#412 - 12 Helpful SEO tips for large ecommerce websites
Best SEO Podcast | EWR Digital

Video Transcript

Approaching SEO for large ecommerce sites can be overwhelming. With more pages than you can even get your head around and issues like product variants, complex filtering systems and expired products, SEO for ecommerce sites requires a different kind of SEO strategy. Join Matt and Chris for another thrilling episode of the Best SEO Podcast, featuring “12 SEO Tips for Large E-commerce Websites” by Jessie Moore. TRANSCRIPT:

Chris: Hi and welcome to the SEO Podcast: Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing. My name is Chris Burres, owner of eWebResults.

Matt: My name is Bat Bertram, your E-Commerce Comrade!

Chris: Did you just say Bat Bertram? I heard Bat Bertram.

Matt: I like that too.

Chris: We were talking about Batman earlier. So it’s like, “Call me Batman.”

Matt: Call me Batman.

Chris: Hey, welcome to another fun-filled edition of this podcast, this is Podcast #412.

Matt: 412!

Chris: As always we are going to have a tip from our previous podcast, which our photographer is gonna get ready for. Our last podcast was of course 411, and we talked about how to do link building. It was the second in a series of link building.

Matt: Yes.

Chris: And we do have a tip from that podcast and that tip is–

Matt: And this is simple but like profound.

Chris: Right.

Matt: Okay. To build links: pitch but don’t pitch too hard.

Chris: So you’ve gotta reach out to people, that’s a really important part of link building. And when you reach out to them, just like we always talk about on our website, you need to have a CTA (Call To Action) when you reach out to them, push, pitch just don’t pitch hard. Subscribe. Follow.

Chris & Matt: Boom!

Chris: Alright, back to our podcast. Please remember we were filmed live here in Houston, Texas, and Matt and I we are your–

Chris & Matt: Results Rebels!

Chris: Okay. So we got a review, I gotta read it real quick.

Matt: Oh, okay!

Chris: This is– I can’t remember where this one was, I think– oh! This was on Facebook. It’s from– and I’m gonna mess this up a little bit I’m sure.

Matt: Okay.

Chris: It’s from Josip Kokanovic, right? Josip Kokanovic.

Matt: US based?

Chris: I think I did pretty good. He may be.

Matt: Yeah?

Chris: It is of course–

Chris & Matt: 5 stars!

Chris: “Excellent way to learn SEO stuff that never occurred to me that could be important. And while learning it, I don’t even have to read. Very cool!”

Matt: Yeah, it is.

Chris: Very cool. Punch in the face Mr. Josip, we really appreciate that 5 star review.

Matt: Josip, yeah.

Chris: Alright, so if you’ve listened to this podcast before and you’re back for more ‘cause there’s good tips here, we do have actually an article that you can download. It’s 5 Online Marketing Mistakes That Can Tank Your Business, and of course How to Avoid Them. All you need to do is go to eWebResults.com/SEOTip and that’ll get you there. We’ve got a really good article that we’re covering today.

Matt: We are.

Chris: This article is by Jessie Moore.

Matt: Yes.

Chris: It’s 12 SEO Tips for Large E-commerce Websites.

Matt: Woooo.

Chris: So our business tends to go in like cycles. Like we’ll get a bunch of I don’t know, service oriented business as new clients, we’ll get a bunch of attorneys, we’ll get a bunch of kind of product-oriented businesses and kind of lately we’ve been getting e-commerce businesses have been coming through the door.

Matt: I like the big.

Chris: Yes.

Matt: The big, yes.

Chris: The large e-commerce–

Matt: The large e-commerce businesses.

Chris: Because those are fun.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: There’s a lot of work to do in those, that is for sure. If you are in a position, you have some sort of electronic device, we’re gonna ask you to tweet. If you could, tweet #SEOPodcast. Tag us @BestSEOPodcast @eWebResults, and then @MattBertramLive, is that the other one we needed to get up there?

Matt: Yeah. We gotta get you going, yeah.

Chris: And then I’m gonna have one soon, yeah. I think I’m gonna take over the other, the old eWebStyle project then.

Matt: We have three eWeb Twitter handles.

Chris: Yes. Alright. So yeah, go ahead and tweet us that we’re discussing an article by Jessie Moore, and this article is from Search Engine Watch. Punch in the face to Search Engine Watch, they make some content– or put out some great content.

Matt: Yes, it is.

Chris: For us to read. If you’ve listened to this podcast before, welcome back. If it’s your first time, howdy. Again, if you’ve listened before you know that there’s a section of our podcast depending on a contest that we run each week. Whether we’re gonna do it, the contest is really simple. If we get 10 shikos–

Matt: A share, a like or a follow.

Chris: Share, like or follow, right?

Matt: Yeah. Share, like or follow.

Chris: If we get 10 shikos and we get a review, then we skip to the end the part where we tell you how to shiko us and where to leave a review. So, we’re gonna jump right into how to shiko us and where to leave a review.

Matt: Ohh. Ohh.

Chris: Yeah, we did obviously get the review, yeah.

Matt: Ohh.

Chris: We did not get 10 shikos in the last week. So in order to push this to the end, go ahead and get out there and here’s how you can connect with us: Facebook.com/

Matt: eWebResults

Chris: Twitter.com/

Matt: eWebResults

Chris: Instagram.com/

Matt: eWebResults

Chris: And if you want to connect with us on YouTube, you can go to eWebResults.com/

Matt: YouTube!

Chris: And then finally LinkedIn.com/Company/

Matt: Guess?

Chris: eWebResults. All of those will take you to our profiles on those platforms and then please shiko us while you’re there. We also need a review in order to kind of move this piece to the end. And we’re looking for reviews on Yelp, we’ve already got about–

Matt: No no no no no.

Chris: No? Oh, that’s right. Trustpilot. It’s easy to get to Trustpilot, all you have to do is go to eWebResults.com/

Matt: Trust

Chris: Trust, just that easy.

Matt: Trust

Chris: Trust us it’ll take you there, right? It’s pretty easy. If you’re looking for a we– free, or we website analysis–

Matt: Or weed. If you’re looking for weed…

Chris: You can get a wee website analysis by going to eWebResults.com and click the button there that says Free Website Analysis. And I just had kinda two pieces of news. I don’t know if you knew this, Dropbox I just kind of assumed it was a public company, and Javier was like, “Maybe– I thought they got bought out by Microsoft.” They had just an IPO. They say it’s the biggest IPO since Snapchat. They’re valuation kind of peaked at $10 billion for Dropbox. It’s a good service.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: Like they really do a good job.

Matt: I got another piece of news.

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: So Google–

Chris: Google.

Matt: In their infinite wisdom.

Chris: Right.

Matt: In the next I think it’s 15 months, if you don’t have an active AdWords account that you’re paying them money, they’re gonna deactivate you.

Chris: They’re going to– so not deleted but deactivated it, or something?

Matt: Actually– it might be delete actually.

Chris: Right.

Matt: It might be delete. Like basically I have fear for some clients that haven’t paused or whatever, that their data’s just gonna be gone. Now I mean a lot of the clients we have are seasonal, but if you have an AdWords account there, you got a bunch of data in there–

Chris: Export it.

Matt: Yeah, I believe they said deactivate, but I wouldn’t put it past it–

Chris: What’s the difference? Like what’s the difference?

Matt: I wouldn’t put it past them to delete it.

Chris: Why make a big warning that they’re just gonna mothball it if you can still get to it?

Matt: To turn it off?

Chris: You need a big warning because you’re not gonna be able to get to it. So make sure you kind of–

Matt: That’s what was implied to me, I don’t know the terminology.

Chris: Yeah. I thought this was pretty cool, I was reading some article. Elon Musk, right? Of Tesla Fame. He gave free repairs to a Tesla driver. So this was in England, and you know in England on the– I think in Europe on the–

Matt: Autobahn.

Chris: It’s not the Autobahn in England, right? ‘cause that’s a German phrase.

Matt: Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Chris: And I was pretty sure it was England, it could’ve been Germany. Anyway, so on a really fast freeway over in Europe somewhere.

Matt: I like it.

Chris: A guy who’s driving a Tesla sees this car in front of him like bouncing against the divider and realizes that the guy’s unconscious.

Matt: Oh my gosh.

Chris: So he zoomed around and they actually made a big whoop-de-doo by the fact that he passed him on the right ‘cause over in Europe passing on the right – unlike here in the states – is forboden. Like people are very leery about passing on the right. So he passed on the right, got in front and then slowed both vehicles down with his Tesla. When Elon Must saw this on a tweet, he sent another tweet saying, “Hey, we’re gonna pay for the damages on your car.”

Matt: That’s very cool.

Chris: Smart! Great marketing and just like good to do.

Matt: Yes, that’s a good–

Chris: You know, you wanna feel like it’s not just great marketing, that it’s actually you know, a cool dude who cares, yeah.

Matt: No, he does care. He’s a cool guy, I mean all the stuff he’s doing with Space X. I mean he’s talking about mining asteroids and Mars and all that kind of stuff.

Chris: He’s not a small thinker.

Matt: Yeah, no.

Chris: He is not a small thinker.

Matt: No, he’s just a good guy.

Chris: Yeah absolutely. Alright, so let’s jump into this article. This is 12 SEO Tips for Large E-commerce Websites, again by Jessie Moore.

Matt: Okay.

Chris: “With more pages than you can even get your head around and issues like product variants, complex filtering systems and expired products, SEO for ecommerce sites requires a different kind of SEO strategy.” And then this is tips, these are 12 tips for SEO large e-commerce sites, SEO tips. Number #1.

Matt: Number #1.

Chris: “Ensure your site is on HTTPS,” right? So this is actually, you can take it two-fold. Not too long ago Google started insisting that everybody be on an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) or Secure certificate so that data is protected. It’s been true for a long time that at the point– you know, you used to have an e-commerce website and you could peruse the website and not be on an SSL, but by the time you started filling out credit card information, you really needed to be on an SSL. A lot of consumers were very leery about giving credit cards – and still should be if it’s not a secure site.

Matt: Well now it just pops up any time you go to an site that doesn’t have SSL, it’s like “Warning!” And I’m like, “Ahh!”

Chris: Oh yeah, I’m going to die.

Matt: It scares me, you know.

Chris: How dare them.

Matt: So just SSL across the board, yeah.

Chris: Yeah, turn it on, leave it on and it has some value in SEO as well. I would argue that the bigger value is not just SEO per se, but the fact that you’re not getting those warnings, right?

Matt: Well there’s even like shared SSL certificates that are free.

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: So they used to be like $100 or whatever and now you can get them free out there.

Chris: Yup, make sure you have that turned on. Number #2, “Optimize Category Pages.” So she makes the point that there are pages on which– these are pages, right? So your category pages are pages which target the top-level keywords, right? So if– I don’t know if you’re selling shoes, then you’ve got a Shoes category. Or selling sports shoes, you got a Sports Shoe category, or running shoes or whatever. These are the things that people are searching for prior to having identified the specific shoe that they want.

Matt: Yeah, like high volume on targeted. So you typically build it in AdWords like three different tiers.

Chris: Right.

Matt: Okay. So Y tier catching all that in, next tier– and then there’s options to be able to like exclude, like on the shared list and audiences. It’s pretty straight forward, but there is logic base to it. So you kinda go block at this block at that. It’s like remarketing, where if a visitor converted you would not want to show that to new traffic, but you would basically want to have that divided out separately so you can increase the bid or something like that from a remarketing standpoint.

Chris: So if you think about the category pages– so most e-commerce, you know woo-commerce– out of the box e-commerce sites, you’ll have category pages, but there’s usually– like they don’t default and put content on those pages.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: So you run the risk of these category pages being thin or kind of dupe content issues if it’s just like the first three words from each of the sport shoes, then it’s just not as satisfying an SEO experience, right? So Google can’t really identify specifically the content there and it’s not presenting a good experience to the Google user.

Matt: You know, so we’re dealing with this right now with an exciting client. I mean really my experience has mostly been with like [00:11:39] [Indiscernible]

Chris: Right, right.

Matt: You know what I mean? So to actually build out your own product pages and to be doing all this work on is very like arduous. It’s like flavor-intensive especially if you have a lot of products. I love dynamically generated stuff.

Chris: Yes, so then you can get all your products up online.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: She does make the point, “To further bolster the ranking potential of your category pages, try to focus your link-building campaign on generating links to those category pages,” right? So they’re high-level, you want them to place when people are early in the buying process, and so that’s probably a really good decision.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: Number #3, “Optimize the product pages.” So similar to the category pages, the product pages often end up with thin content. And we’ve said this on our podcast many times before when we’ve gotten kind of delved into the e-commerce side of things, it’s very easy to take the database that a manufacturer gives you, upload that database into your e-commerce and then launch it. The problem is that the descriptions for the products are the same descriptions for the products that the manufacturer uses, that everyone else that the manufacturer has shared that database with. And so you actually wanna go in and write custom content for each of those things, right?

Matt: Very good.

Chris: Get in the habit of writing the unique content, definitely don’t copy and paste the manufacturer. Now we understand that y’all aren’t superheros, right? So you uploaded a thousand products, you’re probably not gonna write unique content for all thousand products today. So you wanna make sure that you’re setting a scale, like what do you want to start working on first? And she actually mentioned that you should start with the most popular products first, I argue you should start with the most profitable products first, right? So if you’re gonna get them up there, and you’ve got to weigh this, right? So if the most profitable products never sell, then it’s not that good of a deal, right? So you want this kind of balance of the ones that make the most profit and the ones that are actually gonna show up in search– that people are actually searching for.

Matt: I can see that, yeah.

Chris: It’s really gotta be both, we love to ask the question of our customers, “What do you sell the most?” And “What makes you the most money?” Because they’re often not the same thing.

Matt: No.

Chris: And so what makes them the most money– because they don’t sell many of them, sometimes business owners won’t think to put it prominently on home page, or include it in marketing campaigns. You’re like, “But wait a minute. I..f I could sell 3 of these, I gotta sell 1,000 of those, can we sell 3 of these? Is there enough market?” And let’s keep our life easy.

Matt: Well yeah. I would say that a lot of people don’t even put their most profitable stuff on there because it sells so minimally.

Chris: Right, right.

Matt: If you think about everything on a bell curve, there’s always gonna be those people out there that just want the top of the line, and those buyers that will just buy it. And so, you know, not getting too much into like marketing campaigns, but like a bump or something like that. You always want to have opportunity to sell a higher-end product when you’re selling your stuff.

Chris: And remember to also visit the meta descriptions, right? So not just the description of the product on the page but the actual meta description, ‘cause that’s the thing that shows up on the SERP, on the Search Engine Result Page. And you can make that enticing, right? So you know, whatever– if it’s over a million sold, or if it’s life-time warranty, or whatever it may be that can really get people to click on that particular link and then actually purchase, right? So that’s a place where you could actually include “Free Shipping Included,” right? So in the search engine result page, right there it’s like, “Yes. Not only do we have these running shoes, but you purchase them from us and free shipping is included.”

Matt: Okay.

Chris: Alright Number #4 is “Product variance,” right? So different sizes, different styles, different colors, what do you do with them? Right? What can happen is, if you end up with different pages, then you end up with kind of– your SEO juice gets thinned out among all the pages, and you start cannibalizing each other. You don’t wanna do that. So what’s the fix? The best approach is to display options where the user can change the color, size and model but doesn’t change the URL, right? So we’ve been on websites, certainly Amazon does this, where you can actually identify the product, but then you can actually change the particular color of it, the size of it, you know whatever add-ons. And you wanna do that so that it has the same URL, ‘cause the challenge happens when there’s a different URL and it’s got the same content on it. That’s a dupe content issue, we’re SEOers, we know to avoid those.

Matt: Well, I mean that’s coming into kind of some mobile friendly territory as well, and being able to easily kind of change what you’re doing on there and without going to even a new screen.

Chris: Yeah. Just goes into user experience, yeah. Yeah, the UX, UI. So next, Number #5 is “’Purchase intent’ keywords.” So make sure to include plenty of purchase intent keywords like “Buy Sport Shoes.” And I know nobody searches for sport shoes, it’s just an example. Okay? I know that. I don’t go search for sport shoes.

Matt: Buy the first thing.

Chris: “Remember that SEO is not just about driving traffic–” and I underlined it. I underlined this ‘causes I thought it was so very important. Remember that SEO is not just about driving traffic, it’s about driving conversions and therefor revenue. Alright? We get a lot of prospects who talk to us about how their previous companies just weren’t focused on the right things, “They would give us this report,” and if they got reports, they would get reports about how the traffic’s increased. And if they got people to talk about the reports– we actually have a monthly results call, an MRC with all of our customers. If they reviewed it, they’re just focused on, “Look, your traffic is up.” They’re not focused on, “Look, tell me how that’s affecting your revenue.”

Matt: Well you know, I think it’s really interesting when you talk about profitability of keywords and different keywords tracking that to conversions. And so I have see as a lot of people come to us and they’re unhappy with their previous company, and they’re really looking for a company that can fix it, and make it work, and like, “Hey, y’all are like– we were gonna use you, but we were just– we’ve gone through a couple of others, we knew people blah blah blah,” and they come to us and we fix it. But the biggest thing that I’ve found– I forgot what I was gonna say.

Chris: Is that the focus on the right results, right?

Matt: Oh no. When I see these reports, okay?

Chris: Right.

Matt: So when I see these reports from other companies, they’re talking about all these keywords they’re ranked high for, and these keywords like you can see–

Chris: Long-tail, no search volume.

Matt: Well yeah. Well the intent’s not there. So it doesn’t track to the conversions, so the report looks good and it’s like, “Hey, you’re ranking for all these keywords, you’ve got all this traffic,” but it’s not the right kind of traffic that’s leading to conversions–

Chris: What are you doing?

Matt: Yeah, yeah.

Chris: Not SEO. I love Jessie’s point about that. Next, Number #6 is “Images.” Don’t forget the importance of image search and make sure you add appropriate alt tags to your images. That’s enough said.

Matt: So when you’re setting them up on Facebook, or you’re setting up remarketing or whatever–

Chris: Oh yeah, open graphed images.

Matt: Well you wanna do one graphic and then one overlay graphic, so duplicate it. And then also you wanna do one carousel ad and then one overlay. And so you wanna have kind of those four ads ‘cause those different styles and– well you know, now we’re starting to talk about shopping ads, I guess. But keep going.

Chris: Shopping ads are good, big e-commerce things to be discussing. Number #7– and it’s paid, this is not SEO. This is SEO.

Matt: Well I see, that’s where this delineation comes, it’s like we’re talking about on-site optimization and everything that I’m thinking about is driving paid traffic. And so you’re talking about certain things and I’m like–

Chris: How does that fill in? Yeah.

Matt: “How does that connect?” You know?

Chris: Yeah. Number #7, “Be wary of filters,” right? So Jessie makes a really important point here, most good e-commerce sites can have really complex filters where you can filter out – like on Amazon – You can filter out, “Hey, I only wanna look at Prime products, etc.” And some of the e-commerce sites that are out there, packages– not just sites, but the packages that support e-commerce, they will make a new URL for each filter. Right? So now if that filter as you start to narrow it down, it may still have the same number of products on it– not number of products but the same products on it. So now you’ve got dupe content issues, right? Because it’s a different URL, it’s got the same content. So you gotta be careful with that.

You wanna make sure– it’s best that– what she says is, “Check Google Search Console to see how many pages have been indexed–” you should check Google Search Console regularly.

Matt: Yes.

Chris: And if the number of pages that have indexed is like astronomical, you’re like, “I don’t even know how this is possible.” Then you need to go and do a no-index, no-follow in your robots text file, right? This will lead to those pages being dropped from the index, and you’ll no longer lose sleep over the fact that you’ve got all these different pages.

Matt: Like the Thank You page.

Chris: Over and over, yeah.

Matt: Well, like people were finding the Thank You page on a couple sites and it’s like, if you have goal conversion set up, it’s just–

Chris: More goals, yeah.

Matt: It’s not accurate.

Chris: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. In your robots text file, if the Thank You page is your goal,make sure you block the search engine’s robots from visiting it.

Matt: Well even on a lot of these lead magnets that I’m finding out there sometimes, they don’t hide it. And so you can get to the Thank You page without getting the information. You’re really wanting people to go through these steps.

Chris: They should only get to the Thank You page if that’s your goal, right? By going through the form process.

Matt: You shouldn’t be able to find it in Google.

Chris: Yup.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: Number #8, “Expired or out of stock items.” So you can image, there are e-commerce sites that are like, “Hey, if this item is out of stock, then I’m just gonna take it.” It’s not gonna be available on the site.

Matt: Amazon lies. They’re like, “One left.”

Chris: Right, and then you order it–

Matt: And then it’s like you order the last one and it’s like backup and it’s like, “Oh, we’re fully–”

Chris: It’s gone, yeah.

Matt: Yeah, that’s really good marketing.

Chris: You missed your opportunity.

Matt: Amazon’s awesome with remarketing.

Chris: So you definitely don’t wanna do that. You don’t want your e-commerce site to just pull– I mean there are situations where you might want to, depending on the e-commerce and how frustrated customers might get.

Matt: Yes, yeah.

Chris: But if you just clearly say, “Hey, this product is gonna be back in stock at XYZ date,” then you’re really in good shape. And you don’t– you know, when you pull webpages off sometimes it can be hard– and it had good rank, sometimes it can be hard to get that page to rank well again.

Matt: Eh, nah, nah.

Chris: Sometimes. If a product expires and you will no longer be selling it, then you need– you should remove that page. However you should do a 301 redirect for that particular page.

Matt: Do that. That doesn’t happen very often.

Chris: Yup. Take the time and do it right.

Matt: Well, I’ve seen a lot of people not doing that.

Chris: Alright number #9 is “Site architecture.” Obviously an important part of any SEO discussion. Make sure you’re providing seamless internal navigation. This is not only essential for the users and the experience that their having, but also for Google bot being able to navigate your website.

Matt: Well mobile. All I can tell you, I’ve done– I’ve been doing a lot of certifications. I’m feeling–

Chris: Certified.

Matt: Very certified.

Chris: He’s very certifiable.

Matt: I’m certifiable.

Chris: And then the other thing she mentioned, which has been a big thing that you’ve kind of harp on actually, is breadcrumbs. Making sure that you’ve got breadcrumbs for your site.

Matt: Mm-hmm.

Chris: Number #10, “Pay attention to URLs,” right? So if you can avoid the URLs that have numbers and cats and all this, make sure that they read user friendly. So, it should be the case that when you’re looking at a URL, you can actually kind of figure out what’s on that page, right? From the URL. And I like– don’t user underscores, use dashes.

Matt: Don’t use any of that.

Chris: Or hyphens.

Matt: Don’t use any of that. Just have a solid word.

Chris: Well, you want– between the words you want the dash.

Matt: Oh, well you have to now on some social sites.

Chris: Yup. So #11 is “Schema for product pages.” So there’s two pieces of schema on a product page that probably are gonna be important to you. One of them for sure, and that’s Product Schema.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: Of course, it’s a freaking product page. And the other one is Review Schema. So make sure you got Review Schema. By the way if you’ve got your Review Schema done right, and it’s got stars on it, that’ll actually show up on the Google search engine result page. And that’s kinda valuable.

Matt: If you Google anything that we’re ranking for, you’ll see it and it pops.

Chris: You’ll see it. It does pop.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: And finally, this is Number #12 of 12 SEO Tips for Large E-commerce Websites. By the way, this last one you could probably spend an hour talking about the, “Monitoring” you should do. Right?

Matt: Okay, yeah.

Chris: So it’s monitoring. “As with any SEO strategy, you need to be continually monitoring and analyzing the results. Stay on top of identifying broken links and error pages,” right? If you’re in Google Search Console and you’re seeing these error pages, you’re getting warnings, make sure you’re staying on top of it. “There’s no doubt that SEO for large e-commerce sites is time-consuming.”

Matt: Yes.

Chris: Is there any doubt about–? There is no doubt. “That’s why so many e-commerce sites don’t have the level of optimization they should, which presents a fantastic opportunity for those willing to put in the time.” Small, incremental changes, especially when they’re programmatic, right? So when you’re adjusting your title tags programmatically, that small change courses through your thousand, 10 thousand products, and can have a very significant impact on your results.

Matt: Have your programmer build some [00:25:28] [Indiscernible] to update stuff.

Chris: Yeah, or give us a call.

Matt: I think that we should do the next episode talking about the ad side of it.

Chris: The ad side–?

Matt: Because I feel like, okay this is–

Chris: Oh, oh! For e–commerce and paid ads for e-commerce?

Matt: Yeah, ‘cause I felt very disconnected from doing– like going in and like technically cleaning everything up, it’s not as fun.

Chris: As sending traffic and watching it convert. Yeah, okay. I’ll put that in queue.

Matt: Alright.

Chris: Alright, so if you liked this podcast, please tell three friends about it. You could tell those friends right now.

Matt: Tag ‘em.

Chris: Or later, whatever you wanna do. If you are looking to grow your business with the largest, simplest marketing tool on the planet.

Matt: The internet!

Chris: Call eWebResults for increased revenue in your business. Our phone number is 713-592-6724. We were filmed live here at 5999, West 34th Street, Suite 106, Houston, Texas, 77092. If you want video, audio or a transcript of this podcast, you can find it at our website, eWebResults.com. Punch in the face to Manny, punch in the face to Kathy, everybody else who’s checking us–

Matt: If you wanna talk to us live–

Chris: Oh yeah, if you wanna talk to us live.

Matt: Just pick up the phone and call us.

Chris: Yes! 713-592-6724. We are the most popular internet marketing podcast on iTunes, that is because of you, all of you all, everyone out there.

Matt: Thank you.

Chris: We really appreciate you. Go ahead and hit us– you can send us an email podcast@

Matt: Podcast@

Chris: eWebResults.com.

Matt: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. That’s a good email address.

Chris: Yeah, that’s a good one. You can send us an email there, ask us a question, give us–

Matt: Who does that go to? You?

Chris: Give a suggestion. It goes to everyone. I don’t think it goes to anyone.

Matt: Okay.

Chris: By the way, if you’ve ever sent an email there and nothing happened, then send an email to Matt.

Matt: Well like, you’re–

Chris: No. It goes to me, yeah.

Matt: [email protected] is how you get me.

Chris: Well also, yeah we’ll get Matt. And then mine is [email protected]. Make contact with us.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: Until the next podcast, my name is Chris Burres.

Matt: My name is Matt Bertram.

Chris & Matt: Bye bye for now.

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