#461 - 17 Ways to Improve Your SEO in 2019 Part 1
Best SEO Podcast | EWR Digital
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17 Ways to Improve Your SEO in 2019 Part 1 – Best SEO Podcasts

Join Matt and Chris for another thrilling episode of the Best SEO Podcast, featuring “17 Ways to Improve Your SEO in 2019” by Brian Dean

Chris Burress:
Hi, welcome to SEO Podcast, Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing. My name is Chris Burress. I’m one of the owners of eWebResults.

Matt Bertram:
My name is Matt Bertram. I’m a Brian Dean fan.

Chris Burress:
A branding fan?

Matt Bertram:
Brian Dean fan.

Chris Burress:
Oh, Brian Dean fan.

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
[crosstalk 00:00:23] We are all Brian Dean fans today. Please remember we’re broadcasting live from Houston, Texas. Matt and I, we are your results rebels and I want to jump into this review. This is from Chris Westergaard, punch in the face to Chris. It says, “a great team of men and women who are invested into helping all of their customers both big and small. I recently moved our hosting over to them to improve website speed and there was a lot of issues cosmetically with the move. They helped me out through the whole process and never once seemed unprofessional. I’m sure it took lots of free hours on their part to get things right. Definitely a kind and caring group of people who are looking after your best interests.” Punch in the face to you Chris Westergaard. that is 100% true.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, we are really out here to help you. That’s why we do this podcast. We’re talking about some SEO optimized hosting options. We do do hosting, we’ve done it for a long time. We’re looking at a membership program where you get some free consulting and hosting as part of a membership program. But yeah, we do have a hosting business. We do have an IT business out there. We don’t talk about it a lot, but we help a lot of local businesses and national businesses out with their infrastructure, hosting and internet marketing.

Chris Burress:
Yeah, because the speed and the technical stuff behind the scenes from an SEO perspective are really-

Matt Bertram:
Super important.

Chris Burress:
… turns out really important. If this is the first time you’re listening to the podcast, howdy and welcome to the podcast. We’re glad you’re here. If you’ve listened to this podcast before, you might be looking for tips and tricks. That’s why you’re watching the podcast.

Matt Bertram:
No tricks, just tips.

Chris Burress:
We can give you some tips. All you need to do is go to ewebresults.com/tips and that will take you to our tips page.

Matt Bertram:
Or you can talk to a internet marketing consultant for free and give you specified, specific actions that you can take on your website to improve your internet-

Chris Burress:
Yeah. If it’s not just like general tips that you want to fill out some tips for your website, specifically fill out our free website analysis on our website and you can get in contact with one of our internet marketing consultants to have those tips provided to you real time.

Matt Bertram:
Real time, like Facebook Live.

Chris Burress:
Punch in the face to Brian Dean. What we’re going to talk today, and actually it’s going to be a three part podcast series, 17 ways to improve your SEO in 2019. By the way, our SEO team is already diving into one of these techniques and applying it to our customers and so, we’re excited. It’s one of the reasons we do this podcast. In order to deliver value to you, we have to be absorbing the information and implementing those processes…

Matt Bertram:
We’re constant learners here. I can’t even talk now too. But really, we are constantly reading. We’re constantly learning. Since the last podcast, there’s been one to two updates, actually. There’s been one update since our last broadcast, but since our last live broadcast there’s been two and the internet’s constantly changing. There’s a lot going on. And so you got to be reading, you got to be looking at what’s going on online and figuring out how to provide the visitor the best customer experience. And you need to be ready to do that. And you got to be listening to these tips. This is a big part of everyone’s business, Chris. One of the things that I’ve been talking about a lot is how we’re digital builders.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
Okay. We’re building your digital infrastructure. We’re building the digital components of your business to help you grow.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. I like that. Is that Lego’s new-

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. Think about how long the Internet’s been around and think about how many skyscrapers there are in virtual reality. There’s a lot of mud huts, there’s some one story buildings and stuff like that and we are helping people build those massive skyscrapers.

Chris Burress:
Yeah, big businesses. All right, so I don’t even know what we’re… Hey, we’d like you to do something for us.

Matt Bertram:
We do. We’d like you to do all kinds of things. Thanks for listening.

Chris Burress:
We would like you to [inaudible 00:04:42].

Matt Bertram:
Share, like and follow, Bing.

Chris Burress:
When you share, like or follow us, it’s not Bing that you here, it’s [inaudible 00:04:57].

Matt Bertram:
It’s like Bing, but Bing’s the period on the word. If the word was Google, the period would just be Bing, and my mom did work for Microsoft for 25 years.

Chris Burress:
And if you’ll notice, one of us has worn the required garb for our podcast. This is a tee shirt that you can get from our website. If you go to ewebresults.com/swag you can order one of these three shirts. We’ve got a lot of tee shirts to select from. It’s pretty awesome.

Matt Bertram:
What does the back say? Can you turn?

Chris Burress:
Yeah, I can turn around. Yeah, the back says-

Matt Bertram:
Make marketing great again. So, all you people listening, guess what the front of the shirt might have on it?

Chris Burress:
Yeah, see this little switch right here? There you go. That little swish, it’s a hair… You guys can figure it out. You’re your marketing geniuses. All right, let’s jump into this article again. Again, punch in the face to Brian Dean, 17 ways to improve your SEO in 2019 and he said he used these 17 techniques and got 21.3% increase in organic traffic in three months. How would you like to increase your traffic by 21.3%?

Matt Bertram:
That’s pretty solid. Especially when he gets so much traffic-

Chris Burress:
To begin with. Yeah.

Matt Bertram:
So, we have data points of 1000% increases and 200% increases. And it really depends where your starting point is and how much you’re going to grow.

Chris Burress:
If you’re getting five visitors a month and you add 20%, it’s really not even the margin of error. So, there’s actually not 17, he gives us two bonuses. We’re going to cover this in three different podcasts and let’s jump right in. So, number one is get more organic traffic with snippet bait.

Matt Bertram:
Oh, yeah.

Chris Burress:
You know what snippet bait is?

Matt Bertram:
Oh yeah.

Chris Burress:
Said like somebody who doesn’t. All right. So he goes, “in the last few weeks I’ve gotten his site to rank in 41 different featured snippets.” So, have you ever done a search? Right. And there’s a section of text that’s pulled directly out of a website. That section of text is a snippet is like in the infograph and that… How valuable-

Matt Bertram:
Well, that that is something, Chris, we’ve started to do for clients. Once we get them in the top, say five positions on Google, that’s the next step that we target. And then, we use a lot of SCM Rush, but we’re using a lot of other tools. We’re using Keyword Finder, we’re using Uber Suggests, a punch in the face to Neil Patel. So, the thing is you got to triangulate these, but in SCM Rush, it will tell you if a snippet’s available and then how to target that. So, we’ve been using the suggested targeting in SCM Rush, which is a great tool.

Chris Burress:
Yeah, he said he got this featured snippet for Rich Snippets, the phrase and channel keywords and he said 41 different other ones. And he says, “my secret, a new strategy called snippet bait. First, find a keyword that you already rank for.” Why is that important?

Matt Bertram:
You have to be on the first page.

Chris Burress:
You have to be on the first page. AHF ref says 99.54% of featured snippets come from first page results. So, if you’re on the second page, you are probably not going to get a featured snippet, right? So, that’s just not going to happen. Identify the type of featured snippet you’re looking for. A definition snippet, a list snippet, a table snippet, and finally add a snippet of content to your page that’s designed to fit inside the featured snippet box.

Matt Bertram:
That’s something that I haven’t done. I will say that that’s something that I haven’t done is make sure that the characters are match-

Chris Burress:
So, if you think about it, when you’re reading an article in a magazine, there’s usually this piece that’s pulled out of the article that’s highlighted and we do that with most of our blogs, but to have one that you’re designed specifically to fit into that snippet. That’s-

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, I haven’t done that, so I really like that.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. And it’s got to fir perfect. And he gives a good example. What are no follow links and it’s a rich snippet and so it looks pretty good. I don’t know, that’s good snippet bait. That’s worth the whole article. Punch in the face to you.

Matt Bertram:
That’s a new technique, looking at how many characters there are and writing it just so Google can easily grab it. It’s like a snippet for PR, right? So, the presidential-

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, the soundbite. It’s basically like a soundbite, the perfect size to fit right in there.

Chris Burress:
I knew what you were saying because this is the universal symbol for soundbite.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, it is totally.

Chris Burress:
Number two, improved dwell time with this simple step. Right, so is dwell time a Google ranking factor?

Matt Bertram:
Yes, for sure.

Chris Burress:
And then he goes on to talk about how he adds video and really is comparing the bounce rate instead of dwell time. And I think it’s important to discuss both of those, not just, “okay, let’s talk about dwell time” and then let’s say dwell time is important. And then talk about bounce rate, because you can have a bounce with a long dwell time, which is better than a bounce with a short dwell time or you can just not have a bounce. That’s even better.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. You want them to take action. I will say that that’s one of the things that we’re really seeing, that we’ve gotten a lot of clients into the first position. We run up there, we ring the bell and then it doesn’t stick. Okay? And what’s happening is a combination of the dwell time, some other on-page factors, bounce rate and really things like breadcrumbs are something you want to implement because you don’t want them to hit the back button. You want them to click the logo or understand where they are on the page, but better you want them to move through the site and click on something, right? And stick around on the page, read it, watch videos. So, these are important ranking factors because Google’s looking at what you’re doing for the user. I think it’s starting to become even more and more important.

Chris Burress:
So, testament to Brian Dean here, right? Because one of the samples that he provides, “Hey, here’s a sample of video that I’ve done,” and the video’s discover untapped keywords and Reddit. So, this is skyscraper content. It’s linking to other content of his that has done really well, that’s placed really well and proving it. By the way, I had to watch the video, right? Because even though that’s not one of his 17 ways to improve your SEO, it’s something that I wanted to figure out and discover untapped keywords in Reddit. We actually did a survey in our office, about 50% of the people use Reddit on a daily basis. Now, that can always run the risk of, okay, you got a bunch of SEO geeks. Of course they use Reddit. And I actually asked, so do you use it for work or do you use it for other stuff?

Chris Burress:
50% it was personal. So, about 50% of our office does use Reddit because he actually says, “you’ve probably already visited the front page of the internet also known as Reddit.” And I was like, I’ve been on Reddit but I don’t frequent Reddit. So, that’s why-

Matt Bertram:
Some people say that Facebook’s the front page of Google too-

Chris Burress:
Of the internet.

Matt Bertram:
Of the internet, bot of Facebook. It is a Facebook.

Chris Burress:
And I think the reason that that might not apply is because most people use Facebook on their phone. They use the app. I’m sure a lot of people do use, out of all the billion users.

Matt Bertram:
That’s fair.

Chris Burress:
And most use it on the app.

Matt Bertram:
But I would say that, yeah, I agree with that. So, it is not technically accurate, but I would say where are most people spending their time when they’re on the internet?

Chris Burress:
So, I think it depends on the generation.

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
have probably are a couple people in this room who are like, “no, I don’t use Facebook. I use Snapchat or-”

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
Fish kiss.

Matt Bertram:
Fish kiss?

Chris Burress:
That sounds good. Is that a swipe right or a swipe left? Which one is that? So, he gives the example in Reddit that you can go in and he gives the example of headphones. If you’re looking for keywords for headphones, you go into to to Reddit, you look for headphones, you’re looking for things where they’re answering questions, there’s a lot of interaction going on. And then he gives the example, he found a very specific model of headphones which had a really high keyword density. And I’ll talk a little bit later about actually going after phrases that may be brand specific, like fish kiss, yeah.
[crosstalk 00:13:35]
And something is interesting there. That’s just how it is. Anyway. So, really that’s about dwell time. Have a video that increases and he has a stat. So, it wasn’t just that increased dwell time. He actually had a better click through rate. So, lower bounce rates with video, right? So, it’s not just that people stayed longer, it’s that when they got to see a video, they chose to visit other pages.

Matt Bertram:
And look, we’ve been preaching this to our clients for a long time and that is why we have a video production team. Yeah, there’s a unit. So, we really are seeing the power of video. Also, by next year, 80% of all searches should be video searches or that’s what it was projected to be a couple of years ago. And so, video is absolutely critical to what-

Chris Burress:
And One of the things that video does for us, as a company overall, we have customers who come to us like, “I know content is king. I know I need to be generating content, but I don’t have time to generate content.” For us to have a video team go out and shoot an interview of you and talk about the questions that people are asking in your industry. Now we’ve got the ability, we’ve got the content we need to deliver SEO results for you.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, no it helps. And I think really the big buzzword right now that everyone’s using is storytelling. So, really it’s so important to tell your story and how do you do that? You do it one on one, typically you’re searching the web or surfing it one-on-one. So, you can tell your story. People want to click a button, they want to hear you, they want to see you, how many different cues when you talk are nonverbal, right? So, video is super important to connect with someone and tell your story and we can just-

Chris Burress:
Sound clip. That was not verbal, ironically. All right, number three, find low competition keywords with ghost posts.

Matt Bertram:
I do not know what that is.

Chris Burress:
[crosstalk 00:15:36] I like the honesty. So, really he goes, “most keyword competition scores are way off, right?”

Matt Bertram:
That’ true.

Chris Burress:
Hey, SCM Rush is telling you this is the keyword difficulty. It depends, right? And you start doing some of your own research-

Matt Bertram:
It depends, vice versa. So, some easy keywords are actually pretty difficult and difficult keywords are pretty easy.

Chris Burress:
He makes the point that those keyword competition tools are 100% focused on backlinks. But that’s just one piece of the puzzle, right? You’ve got organic click through rate, you’ve got search intent, you’ve got page speed, you’ve got mobile friendliness, you’ve got 250 other things that impact the search. So, those things are important in identifying the keyword difficulty. Most of them just talk about the keyword difficulty being-

Matt Bertram:
Well, a lot of them, some [inaudible 00:16:27] tools and also Uber Suggest are starting to look at social shares. So, that’s starting to become a big indicator as well as the backlinks. They’re looking at Trustful. So, there’s other things there that are, that are happening. It just depends on the tools, right?

Chris Burress:
So, for a few months back, he wanted to rank for the keyword free SEO tools. So, what he did is he threw together an article, 25 amazing free SEO tools and he just posted it on the second page on his own website. That’s why he calls it a ghost post because he didn’t promote it out to the social networks. He did not really do anything.

Matt Bertram:
He just threw it out there and see what happens-

Chris Burress:
See what sticks, right? And he said he started placing for a long tail phrase right away and then he decided to promote it. As it turns out, this super hard keyword was ridiculously easy to rank for.

Matt Bertram:
Well, I’m wondering, did he SEO the page?

Chris Burress:
No, he did. Yeah, he has here the page. So, his point is is that you may look at some of these tools and they may say that these keywords are really difficult, move on. And he’s like, well just throw together a little article, which for Brian is not a little article and stick it somewhere, don’t waste any energy. And then find out if it’s really hard.

Matt Bertram:
Well, Google’s indexing your site quite a bit. It’s a pretty big authority site he’s got, so there’s some advantages there that he might have-

Chris Burress:
And I think the counter argument to that is that’s true in the world he plays in. And for other people who might be generating content, the world they play in, it may feel like a different phrase in the world they play in. And it might not be-

Matt Bertram:
Well, because I’ve seen a lot of sites that aren’t SEO and the categories and tags are not done and Google just doesn’t know what’s going on. You just throw out a post there. It might get indexed, but it’ll be words that you don’t want to rank for.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
And so, unless you give Google some leading indicators of what you’re looking for, it might not pick up what you’re wanting. And so, I don’t know the definition of ghost post of how ghost it is. If you just throw out a piece of content and publish it-

Chris Burress:
Can you really call it a ghost post if it’s on Backlinko?

Matt Bertram:
How many visitors does he get a month?

Chris Burress:
That’s a debate we can have. He does point out, Ryan says, “I’m not bashing age, refs, keyword difficulty score. I’m just showing you another way to figure out keyword difficulty on your own.”

Matt Bertram:
But I like that he does tests. I really like that you do tests and he tries to keep the variables simple so you know what’s having an impact and what’s not. It’s not… well, this article in itself, he’s stacking a ton of SEO strategies in the article. It’s not just a skyscaper post but I like that he’s doing other things and he’s constantly testing because that’s really what we do as SEOs is constantly test.

Chris Burress:
Reverse engineer.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, reverse engineer. Figure out what’s going on, how Google’s updating the algorithm to figure out what’s the framework we need to work in.

Chris Burress:
Yeah, absolutely. Number four, use the site links to boost your organic CTR. Last year, I decided to make organic CTR a top priority. How do you do this? How do you improve this? Because really, you can change the title. You can change the meta-description, and those can have a significant impact on your click through rate.

Matt Bertram:
Sure, move your target keywords to the front.

Chris Burress:
Well, most importantly is you’ve got to make sure that that description is enticing enough for people to click through it, right? It’s like, “Oh, I do a search for whatever keyword titles and then it says keyword titles and only keyword titles.” No, the keyword titles that will make your website pop to the first page of Google in 10 seconds or less. Okay, that’s actually going to get you-

Matt Bertram:
Are you a copywriter?

Chris Burress:
You don’t want me to be a copywriter. So, what his suggestion is, okay great. You got a good title tag. You’re reasonably confident in it, you’ve got a good meta-description. Now, go after site links and the way you get site links is a table of contents.

Matt Bertram:
I didn’t know that.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. He says-

Matt Bertram:
Ryan, I’m a fan. It makes total sense. Don’t know why I didn’t think of it but having the jump links is-

Chris Burress:
This is the one that our team has already-

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, because I just in my head didn’t ever make that connection. What I had always kind of heard-

Chris Burress:
And it’s one of the reasons we do this podcast, right?

Matt Bertram:
For sure.

Chris Burress:
Again, if we’re going to deliver value to you, we’ve got to be digging into it and understanding what’s going on next. And then we’re like, “okay, now we have a whole set of tools that our company is using and staying abreast of things.”

Matt Bertram:
Well, I just thought when you fully optimize a site, they just started to pop in. Google rewarded you but I didn’t know what the trigger was and he’s just like point blank telling you, which makes perfect sense.

Chris Burress:
He says in fact once his page cracked the top five, Google hooked him up with site links.

Matt Bertram:
So, I just thought they did that. But I didn’t make the connection to the table of contents.

Chris Burress:
His page as a 14.9-

Matt Bertram:
That’s why I have a pen out for this podcast. I don’t typically… Yeah, I’m learning stuff.

Chris Burress:
Number five, want more links, be the source. Is that-

Matt Bertram:
Yes, that’s always true.

Chris Burress:
It’s always true?

Matt Bertram:
So, I’ll give you a pro tip here.I don’t know, Brian probably knows this. I don’t know. But anyways, what we’re finding on product pages when we’re doing e-commerce stuff, a lot of people, if they’re a vendor, they’re using manufacturer images. Well, the manufacturers probably already posted those images. So, when you put them on your site, it’s dupe image content. It’s not going to hurt you per se, but you want to create a site map of original content. So, get some original pictures on there and when you’re the source of new content, Google rewards that authorship for the first person that posted on Google. That’s why it’s so important not to have duplicate content.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. To make that original content. So, he wrote the definitive guide, a Google search console. He’s not afraid to say that it qualifies for great content. It had a bunch of actionable tips.

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
Tints. Yeah, there’s dark and then lighter. Despite being a very solid piece of content, it only got 159 referring domain links and he’s like, well why-

Matt Bertram:
Only 159? Yeah, the par that we use to measure.

Chris Burress:
On the other hand, he wrote an article. We analyzed 10,000 Google home results. Here’s what we learned about voice search SEO. [crosstalk 00:23:04] would also call this good, great content, but it actually had, what did he say? It had a huge amount of links, 764 referring domains, and the reason is what person is going to link to the definitive guide of search engine console versus data and he’s like-

Matt Bertram:
The statistics, yeah.

Chris Burress:
The answer is really journalists. So, while my Google search console guide isn’t that easy for someone to link to. On the other hand, my voice search study guide gives bloggers and journalists data that they can easily reference. So, really good stuff. And then number six… Any questions? Are we good?

Matt Bertram:
I’m adjusting my mic over here.

Chris Burress:
Target keywords with big commercial intent, right? So, let’s see. When I first got started with keyword research, I would focus 100% on search volume. He doesn’t do that anymore. Search volume and commercial intent. I’ve seen you in discussions with clients. Commercial intent’s important. If it’s got 100,000 views, but it’s not going to convert searches, that’s not what you’re going to go after, right?

Matt Bertram:
So, I usually look at commercial intent first and then see, okay, is there enough volume to move the needle?

Chris Burress:
And then competitive.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, but also, if there’s 50 searches a month and you’re in a local market and the ticket price of whatever that item is, is enough. And it’s a long tail phrase that’s easy to hit.

Chris Burress:
It could work.

Matt Bertram:
They can work, you know? And also, one of the other things to do is I look and see, okay, is the keyword difficulty really hard and is anybody bidding on the word or not? So, if it’s hard and no one’s bidding on it, go bid a cent. Go get that word. So, you’re looking for the arbitrage is really what you’re looking for when you’re doing keyword research.

Chris Burress:
The thing that makes sense. He says, “so, target keywords with big commercial intent. For example, I recently started targeting keywords like link building services.” He found one that was the keyword search volume on mini searches. There were 350 searches, but the CPC was $25. So, we know that although there’s less volume for that phrase, there’s a lot more-

Matt Bertram:
Well, yeah. So, that’s what I look for too. Especially when we’re working in industries that I don’t have any idea. And then I go ask the client, I said, “Hey, is this word important?” Because other people are bidding on it. It’s a pretty market now, ad-words. So, you can get an idea of how valuable that keyword is when you stack it and it gives you a little more insight.

Chris Burress:
He said, “fun fact, I published this page as a ghost post. As it turns out, link building services is much less competitive than most tools claim.” So, that was just interesting. His article, seven link building services that actually work placed really well. All right, so that is our podcast. We’ve only covered the first six. We’re going to jump into another podcast here really quickly. Punch in the face to Brian Dean, we’re going to cover the rest of the 17, really 19, ways to improve your SEO in 2019. So, if you like this podcast, we’re going to ask you to do something about it.

Matt Bertram:
We need Brian Dean.

Chris Burress:
[crosstalk 00:26:19] Let him know we talked about him in this podcast. Remember, we don’t get paid for this podcast. We get paid in reviews. So, do us a favor, if you think there’s any value in it, go ahead and leave us a review. You can leave us a review at our Google Plus page. Not using that Google Plus anymore. Google my business page, which is-

Matt Bertram:
Or Yelp.

Chris Burress:
… ewebresults.com/g+ or just get on to Yelp and hopefully you will-

Matt Bertram:
And hopefully they won’t hide them. So, everybody’s into the rule of if you’re not leaving a good review that adds value and you’re just like, “great job.” Google tends to hide those reviews. So, make sure there’s a little bit of meat or potatoes in the post. Appreciate it.

Chris Burress:
And we will ask that you make that review 5 stars.

Matt Bertram:
5 stars.

Chris Burress:
Hey, if you’re looking to grow your business with the largest, simplest marketing tool on the planet.

Matt Bertram:
The internet.

Chris Burress:
Call ewebresults for increased revenue in your business. Call us at 713-592-6724. If you have referral, we have a referral program. You just reach out to us, you refer the business to us, we close them, they pay their bill.

Matt Bertram:
And we will do market on your site for free for a extended period of time or-

Chris Burress:
A certain period of time.

Matt Bertram:
A certain period of time.

Chris Burress:
A relevant period of time.

Matt Bertram:
A relevant period of time.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
And if you do want to call us and just ask us to put you on hold, you can listen to some of our new music.

Chris Burress:
Oh, yeah. We got-

Matt Bertram:
Some of our new ad copy.

Chris Burress:
Moving on up to the east side. Hey, we were filmed live here at 13501 Northwest Freeway, suite 500-34?

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
But I think we have 34 too-

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
But 35 is-

Chris Burress:
35 is the main. Houston, Texas, 77040. If you would like audio, video or a transcript of the podcast, usually sometimes-

Matt Bertram:
We finally have the site finished. We’re actually working on our new website as well. We’ve started on that, but we finished bestSEOpodcast.com and that is where we’re going to house this podcast. We’ll have a link to it of course from our website, but we’re going to have that so you can stay up to date with all the things that we’re doing related to the podcast and media. But best SEO podcast.com and we will have that available soon, we’re just migrating everything and we’re working on that right now.

Chris Burress:
Very cool.

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
Until the next podcast, my name is Chris Burress.

Matt Bertram:
Matt Bertram.

Chris Burress:
Bye bye for now.

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#556 CMO vs SEO: How To Balance SEO And B2B Marketing Goals

#556 CMO vs SEO: How To Balance SEO And B2B Marketing Goals

Follow Us On Youtube Chris Burres ·00:16 Hi and welcome to the SEO podcast. Unknown secrets of internet marketing. My name is Chris Burris.  Matt Bertram ·00:22 And my name is Matt Bertram.  Chris Burres ·00:25 Welcome to another fun-filled edition...

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