#465 - 21 Actionable SEO Techniques That Work GREAT in 2019 Part 2
Best SEO Podcast | EWR Digital
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21 Actionable SEO Techniques That Work GREAT in 2019 Part 2

Join Matt and Chris for another thrilling episode of the Best SEO Podcast, featuring “21 Actionable SEO Techniques That Work GREAT in 2019 ”

Chris Burress:
Hi and welcome to the SEO podcast, Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing. My name is Chris Burress, one of the owners here at E-Web Results.

Matt Bertram:
My name is Matt Bertram, the lead digital SEO strategist.

Chris Burress:
That is absolutely true. So, welcome back to another fun-filled edition of our podcast. This is podcast number 465.

Matt Bertram:
Oh, I like that.

Chris Burress:
You’re not impressed? Is that, or-

Matt Bertram:
Do it again.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
I like it.

Chris Burress:
And we have so much fun in this podcast. Please remember we’re filmed live here in Houston, Texas, and Matt and I, we are your
[crosstalk 00:00:42]
Results Rebels. You may have noticed we’ve switched positions because somebody informed us that we should actually match the images that are behind us so that Matt should sit with the image of Matt behind us, and Chris should sit with the image of [crosstalk 00:00:54] Chris behind us.

Matt Bertram:
It is confusing.

Chris Burress:
Yeah, it is.

Matt Bertram:
If you’re here, and that guy’s got glasses on, I don’t know.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. And you don’t look like the glasses.

Matt Bertram:
And I’m not wearing … I can’t-

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
It’s not time for that yet.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. No, that’ll happen later. And by the way, what is on the screen behind us is our new app. Web app really, right? It’s progressive web app. And we’ve actually moved off the podcast from E-Web Results. Still sponsored and obviously run by E-Web Results. It’s just its own entity. We’re going to be on Patreon soon, and you guys are going to be able to, I don’t know, give us-

Matt Bertram:
And we’re looking for some sponsors.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. [crosstalk 00:01:28] Let’s get some sponsors. Yeah, we can do that. Actually, we should talk about that and give a particular link, and then check the traffic from that. Yeah.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. I think what we’re looking at doing is creating, yeah, commercials.

Chris Burress:
Content, [crosstalk 00:01:44] and commercials, and value. Lots of value from everything that we’re doing.

Chris Burress:
I wanted to jump into this review. We got this really good review. This is of course five stars. It’s on iTunes. I hadn’t checked iTunes in a while. It’s from Ginny the Greek, and it says, “Happy I found you. Hello there, I have a podcast, too, and I’m trying to figure out how to better use SEO to promote it. I found your podcast this morning, and I’ve already listened to three episodes. This has tremendously helped me strategize what I need to do next, so thank you very much. Ginny.” And she’s with Bear Talk Radio.

Matt Bertram:
Jenny, I’ll come on your podcast.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
And I’ll help you promote it.

Chris Burress:
And help yes.

Matt Bertram:
Reach out.

Chris Burress:
That’s how you do that.

Matt Bertram:
There you go. Influencers.

Chris Burress:
Hey, if you’re interested … If this is the first time you’ve listened to the podcast, howdy.

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
Welcome to the podcast. We’re glad that you’ve joined us. If you’ve listened to this podcast before, you might be here for some SEO tips, and we’ve got a way that you can get SEO tips. You can get SEO tips by going to EWebResults.com/ …

Matt Bertram:
We’re revamping that.

Chris Burress:
That might not be there?

Matt Bertram:
Don’t go there. Just keep listening to the podcast.

Chris Burress:
Get the tips from us directly, right? Download the podcast, [crosstalk 00:02:50] and get them from us.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. Just listen to some more episodes. Reach out to us. I’m broadcasting now on LinkedIn, so if you’re out there on LinkedIn, you can check out some videos.

Chris Burress:
We uploaded a video today.

Matt Bertram:
I’m going to be doing some case studies. We did.

Chris Burress:
Yeah, we uploaded a video today, which by the time you get this will be like a week or so ago. And your mom responded, so that was dangerous.

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
So, Chris just thought-

Chris Burress:
No, no, let them figure it out.

Matt Bertram:
Oh, okay.

Chris Burress:
Go to the LinkedIn page, and figure out-

Matt Bertram:
Tesla hates us, too, probably.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. Yeah. So, there’s some danger in there. No one was harmed in the creation of that video. We can assure you.

Matt Bertram:
I’m glad that you made that disclaimer. That’s really important.

Chris Burress:
So, your mom feels better about that.

Matt Bertram:
Yes. Yeah.

Chris Burress:
It’s good to know your mom’s following you on LinkedIn, too. I think I could post-

Matt Bertram:
On Facebook. She’s [crosstalk 00:03:31]-

Chris Burress:
Oh, it was on Facebook. Oh, okay.

Matt Bertram:
I pushed it out, and yeah, she-

Chris Burress:
So, my mom isn’t on Facebook.

Matt Bertram:
My mom used to be on LinkedIn. She worked for Microsoft for 30 years, but now she just she has the young picture. [inaudible 00:03:41]-

Chris Burress:
Oh, that’s still up there?

Matt Bertram:
It’s like the young picture. Yeah.

Chris Burress:
You don’t need to update it. You’re not working for Microsoft anymore.

Chris Burress:
All right, so this is part two of 21 SEO Tips. I can’t remember the name of the article, but it’s by Brian Dean. He’s with Backlinko. Go check it out. This is-

Matt Bertram:
He’s buying up all the good blogs, and can’t find the content anymore.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. So, this is Brian Dean-

Matt Bertram:
He’s good though. I like Brian.

Chris Burress:
He is very good. We will have done six in a row podcasts of his content. That is how good his content is.

Matt Bertram:
We need to get it listed. Just reach out and get him on here.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
Basically, we’re like, “We’re a fan. We’re a fan.”

Chris Burress:
Yeah. “We’re a fan. We’re groupies. Come be on our podcast.”

Matt Bertram:
SEO groupies.

Chris Burress:
We’re SEO groupies of Mr. Brian Dean.

Chris Burress:
Hey, if you could help us out, we would really like it if you would ‘shikow’ us.

Matt Bertram:
A share, a like, or a follow.

Chris Burress:
Yeah, and when you do that, you actually hear the sound in the back of your head, it sounds, “Shikow!” That’s a [crosstalk 00:04:39]-

Matt Bertram:
That was like the old Batman and Robin, the pow.

Chris Burress:
Yep. Yep. That’s why we have … You know, we didn’t talk about swag in the last podcast. We have E-Web Results swag.

Matt Bertram:
I like this shirt.

Chris Burress:
That’s a good one. It says, “I am here.”

Matt Bertram:
And it’s got the location.

Chris Burress:
Yes. The pin.

Matt Bertram:
The pin. Yeah. It’s like it’s where I am. And I feel like Google just kind of makes fun of you because they call their phone the pixel, and they’re basically market ads to me. They’re like-

Chris Burress:
Oh yeah. It’s the pixel. [crosstalk 00:05:06] Just like the Facebook pixel that you put on a website so they can harass you. Yup. That’s-

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, I think … It’s funny to see the little Easter eggs that are in some of the programming.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. Some of the thought process. Like Tesla has sexy. I don’t know if you know that, right? So, there’s the Model S, the Model 3, looks like an E, and then the Model S-

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
… the model X, and then the next version coming out is a Y. Sexy.

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
It’s like pyramids everywhere.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. It’s all going to [crosstalk 00:05:36]-

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
It’s all the quest of Elon Musk to get to Mars. All right, so-

Matt Bertram:
He’s already there.

Chris Burress:
What we are covering is these 21 tips. Brian Dean put these together. Amazing stuff. And we are on number nine. If you would like to hear one through eight, then you should probably go-

Matt Bertram:
I was on number 11.

Chris Burress:
You should probably not listen to Matt, and you should definitely go back to the previous podcast, and check those out.

Chris Burress:
So number nine, send link juice to pages sitting on page two or three.

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
Right? So, if you’ve got some of your blog articles, some of your main content is on page two or three of Google, then you can boost it. And what we mentioned in the last podcast, go check it out, is that the link traffic, the link juice that you have actually control over is the stuff that’s on your website. So, juice it-

Matt Bertram:
[crosstalk 00:06:28] Make sure your homepage is pointing to it.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
But here’s the thing, there’s been a lot of studies done, most of the traffic’s on the first page of Google. You get about a 20% bump if you can flip it over to the first page, and then it’s sequentially significantly multiples-

Chris Burress:
Higher, yeah, of value.

Matt Bertram:
… as you move from 10 to one. And so, if your traffic’s sitting on the second page, it’s probably not getting much or if any visibility. It’s kind of like a winner-take-all kind of lion’s share game that you got to be on the first page of Google. You got to be.

Chris Burress:
Yep. Got to be there. And he talks about, okay, what is the three step process for sending link juice to pages sitting on page two or three? Well first, use Google Search Console to find keywords where you rank on the second or third page. So basically, go into Google search console, and you can figure that information. So, what that means is position 11 through 19, right?

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. We use a Google Search Planner, or a Google Search Console, and Keyword Planner. And then, we use SEM Rush, Ahrefs. There’s a bunch of them out there that help you find out where you’re sitting, and where you want to go.

Chris Burress:
And he says page two or three, so that’s 11 positions, 11 through 30.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. And you can sort. There’s sort functions [crosstalk 00:07:39]-

Chris Burress:
Step two, identify authoritative pages on your site, right? So, those are pages that have a lot of link juice. And then link those pages. In fact, there’s a search in Ahref, best buy links in the left hand sidebar if you’re doing a search for your domain.

Matt Bertram:
One of the things you can also do, we built a little fun little tool that we’re going to clean up a little bit, but if you go to YouWebResults.com, we have authority checker tool. Okay? And so, I use this actually every day to see what the domain authority is, and what the page authority is. So, if you’re trying to figure out on your page, just you go use that little tool, and-

Chris Burress:
We should have built into that a pixel checker, too, because I know you use that information regular [crosstalk 00:08:15]-

Matt Bertram:
I do. I do.

Chris Burress:
Domain authority pixel checker.

Matt Bertram:
There’s so many things. We just hired some programmers, and we’re just coming up with stuff for them to do. They’re like, “What are we doing?” And we’re like, “I don’t know. We want you to build a bunch of [crosstalk 00:08:24]-”

Chris Burress:
You’re going to do this.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. We’re going to just keep giving them projects. It’s fun.

Chris Burress:
All right, so step three is go to those landing pages and add internal links. So, links to those pages. Those other pages on your site that are sitting on page two or three of Google Search Result Number 10, add this one word to your outreach email. Don’t look at that. Let me see the paper. To your outreach email, and increase your response rate by 45%. I know you already have at least one guess. What is the one word to add to your outreach emails to increase your response rate by 45%?

Matt Bertram:
Their name?

Chris Burress:
Well, that’s not one word. That’s a different word. So yeah, of course you want to have their name.

Matt Bertram:
Action requested?

Chris Burress:
So, action requested. Could be good, right?

Matt Bertram:
You got to get them to open it.

Chris Burress:
You’re not going to believe how simple this one is. The word is because, right? And so-

Matt Bertram:
I wouldn’t have guessed that.

Chris Burress:
This is actually very interesting because I’ve been aware of the research behind this. I don’t know for how long. I think it was the book Influence. You’ll remember this, right? In the book Influence, somebody they were testing word usage, and there was a line of people waiting to use a copier, and they would send somebody to try and cut in front of line. And one of them would say, “Can I use the copy machine before you? 61% of people would say yes. By the way, I would not be one of those 61%. I would say, “No, there’s a line. Get in the back of the line.” That’s just how I am. I believe in organization and structure.

Matt Bertram:
Well no, so really when you call somebody, right? So, I used to do a lot of cold calling in a past life, okay? And really when you’re calling, you just, “Hey, I’m calling you because I was just thinking about you.” You got to give them a reason-

Chris Burress:
The reason.

Matt Bertram:
Just the reason why, “Hey, your name came up in conversation. Hey. You got to give people a reason of why you want them to do something.”

Chris Burress:
It’s never “out of the blue.” Right? Right?

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. Yeah.

Chris Burress:
So then, the other part of the study was they approached the line, and they say, “Can I use the copy machine before you because I’m in a rush.” 89. So, I went from 61% yeses to 89% yeses. Why it’s such a huge difference? It turns out because it makes a request, any request, seem more legitimate.

Matt Bertram:
Think about the people … So, I just got back from New York. Think about people in the airport. Right? That are rushing, and and they’re like, “Hey, I’m going to miss my flight.”

Chris Burress:
You’re going to say help [inaudible 00:10:49]. We want to help people. Human nature is actually to help people. So, he said-

Matt Bertram:
I like it.

Chris Burress:
And structured an email like this, “I’m emailing you because …” And this is just like I’m calling you because-

Matt Bertram:
I just learned something. My brain just got bigger.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
Does it still fit in the screen? Are we good? His brain got bigger. Don’t break the TV behind it. Because cements my reason for reaching out as more legitimate.

Chris Burress:
Number 11, right? So, this is 21 SEO processes. Write many blog posts for YouTube descriptions. He’s actually sneaking in a YouTube SEO optimization process. It’s pretty good. It says write 200 plus word video descriptions.

Matt Bertram:
And only use seven tags.

Chris Burress:
Only seven tags?

Matt Bertram:
I’ve tested this out. Only use seven tags targeting your keyword. There’s a lot of stuff about YouTube specifically, but a lot of people just post YouTube and don’t tell people what it’s about, or you could transcribe it and post it. But yeah, Google My Business is now doing this, too. A lot of people are not taking advantage of that. Little mini blogs, you know?

Chris Burress:
Yeah. Makes sense. And he says a lot of people just post it, mindlessly toss a few words into the description box. That is a huge, a Trump huge mistake.

Chris Burress:
Number 12, optimize content for semantic SEO. Remember that thing called Hummingbird, right? That thing called Hummingbird. Before Hummingbird, Google only analyzed individual keywords on your page. [crosstalk 00:12:17] After Hummingbird, it understands the topic of your page. So, the question is how can you optimize your content for semantic SEO?

Matt Bertram:
Well, there’s what is it called LSI graph, and then-

Chris Burress:
Yes. Oh yeah.

Matt Bertram:
Right? So then-

Chris Burress:
I think that’s even here.

Matt Bertram:
Does he talk about that?

Chris Burress:
It is. Look at that right there.

Matt Bertram:
Oh, so I use that a lot, but also looking at different combinations. Google does look at each keyword similar but different. So, like Houston, Texas, Houston, TX, Houston at the beginning. Those are actually all the different keywords. But what Google’s trying to figure out, this is what I’ve decided, this is from a bunch of [crosstalk 00:12:58]-

Chris Burress:
This is what I’ve decided.

Matt Bertram:
This is what I’ve decided.

Chris Burress:
I’ve concluded maybe is the-

Matt Bertram:
I have concluded from extensive research-

Chris Burress:
[crosstalk 00:13:04] That my decision that I’m about to share with you is correct.

Matt Bertram:
That my decision is that Google is trying to figure out what type of company you are, and then it puts you in that bucket. Okay? And then, it’ll start ranking you for other stuff. So, a lot of people are trying to optimize for certain keywords. And Google is just trying to figure out what you are, and then put you in that bucket. And then, you can optimize for additional stuff. But from playing with the algorithm, that’s kind of one of the things I’ve seem to get kind of that semantic locked in really quickly. It’s like what type of company, or business, or whatever is associated with these type of things? And it doesn’t even have to necessarily be the keyword that you’re looking for or combinations.

Chris Burress:
I think-

Matt Bertram:
Does that make sense?

Chris Burress:
So, I think, and it’s been a while since I’ve said this, and I think it’s still very true, if you’re looking for what you need to do in the internet space, you need to look at what the leading industry leader is doing, right? So, if the industry leader is active on LinkedIn, active on Facebook, active on Twitter, maybe not active on Snapchat yet-

Matt Bertram:
What about TikTok?

Chris Burress:
And active maybe on TikTok, or whatever they’re doing, Google is going to kind of hold that up as like this is the pinnacle of somebody in this industry. So, this is who you’re competing against. And if you want to compete against them, you need to be doing what they’re doing. So, that’s kind of where do you fall?

Matt Bertram:
Follow the yellow brick road.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. That’s what I like to do.

Chris Burress:
All right. So first, optimize your page. So again, how can you optimize your content for semantic SEO? First, optimize your page around your target keyword just like you normally would. And then, cover subtopics related to your target keyword. We’re not talking about keyword stuffing. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Matt Bertram:
What you can do with this, right? Is write additional blogs. Kind of build a link structure with that. With multiple blogs. But I actually like to use Wikipedia to see how they’re organizing data to figure out what they think’s associated with other things. Or what is it? Answer the public?

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
That guy’s kind of annoying though [crosstalk 00:15:03]-

Chris Burress:
You mentioned LSI graph, it says this tool shows you subtopics that are related to the keyword you typed into, and when you cover these subtopics, it’s clear to Google that you’re actually covering the overall topic. Right? That’s really good.

Matt Bertram:
Well, look at that.

Chris Burress:
Number 13, in bed, long tail keywords in title tags. So, this is just smart. If you think about, what is it, SEO Quake? The plugin. Not SEO Quake. Is that the plugin? The plugin in WordPress. Is that it’s SEO Quake? What is it?

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
Yoast. Thank you. Yeah, SEO Quake is another one. So, if you look at Yoast, you can actually pay for a premium version, and get two keyword sets. That’s really getting into this kind of optimizing for semantic because you’re getting those lowercase keywords. So, if you look at what you can do with that same tool, embedding long tail keywords into your title tags really makes sense, right?

Chris Burress:
It is like in his case he’s like, his title is white hat SEO case study, how to get a number one ranking. So, what is it he’s doing? He’s putting how to get a number one ranking, but he also embedded into it the long-tail phrase SEO case study. He said it hit number five for SEO case study in a few short weeks.

Matt Bertram:
Well, he’s got some juice. That boy’s got some juice over there.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. He’s got juice all over the … The bottom line is find long tails that you can embed into your existing titles that are focused on particular keywords.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. No, it’s doing more with less. Yeah.

Chris Burress:
Number 14, hack Wikipedia. That just sounds like fun. Like we should all wake up and hack Wikipedia.

Matt Bertram:
Man, I feel like I should’ve wrote this article.

Chris Burress:
Hack Wikipedia for keyword and topic ideas. Sure, the keyword planner is nice for monthly search volume info, but is horrible at generating new keyword ideas. So, what his ideas is go into Wikipedia. He gives the example, “Hey, I’m going to do a search in Wikipedia for insurance,” and then you get this table of contents. Jump into the table of contents, and he’s like, “Look, by looking into this, I see underwriting and investing. I see earned premium, underwriting, actuarial science. All of these are phrases that are coming directly out of the Wikipedia article that you might not have thought of, and they’re relevant. They’re going to help you do, place you well for a semantic search.”

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. No, I do that.

Chris Burress:
Then number 15, use best of list to find awesome link building opportunities. Right?

Matt Bertram:
I haven’t done that as much. I’ve been really busy lately, but we do have some really solid link builders that we need to make sure that we give that to.

Chris Burress:
This technique to. Yeah.

Matt Bertram:
A lot of people, you know what they’re starting to do? They’re starting to be like, “Hey, I want this link, and I’ll put you back on the list.” We were on the list, and they pull us out, and they’re like, “Hey, I’ll put you back on [crosstalk 00:17:52] the best SEO pockets.” I’m like people are getting fierce.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. Cut throat.

Matt Bertram:
It’s getting cut throat out there.

Chris Burress:
Competition is going up.

Matt Bertram:
And that’s what’s happening for a lot of our clients. Okay? What we’re seeing is a lot more people are jumping into the online game with both feet. Right? And so, what worked six months ago or a year ago, it’s more competitive based on geographic area, based on the industry. Really all that traffic’s on the first page of Google. And so, everybody’s trying to get there, and everybody’s trying to get online, and what I would recommend is if you’re on the fence about it, it’s time to jump in now. Don’t wait until you’re the last one in the boat-

Chris Burress:
And you’re playing catch up.

Matt Bertram:
And you’re playing catch up because right now-

Chris Burress:
Because it’s a competition.

Matt Bertram:
Right now, you can get in position, and you can kind of hold position, and fend people off-

Chris Burress:
It’s easier to be the king of the hill if you’re already the king of the hill.

Matt Bertram:
If you’re already on top of the hill, and you have guards, and moats-

Chris Burress:
And moats, and-

Matt Bertram:
And sharks.

Chris Burress:
And dragons.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. Ooh, I like dragons.

Chris Burress:
All right, so best of blog post are-

Matt Bertram:
I like that. I’m going to-

Chris Burress:
Simply hand curated list of the best blogs in a specific industry. You can find that. So, you could look like, I don’t know, you could look like dragons, blogs to follow, best dragons post 2019, top dragons blogs to follow, and that’s how you can find these lists. And what those are, those are a list of who you want to reach out to to try and do … Are you stealing my paper?

Matt Bertram:
I’m saving that one.

Chris Burress:
Okay. It’s worth keeping?

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, that one’s worth keeping. You know? It’s like you go into doctors, and [inaudible 00:19:32] whip out the magazine.

Chris Burress:
Nobody else needs that page. So, those are who you can reach out to to do guest posts, or you can ask them for links that are relevant to their particular content.

Matt Bertram:
We could write an article, ‘what is better, dragons or unicorns?’.

Chris Burress:
Yes, yes.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. I bet we could rank that.

Chris Burress:
My daughter might-

Matt Bertram:
I think we could test that out.

Chris Burress:
… might actually fight over that article. She loves her some unicorns. She has a dabbing unicorn, which we do this way. That’s how you do a dabbing unicorn.

Matt Bertram:
Is that a dance?

Chris Burress:
Dabbing unicorn on her lunchbox and on her backpack. It’s pretty awesome.

Matt Bertram:
That’s awesome. Yeah.

Chris Burress:
I helped her choose it. Number 16, publish content with at least 1800 words.

Matt Bertram:
So, remember when that was 300, and then 500, and then 750, and then 1,000. Now, it’s 1800. We were actually saying six months ago, or maybe even a year ago, 2,000 words. Right? More is better in Google’s eyes to a degree.

Chris Burress:
In fact, there’s a study of 1 million Google search results, and that study found that the average word count of the first page of Google results was 1890, right? So, to be in the competition for that study of 1 million Google searches, you had on average 1,890 words in your page.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. And so, what people are starting to do, starting to do kind of drop down boxes are kind of where you … You have the content on there where Google can see it, but then it’s optimized for conversions. And so, if people want more information-

Chris Burress:
Can step to it. Yeah.

Matt Bertram:
And Google’s doing it, too, is like they don’t want you to leave Google, so they put all that information on that page, but it’s not just like word vomited everywhere, it’s like basically in little tabs and stuff like that.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
Accordions. Yeah.

Chris Burress:
Here’s a question. Give me your piece of paper again.

Matt Bertram:
Oh no.

Chris Burress:
Why do long posts work?

Matt Bertram:
I didn’t this was a quiz day.

Chris Burress:
First off, long posts show Google that they’re providing in-depth information for searchers. In depth content flips an important emotional switch. Right? So, that switch gets switched. That pushes people to share online. What is that emotional switch?

Matt Bertram:
Please repeat the question.

Chris Burress:
In-depth content flips an important emotional switch that pushes people to share online content. What is that emotional switch? I didn’t even know it was an emotional switch. It’s awe. Right? So, you read a really good article, you want to share it. Like, “This is a really good … This is amazing. That’s why I want to share it.” So, he calls the emotional switch ahh.

Matt Bertram:
I’m speechless.

Chris Burress:
You should just be saying, “Ahh.”

Matt Bertram:
No. Actually, I’ve been reading a few different books.

Chris Burress:
You’ve been known to read a little here and there.

Matt Bertram:
I do.

Chris Burress:
Incessantly. Yeah.

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
I love reading. Yeah. And they did talk about the power of awe, and that’s what gets people that interruption market to catch it. But you always want to leave people with a sense of awe. That’s who’s going to recommend, who’s going to share, and it’s just going above and beyond. And so, actually at this conference we were talking about what are those kind of low periods when you’re working with customers or clients that you can flip that, and make it-

Chris Burress:
And deliver wow.

Matt Bertram:
And deliver wow or deliver awe.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. Ahh. University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Jonah Berger found that content that elicited awe made people 30% more likely to share it.

Matt Bertram:
If you would ask do you want your stuff to be awesome
[crosstalk 00:23:08]
or awful, they would say awesome.

Chris Burress:
They would say some. All right, so that’s-

Matt Bertram:
That’s it? No, what about one more? I want one more.

Chris Burress:
Nope, we’re done. We’re done. We’ve got another podcast to do from this content. Man, punch in the face to Brian Dean with Backlinko putting together awe-worthy content awesome enough for us to put it in six of our podcasts in a row. If you guys are tired of this maybe, hit us up, let us know. Right? I think it’s good content. I think it’s good for you. I think there’s great information here. We’re adding to that information, so hit us up. Let us know. We’ve got-

Matt Bertram:
I know you wanted to go to a Neil Patel article, and Brian just kind of awe you.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. So, I would say that if Brian actually sent us a link request and said, and this is from our previous podcast, and said, “Hey, could you replace Neil Patel’s article with this one?” You would actually consider it.

Matt Bertram:
I would.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
I would. Yeah.

Chris Burress:
You considered the other one, but it would get farther than it did.

Matt Bertram:
Well, I’m all like I just call it like it is. Really. I just that’s why it’s called punch in the face marketing.

Chris Burress:
Hey, we don’t get paid to do this, so we ask you to do something simple. We get paid in reviews-

Matt Bertram:
Or ship us cash in envelopes.

Chris Burress:
Yeah, buckets-

Matt Bertram:
Small bills.

Chris Burress:
Yeah, buckets of cash. We actually had 101 reviews on Facebook at one point. That’s down to nine.

Matt Bertram:
How did that happen?

Chris Burress:
We didn’t do anything wrong. I think it’s-

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
I think Facebook is just-

Matt Bertram:
Facebook said, “These are so old, and-”

Chris Burress:
Yeah, and you’re not that business anymore.

Matt Bertram:
And you’re not a real business.

Chris Burress:
We’re not the same podcast anymore.

Matt Bertram:
And it was like but a bunch of these were from last year, so I don’t even know-

Chris Burress:
If you want to stick it to Facebook-

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, stick it to Facebook.

Chris Burress:
… what you should do is go back to facebook.com/bestSEOpodcast, and leave us another review.

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
Take that Facebook.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. Facebook’s like really everybody’s getting off the platform. People have moved to more Instagram.

Chris Burress:
They are spending an hour a day on average on it, but everyone’s getting off.

Matt Bertram:
Well, he’s going to run for Congress, and he’s got his
[crosstalk 00:25:18]

Chris Burress:
Is he running for Congress?

Matt Bertram:
Or something. I don’t know. President maybe. But Libra coin. He’s going to take over the whole …

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
So, we’re sorry. We’re sorry.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
We love Facebook.

Chris Burress:
Send us Libra coin.

Matt Bertram:
Send us Libra coin.

Chris Burress:
Is that like Unicorn? Unicoin.

Chris Burress:
Hey, if you’re looking to grow your business with the largest, simplest marketing tool on the planet-

Matt Bertram:
The internet.

Chris Burress:
… call E-Web Results for increased revenue in your business. You can call us at (713) 592-6724. If you have a referral, or this is not you, out there, if those podcast listeners or YouTube people who should be subscribers, go ahead click subscribe now, if you actually have a referral, you send that referral to us, we deliver great internet marketing results to them, and they pay us, and then we pay you.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, or we’ll put some money towards a bucket for marketing for you. We have a video here of our new headquarters, and for all you special-

Chris Burress:
Right behind us. Oh, it’s on the video.

Matt Bertram:
… that are watching. Okay?

Chris Burress:
It’s on the video. We were filmed live.

Matt Bertram:
Is it?

Chris Burress:
[crosstalk 00:26:21] Live at 13105 Northwest Freeway.

Matt Bertram:
This is our tower. This is our headquarters. Look at that. Look at that.

Chris Burress:
Suite 500-34, 35, 36.

Matt Bertram:
It’s the tallest building-

Chris Burress:
Look. Look at the logo on that. That is good.

Matt Bertram:
That is the tallest building on 290.

Chris Burress:
On this freeway. Yep.

Matt Bertram:
This is the hub. This is the future of where the center of Houston’s going to be because you can get on 290. Okay? You can get on I-10. You can get on 610. This is the only-

Chris Burress:
And 45. 45, yeah.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, 45. This is the only place in Houston that’s actually the center. So Houston, it’s actually here. This is actually … We’re going to move the pin-

Chris Burress:
It’s in our office. It’s in our office. Yeah.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, we’re going to move the pin, and yeah right here.

Chris Burress:
And it’s going to be I am here. Right? If you look at his shirt, it says, “I am here.”

Matt Bertram:
This will be the center of Houston. Mark my words.

Chris Burress:
Yep. Yep. Market my words.

Matt Bertram:
Market my words. Oh, I like that.

Chris Burress:
If you would like a transcript, video, or audio of this podcast, you can find it on our podcast website, which is bestSEOpodcast.com. We are the most popular SEO, and one of the most popular internet marketing podcasts on iTunes in the known universe. That is because of you. That is because of all y’all. Thank you so much. Please shikow us.

Matt Bertram:
Share, like, and follow.

Chris Burress:
And until the next podcast, my name’s Chris Burress.

Matt Bertram:
My name’s Matt Bertram.

Chris Burress:
[crosstalk 00:27:41] Bye-bye for now.

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