yeah. Aaron Weathers, you can find me on Twitter, I just don’t know my handle.

Chris: Aaron Weathers. Alright, let’s see. So each and every week we run a contest and that contest works like this: if we get 10 shikos–

Aaron: Share, like, follow, the hearts on Facebook.

Chris: First off, if we get 10 shikos we just got something for you. Shikau!

Aaron: Shikau! Shikau!

Chris: That’s the sound. So we’ve decided because everybody around eWeb was like, “I like Shikau!” And I’m like, “That’s great, still I like Shiko.” So the task is to go shiko and when you shiko us, you get a Shikau! That’s a punch in the face with the little bubble.

Aaron: It kind of sounds like karate though.

Chris: With the bubble that says– okay, karate chop with the bubble that says Shikau.

Aaron: Yes, the bubble’s on our website.

Chris: So we did in fact get 10 shikos or shikaus and– this is going to be a hard transition for me, I got to admit. We’ll get there, we’ll get there, but this is going to be a hard transition. And we also got a review, so what we’re going to do is we’re going to leave that piece where we tell you how to leave us a review and connect with us, we’re going to leave that towards the end. I don’t even think we did it last time.

Aaron: We didn’t, we gave them a treat last time.

Chris: You deserved it. If you’re looking for a free website analysis, you can get that at our website. Go ahead and go to eWebResults.com. I didn’t get any news for today because I know we got a big long article and we’ve got lots to do, and we skipped pieces last time that we [00:05:03] [Indiscernible]

Aaron: Oh, news! You can’t submit Google URLs to Google anymore. They kind of hid the link.

Chris: So you can no longer submit Google URLs to Google.

Aaron: Yeah. So when you used to submit them, you used to be able to type in: Google URL Submit and they have the bar right there. You just submit, put your URL in and click submit, it was an easy process. Now they removed it. It was like a couple days ago, there’s some super ninja process that our SEO teams does in Webmaster tools.

Chris: Oh, okay.

Aaron: Yeah, so they’re just making it a little bit harder for us out here.

Chris: Is that another tip? Google uses– is that another tip or is that something else?

Aaron: No.

Chris: That’s something else.

Aaron: Yeah, that’s something else.

Chris: Let’s see if we’ve got some other– you may have noticed if you’re on YouTube and you’re actually watching the video: Hi! Thanks for joining us by the way. That we’re looking over to our left. We actually have our whiteboard over there, and we’ve got all this podcast laid out over there, so we’re kind of pulling it off. And Aaron snuck in a note that was– I was like maybe that’s a tip, and apparently–

Aaron: It will be a tip during this podcast.

Chris: Oh okay, cool. Alright, so here we go. We gotta pick up a little bit where we left off. Again, “6 Steps to a Successful Person Driven, Cross-Platform, Multichannel, Marketing Drip Campaign That Works in 2018.” First off, what is kind of the overall structure? And so we’ve got to go through this real quickly so then we can then jump into the meat of this podcast, which is about what are those 6 steps and how do we make it happen? So really a multichannel, cross-platform marketing drip campaign is these components, right? And we always start with brand mania marketing. I mean you got a list, it’s got email. And if it’s got email, then you can start what we call brand mania marketing. Punch in the face to Matt for his book Build Your Brand Mania.

Aaron: .com

Chris: Which you can get at BuildYourBrandMania.com. And so what that is, is hey you’re actually getting a couple kind of precursor ads in front of people before they even get their first email, right?

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: This first email is maybe like, “Hey, pay attention we got a mail piece heading your direction, right?

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: And maybe a tip. It depends on what you want to put together. We’re going to talk about that a little bit in this podcast. Next is a phone call, “Hey, did you get my email?”

Aaron: Also verifying information, just making sure everything’s right.

Chris: Confirming it, yeah.

Aaron: Yeah. Actually you remember– this was like a couple weeks ago, but somebody called a client and they told them they were looking to submit an order or whatever. And the client gave them the right email, “What email do you need?” They gave them the right email because they wanted to “Submit an order.” Found out it’s a sales call. They’re just trying to find the right email.

Chris: They’re doing the information fishing.

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: Not in a bad– well it depends on your perspective. But not in the theft way but in the sales way. Yeah.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: So that call is, “Hey, we sent this email. Let me confirm some information. Pay attention because we just mailed you something really cool and when you get in the mail you’re going to know exactly what it is.” So the next step, that mail piece– I think the one that stood out for both of us was– and is it a website, 3D mail or is it just a book that you got? The 3D mail book?

Aaron: Oh yeah, there is a website 3DMailResults.com.

Chris: There you go.

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: So the one that stood out for us is a message in a bottle. So literally they mail the bottle and then you’ve got this message in it. So we were talking with one of my business partners like, “I hate getting mail, I wouldn’t send mail.” And we’re like, “Well about a message in a bottle?” And he’s like, “Oh.”

Aaron: Yeah, that’s cool.

Chris: “Oh yeah, I would pay attention to that.”

Aaron: Probably open that.

Chris: And he was even like, “Make sure you don’t mail too often.” And I’m like, “What if the next day you got a Rubik’s cube and it was talking about– has a accounting puzzled you?” “Oh, that would be cool.”

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: If you’ve got the right mail piece then it’s going to keep their attention.

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: Get that mail piece and then schedule another call. “Hey, I told you we were sending something really cool in the mail, now it’s arrived. Alright, what do you think? Do you have any questions?” And then you just start this over again. Email, phone call, mail piece. Email, phone call, mail piece. And all the while you’ve got remarketing going on. So if off of those emails, they’re getting to your webpage, then you got emails going on. Also if they decide to engage with you on any level you can actually have another one of these same type of campaigns–

Aaron: Segment it out to people who you can start “selling to.” Soft selling.

Chris: Yeah, so they’re on a slightly different path.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: I’m getting a little [00:09:17] [Indiscernible] Alright, so great. You guys understand the concept, let’s really jump in and talk about what do you need to do to make it work. Step #1: not only is it Step #1, it is by far– would you agree?

Aaron: The most, the most important part of the entire campaign,

Chris: Without a doubt. So let me an idea– so what it is– let’s give it to you. It’s targeting, right? You’ve got to get that target list. I’m going to give you an example. Let’s say you’ve got some sort of a small poster and you’re trying to sell dental marketing services, right? And you set that poster in the lobby of a hotel. Is it possible that a dentist will walk by and might be interested in your services?

Aaron: Possibly.

Chris: Absolutely, along with another 1000, 3000 people who aren’t dentist, or are dentist who don’t care, or–

Aaron: Who are kids.

Chris: Or kids. Knocking over the sign if they were my kids.

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: Oh sorry, sorry. As I’m picking it up–

Aaron: This is live.

Chris: As I’m picking it up I’d be like, “This is a really bad place for this. Why is it even here?” So imagine that, that’s in the lobby. Now imagine you go and you put it in a conference room where there’s actually like a dental accounting training going on.

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: That’s targeting.

Aaron: Exactly.

Chris: These are the people– even better would be like a dental PPC campaign if you’re selling SEO.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: They’re training– excuse me, a dental PPC training event and your billboard or your little poster board is about dental SEO.

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: Targeting. We say it’s 1 out of 10, it’s a 9.

Aaron: Yes, it’s a 9. It’s that important. And so a lot of times with the targeting, you can get lists from a lot of different sources online. One thing on Facebook, Facebook is like– it’s Facebook mania to a degree. Everybody wants to put something on Facebook, run Facebook Ads, all these different things, everbody’s promoting it. But the thing about Facebook a lot of times is, especially right now because the data breach– the Cambridge, Analytica data breach? Facebook is pulling a lot of that targeting off of their platforms. So they’re about to pull–

Chris: So you can’t get a specific–

Aaron: Right, you can’t get a specific, they’re taking the incomes off of there. They took ethnicities off of there a while back, but people were still trying to run traffic on Facebook and it’s just like setting up that billboard when they’re walking through the hotel.

Chris: In the lobby, yeah.

Aaron: And it’s just going through a lot of cold traffic and not getting a lot of good conversions.

Chris: So you no longer have the ability on Facebook to stick it in that one conference room that you want. It’s sending it to the lobby and [00:11:47] [Indiscernible]

Aaron: Right. Yeah, or sitting in the hallway where they’re kind of walking in. Facebook is taking a lot of stuff down.

Chris: Or at least maybe it’s in the lobby but there is a dental conference going on.

Aaron: Yeah, you can make it into the room.

Chris: So it’s better but it’s–

Aaron: It’s not at the room.

Chris: Yeah. So targeting, absolutely the most important thing. If you’re going to spend a lot of time and frankly a lot of money sometimes– but you usually don’t have to, but that’s where to spend a lot of that time. Hone that down, especially when we start talking about these campaigns. You’re mailing a bottle, that’s not cheap right? It’s not your 50 cent postcard.

Aaron: No, $5-$6 bucks, $7 bucks. So when we were talking about targeting, if we’re talking in more detail, you want to know what position the person–

Chris: In the company?

Aaron: Yeah, in the company if you’re B2B. What Zip codes? How much the company makes? How many employees they have? Maybe you mail it to a couple people in that company. If it’s a person, you don’t only want to know, oh they’re married and they have kids, you want to know how long have they been living in their house?

Chris: Yeah.

Aaron: You know, how many kids do they have?

Chris: How many cars do they have?

Aaron: How many cars do they have? Do they have a business?

Chris: Yeah.

Aaron: All these different things are extra sniper-like techniques that you can use, but they’re super important. And think about it: if you get a list like that, that’s perfect, you’re perfect audience. Imagine how more powerful your marketing will be even if it’s not perfect.

Chris: Even if you haven’t really written everything right. Which brings us to the next thing.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: Right? Before writing it, you got to know what you’re going to offer them, right? And I talk about Target Offer Copy a lot. In this case this offer is a little bit different. So it’s not– the offer isn’t, “Hey 50% off of our services.” That’s not the lead. Actually you might get into it in the campaign, you might make that offer at some point after you’ve built some rapport with these people, because you sent them a bottle, and a puzzle, and a puzzle piece or whatever. But that offer is really about getting them to raise their hand. And Aaron’s got a really aggressive example.

Aaron: Yeah, so I got this from Perry Marshal. Punch in the face to you Perry for watching.

Chris: Yeah, punch in the face.

Aaron: He calls it racking the shotgun. So you basically– the metaphor is you’re racking the shotgun in the room and you–

Chris: By the way we don’t recommend that you walk in a room and rack a shotgun.

Aaron: At all.

Chris: Just throwing that out.

Aaron: Never, never shot a gun. If you racked a shotgun in a room, the people who perked up are, in his example they’re marks. In your example they’d be people–

Chris: I didn’t hear it, it’s getting worse.

Aaron: So they’re marks for marketing and they perk their ears up and that means they’re interested in your service. And so you’re basically finding out who’s interested with your offer, and the people who respond in any way– if it’s an email, they click. If it’s a direct mail, maybe they call, maybe they respond to your text. If they respond in any way then you move them to the next step from the cold audience you’re kind of running into and you move them through your process.

Chris: And really the whole goal is: get them to raise their hand, right?

Aaron: Exactly.

Chris: So those people who react to that shotgun rack, are the ones who are kind of raising their hand and saying, “Hey that’s interesting to me. I’m officially now– I’m not just a suspect, I’m a prospect.”

Aaron: Right, exactly. Good words.

Chris: So that’s really good. And I’ve got a kind of kinder gentler one, but I’m good with the shotgun and the target.

Aaron: We’re the Results Rebels.

Chris: So I’m trying to understand, when you walk into a room and you rack a shotgun, what does it mean for the people who don’t move? Anyway.

Aaron: His example was actually in Vegas in like a loud casino, but yeah.

Chris: Oh because they’re so focused on gambling, and yeah whether they can–

Aaron: And wasting their money.

Chris: Where they can– like who do you speak to–.? Alright, so you’ve actually got the raising their hand, and what are they raising their hand? Did you get into all of that because I think I may have zoned out.

Aaron: Oh to the offer? Yeah so to the offer you want to make sure you’re making an irresistible offer. This can be education, we like to start with education because education builds you up as an authority in your niche. Somebody who just sells services is at the bottom of the bucket in competition because they don’t have that trust and they don’t have the authority, but with education–

Chris: It’s too big of an ask, right?

Aaron: Right, right. It’s too big [00:15:47] [Indiscernible] so when you lead with education, you’re building that trust, building that authority and giving them an easy barrier of entry.

Chris: A lower barrier.

Aaron: Yeah, a lower barrier.

Chris: So it’s much easier to say, “Hey give me your email for this whitepaper,” than it is to say, “Give me $2000 cash for this service,” right?

Aaron: Yes, definitely.

Chris: And you gave the example in the last one which was like: you just don’t go in a bar and walk up to people and say, “Will you marry me?”

Aaron: Yeah, that just doesn’t work. And especially–

Chris: Yeah, have you tried it? Because you sounded very confidently.

Aaron: I might tried once. But in services like recurring, like we’re in marketing and we handle clients campaigns every month. We’ve had clients 4-5 years, so I mean, people are getting diverse pretty quick these days, but 5 years is a long time. And so if they’re going to invest with you or spend their “business life” with you, you want to start that conversation and ask them you know, “Can I buy you a drink? Can we go out to some coffee?”

Chris: Yeah, yeah.

Aaron: And that’s what that irresistible offer is: education. We’re putting out offers actually on the site. We got 101 SEO tips that you can catch, you have to find, you have to search for, but maybe we’ll put that out.

Chris: Mini Guides?

Aaron: Yeah, Mini Guides. Resources or something.

Chris: It’s under the resources tab on our website.

Aaron: Yeah, but those are really good lead magnets. You can use something that’s called the Skyscraper Technique which is by Brian Dean from Backlinko. It’s a great tool you can use. And so you can use that to generate some ideas on getting some good lead magnets to your suspects.

Chris: Awesome. Alright, so we’ve got targeting, we’ve got offer, and next is actually the messaging. So I’m going to say: so imagine you’ve got this room. Let’s say they’re there for PPC education, they’ve actually checked the box – and I’m talking about the dentist going into that particular room – and they check the box that “Yes, I want to spend money on marketing.” “No, I don’t want to do it myself.” Like you’ve got all of these things, and really the ideal people– the messaging doesn’t necessarily matter that much, right?

Aaron: Right.

Chris: Right, it’s the thing that you can tweak. And you can usually squeeze like three– like you could totally mess it up. Let’s not get that wrong, right? But if the targeting is right, and the offer is right, it’s basically irresistible.

Aaron: Yeah, that’s more than half of the battle. It’s most of the battle.

Chris: Yeah. And then at that point he’s like, “Okay, just don’t mess it up with the copy, right?”

Aaron: Right.

Chris: And actually you got images that make sense. Make sure that you got text and keep the misspellings out of there, and make right grammar, and all that kind of stuff.

Aaron: And make sure that you talk about the costumer more than you talk about yourself.

Chris: Yeah.

Aaron: That’s one really good tip to make it even–

Chris: That’s a Pro Tip.

Aaron: Yeah, that is Pro Tip. Make sure you’re talking about your customer, make sure you’re saying “You.” You want to elicit emotions and not just talk about your features. You want to talk about benefits and emotions. How they will feel when they get your service, and what they’ll get after that.

Chris: Yeah, absolutely. So that’s messaging. That’s actually pretty short. Next is where are you going to market? So we’ve kind of identified some places– so the main places are: email or text – actually we haven’t mentioned that today, we mentioned it in the last one – then the phone call, and then the physical mail piece. Those are a given, right? In terms of these persona driven, cross-platform, multichannel marketing drip campaigns that work.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: Right? Those are the given. The next thing is: okay anybody who– let’s say somebody gets that first email– we got two faces of this. One of them is we’ve got the brand mania marketing, right? Which is: hey, I got the email list. One: can we still upload that into Facebook and market to them?

Aaron: Yes, you can still upload your Facebook to your Facebook custom audiences. YouTube, AdWords, upload that list to all those platforms so you can hit them everywhere they’re at, and you know–

Chris: And even before they get that first email. So maybe they see some of that and they engage with you. And by engage I mean they visit they visit your website. So you want to do remarketing. So you’ve got all of these channels that we’re using. In terms of remarketing, same thing.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: Your list: Facebook, YouTube, you want to make sure that you have pay-per-click campaigns for relevant searches because really in this process you’re going to be generating demand from those people who maybe weren’t ready to buy right away. Now they’re becoming ready to buy, they want to do some more research because you put it in the back of their head.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: And so you’ve just got to make sure when they go to do that research, you’re showing up.

Aaron: Yes, definitely.

Chris: So where? Mailbox, email, AdWords, Facebook, YouTube, phone, text.

Aaron: All of them.

Chris: And then remember on AdWords there’s so many places on AdWords.

Aaron: Display.

Chris: Mobile devices.

Aaron: Right, mobile devices, tablets, desktops, laptops.

Chris: Yup. But again, and again: email, phone, mail piece. Those are the keys.

Aaron: Quick thing about mail, anybody out there who’s doubting direct mail, if you send out a postcard and it actually didn’t work. Funny thing: Google to get their PPC started, to get people to get on PPC, they actually used direct mail. Crazy right?

Chris: Okay, okay.

Aaron: Google used direct mail to get people to use PPC. And actually–

Chris: I feel like that’s enough said, right?

Aaron: Right.

Chris: That’s like– yeah. If Google’s going to use direct mail to encourage PPC, then direct mail works.

Aaron: Yeah, and actually I know some family member who actually sells Google Fiber, you know the internet service?

Chris: Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Aaron: Door to door.

Chris: Yeah.

Aaron: He does that right now.

Chris: Yeah, they’re not doing online.

Aaron: They’re doing it door to door.

Chris: So actually they probably should be using– I don’t know, a person driven, cross-platform, multichannel marketing drip campaign?

Aaron: That works in 2018, and last piece on the direct mail: a lot of businesses out there, if you’re a business you probably got a Google beacon in the mail. Client’s have been asking us about that, we got a beacon in the mail too. We’re doing all the research on that, we might do a podcast on that in the future as well.

Chris: Yeah, yeah. It’s just a little round tube.

Aaron: Yeah, they said the battery lasts forever.

Chris: I feel like it doesn’t do much. Yet because we’re not using it.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: Alright. So we’ve got #1, #2, #3, #4, now we’re getting into #5: “When,” right? So this is really going to be like the cadence– it could also be When actually seasonally.

Aaron: Yes definitely.

Chris: So here’s one thing: there’s a couple parts of the year – if you’re trying to market to accountants – when you probably shouldn’t start your campaign, or should even skip that month because the account– I literally was in a networking group, we were trying to do some recruiting and we’re knocking door to door. It was right at tax season, and I walked into the accountants office and this lady looked like she could’ve been like– her hair was hanging down, she was all sweaty. And I was like, “We’re–” “It’s tax season.” That’s all she said. I was like, “We’ll be back,” and we just walked out. So there are When is actually important when these things go out. But in general it’s more about kind of the cadence, the frequency that you want to be sending these out. Do you have any thoughts on what you might be adjusting? I mean one, the phone number. Like if you’re going to make a phone call, you want to make it pretty quickly after the email’s landed, after the mail pieces.

Aaron: Yeah. So direct mail, you probably want to mail a direct mail pieces every other week. And have a phone call either preceding or after that because after your direct mail piece– you’re sending messages in a bottle, Rubik’s Cubes, [00:23:12] [Indiscernible] I mean it’s going to be fresh on their mind. And a lot of times whatever it is, it’s going to be still visible to that person or to them.

Chris: On their desk.

Aaron: Right, on their desk. So you say, “Hey, did you get that message in a bottle?” It’s probably right in front of them.

Chris: Yeah.

Aaron: And so they’ll remember you a lot. As far as spacing it out, typically if you’re sending a direct mail piece one week, maybe next week you send one or two emails or a phone call, but not all three of them in the same week.

Chris: I would agree with that.

Aaron: So you’re starting the phone calls, and after they hear– let’s say maybe they don’t answer the phone the first couple times, or maybe you don’t get into the decision maker because you’ve got to get past the gatekeeper.

Chris: Yeah.

Aaron: Maybe you don’t get into them the first couple times, after one direct mail piece, two direct mail pieces, a couple emails. Eventually you’re going to get to talk to the person you want to talk to. So you send them every other week on the mail pieces, and then in between that you’re having phone calls and emails.

Chris: Yup. And you want to play with it. And in fact when you’re sending emails– I don’t think we’ve done an entire podcast, but we’ve certainly talked about this in past where like: hey if you look at your Google Analytics and you figure what day of the week, and even what time on the day that you’re busiest? That’s clearly when people are thinking about what you do, for whatever reason it’s some sort of pattern, right?

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: And so that would be a really good time to send an email.

Aaron: Send an email, do a phone call. Pro Tip? This is with like calls and stuff. Fridays, times likes this, people are ending their day, they’re happy. You can give them a call, shoot them an email. Lunch time or actually before office hours.

Chris: Yeah, that’s best for calls.

Aaron: Yeah, best for calls. Yeah.

Chris: Sometimes not best for emails because they may have piled up.

Aaron: Definitely, definitely piled up in the morning.

Chris: And definitely not on Monday. Don’t send an email on Monday.

Aaron: Yeah, don’t send me anything on a Monday.

Chris: And probably like all Monday really, and then maybe not phone calls, but yeah.

Aaron: Yeah.

Chris: So kind of understand your Google Analytics can give you some good guidance on When. Alright and #6. Again, this is, “6 Steps to a Successful Person Driven, Cross-Platform, Multichannel, Marketing Drip Campaign That Works in 2018,”

Aaron: That Works in 2018, yes!

Chris: Measure. As always we talk about Measure. Don’t throw money against the wall and see if it sticks.

Aaron: Right.

Chris: Measure, measure, measure. So the reason it’s so important is: hey you may put all this together, and if you’re measuring you’re going to have an idea of: hey, where– by the way I’m just going tell you this, it’s not going to be perfect the first time you put it together.

Aaron: Right. And also don’t go crazy about, “Oh should I send that? Is a phone call perfect right here? Is email perfect right here?” Just make sure you’re sequencing it out on a good basis, and you’re good to get it going.

Chris: Yeah, yeah. And so hey maybe things are breaking at this point. Maybe people are raising their hand, right? But no one’s calling because they never got the file that they were supposed to download because something was broken. So you’re measuring and saying, “Hey, lots of people are clicking through and getting to this page but nothing’s happening after that, they’re not actually downloading it. The followup phone calls are a great way to kind of manage that and understand what’s going on, but measuring is important with everything that you do in internet marketing and that is not different with these marketing drip campaigns.

Aaron: Yeah, at all. And the last thing you want to measure and the most important thing is: are you getting sales? Whoever you’re sending it to, are you getting sales at the end of the day? If you’re not getting sales and you have a really good target because you’re supposed to spend most of the time on your target. If you have a good target and you’re not getting sales, it’s this middle piece that you have to examine, right? If people are coming in, and clicking in, and getting the offer, then it’s probably your sales team, and your phone calls, and your scripts.

Chris: I cannot tell you how many times we’ve gone into a client’s office, we’re like, “Hey! We’re excited, we’ve got this great data, look at how good we’re doing. We’ve delivered these forms, we’ve delivered these phone calls.” And really just a count at that team. And they’re like, “Yeah, but we’re not getting any business.” Well, let’s pull up and listen to some of these phone calls, “Ooooh, that was a bad phone call. That was not handled according to my script,” right? Scripts are really– by the way that can be the difference in any one of these things. As you’re doing these phone calls and as your sales team is actually going through the sales process: makes sure you have scripts so that they can follow them. One of the benefits of scripts is one: it’s easier to train new people.

Aaron: Definitely.

Chris: And two: as you tweet the script and hand it out to everybody, you can actually get improvements in sales and know: hey last time I changed this word in the script, and that was able to generate an additional 5% of sales. And so it just gives you the tools that you need, again, so that you’re testing, and measuring and improving.

Aaron: Right, and Pro Tip: make sure you taking notes after your calls and your emails. You want to make sure you’re keeping in your CRM or whatever it is, make sure you’re keeping little tidbits about the people you’re talking to, what they respond to, their kind of attitude. We kind of log them on their DISC profile a little bit.

Chris: Yeah, DISC profile, yup.

Aaron: We’re trying to put them in a category so we can better understand them better. Also listen to the recorded phone calls like you said because taking notes is important, definitely.

Chris: Yeah, absolutely. Alright, so that wraps up– by the way, who is this good for?

Aaron: This is good for B2B because you have a high ticket price, remodelers, dentists, financial advisors, all these. Plastic surgeons, all these niches is good for, and that’s a lot of businesses out there definitely.

Chris: Yeah, yeah.

Aaron: And recurring, definitely.

Chris: Yeah and big ticket items.

Aaron: Definitely. Yeah, big ticket items.

Chris: Alright so that really kind of wraps up the podcast. So if you liked this podcast, we’re going to ask you to do one simple thring– thing, go ahead– thring. I’m just going to be like, “We’ll be thring–”

Aaron: Thring.

Chris: Go ahead and tell three people about this podcast. Let them know that you really appreciate the content that we’re generating, putting out there. We do that for you. If you’re looking to grow your business with the largest, simplest marketing tool on the planet–

Aaron: The internet.

Chris: Call eWebResults for increased revenue in your business: 713-592-6724. This is where I am actually going to tell you how you can connect with us. We’re really driving reviews right now on Trust Pilot, and you can get to that by going to eWebResults.com/Trust. Here is how you can connect with us. You can find us on Twitter, Twitter.com/

Aaron: eWebResults

Chris: You can find us on Facebook, Facebook.com/

Aaron: eWebResults

Chris: You can find us on Instagram, Instagram.com/

Aaron: eWebResults

Chris: You can find us on YouTube, which unfortunately happens to be eWebResults.com/

Aaron: YouTube. Yeah.

Chris: YouTube.

Aaron: Yeah, because they wouldn’t let us get our link.

Chris: They would not let us get that back.

Aaron: They don’t even respond.

Chris: Yeah, they just fell off the face of the earth. Hey, if you have a referral, so that’s somebody– by the way we did have a question again this week, which was– that was an interesting sound.

Aaron: What was that? Yeah.

Chris: I feel like–

Aaron: I think it was from the– Yeah, that’s from the–

Chris: The computer is probably updating. We had an interesting phone call: do you guys do websites? Yes! We do websites! Maybe they don’t listen to the end of the podcast, maybe we need to do this at the beginning. If you have a referral, they need website, the need PPC, they need SEO, send them to us. They pay their bill, we’ll pay you. That’s our referral program.

Aaron: Straight cash!

Chris: Straight cash money! Please remember we were filmed live here at 5999, West 34th Street, Suite 106, Houston, Texas, 77092. You can get a transcript, video and audio of this podcast at our website eWebResults.com. We are the #1 internet marketing podcast on iTunes, that is because of all of you all. Thank you so much, we really appreciate you. Punch in the face to all of you. Until the next podcast, my name is Chris Burres.

Aaron: My name is Aaron Weathers.

Chris & Aaron: Bye bye for now.