The Unknown of Secrets of Internet Marketing Podcast
Best SEO Podcast | EWR Digital
Video Transcript

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Join Matt and Chris for another thrilling episode of the Best SEO Podcast!

Chris Burress:
Hi and welcome to the SEO Podcast, Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing. My name is Chris Burress one of the owners of eWebResults.

Matt Bertram:
My name is Matt Bertram your SEO expert.

Chris Burress:
SEO expert in… How do you know he’s the internet marketing expert, you can just read his T shirt.

Matt Bertram:
Who is the best internet marketing agency in Huston?

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
If you’re on YouTube get one [crosstalk 00:01:03]-

Chris Burress:
Subscribe and follow and thank you for being on YouTube-

Matt Bertram:
[inaudible 00:01:06].

Chris Burress:
… so we always like you to remember that we are broadcasting live here from Houston Texas-

Matt Bertram:
We’re really not broadcasting live right now.

Chris Burress:
… well that’s true. We normally broadcast live here from Houston Texas and Matt and I we are your results rebels. He’s being a rebel by not conforming to the results rebel [crosstalk 00:01:31]-

Matt Bertram:
We’re going to go back to the beakers and the white jackets.

Chris Burress:
The beakers and the white jackets.

Matt Bertram:
Where were we at that point?

Chris Burress:
We were the results lab [crosstalk 00:01:38]-

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, but what were we called then? We were-

Chris Burress:
… I don’t remember.

Matt Bertram:
… you don’t remember?

Chris Burress:
I don’t.

Matt Bertram:
Oh no, I feel like we need to wear white coats. I feel like people will take us more seriously.

Chris Burress:
Take us more seriously.

Matt Bertram:
I need a bobble head with like-

Chris Burress:
With a white coat.

Matt Bertram:
… with a white coat.

Chris Burress:
That was an option. You could have done that. All right, before we get into this podcast I’m going to jump right in with this review. This is from Tom Burley. And it is of course, five stars. There are a lot of podcasts on SEO out there in the internet of things these days. At first I honestly thought Matt and Chris were a little off their rockers with their corny jokes and dry humor, but-

Matt Bertram:
Dry humor?

Chris Burress:
… but, and he capitalized the but in this one. So is like a punch in the face, they woke me up to the things I was missing. Matt talks about the eWeb free consulting call a lot. I was very skeptical at first because we’ve all been pitched with no pressure consulting calls that offers zero value in 100% sales calls. Chris and Matt stressed over and over that their passion is about helping any business no matter how small. I finally bit the bullet, set up the call and I was lucky enough to get Alyssa Flores in capital letters, who was amazing. By the way, she-

Matt Bertram:
She is amazing.

Chris Burress:
She is amazing, yeah. She gave me great feedback on changes I could make that would have semi immediate results. Do yourself a favor. Give these guys and girls a chance. Give them a call. I added the lessons, give them a call.

Matt Bertram:
I know I’m not going to talk about calling us.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
I really, just fill out the form.

Chris Burress:
Fill out the form-

Matt Bertram:
[crosstalk 00:03:14] no, why don’t you just listen to our podcast because we give it all away.

Chris Burress:
All of the information [crosstalk 00:03:19].

Matt Bertram:
All of the information. Here you go. Lip slips sink ships.

Chris Burress:
So the teaser for today is FAQ. So we’re going to answer some frequently asked questions.

Matt Bertram:
Oh, yeah, I was wondering what the…

Chris Burress:
We’re going to do that. First, I’d like to say if this is the first time you’ve listened to the podcast, howdy, and welcome to the podcast, we’re from Houston. So howdy is absolutely appropriate.

Matt Bertram:
What if you weren’t [inaudible 00:03:46]?.

Chris Burress:
Which is also… It is in Texas.

Matt Bertram:
I mean, all the [Aggies 00:03:49] out there, why don’t you give us a nice comment on our Facebook page. Let Chris know that you’re listening.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
Say howdy Chris.

Chris Burress:
Howdy, Chris, we also use howdy even though you’re not in Houston, necessarily. So, what I’d like to say is if you’re looking for tips and tricks, we have tips and tricks.

Matt Bertram:
No we don’t, we have strategies and high level concepts only.

Chris Burress:
Well, what are they going to find if they go to the eWebResults.com/tips?

Matt Bertram:
Nothing, [inaudible 00:04:23] errors.

Chris Burress:
So don’t even bother going there, eWebResults.com/tips.

Matt Bertram:
Don’t call us, nothing. This is low pressure.

Chris Burress:
This is the opposite of high pressure.

Matt Bertram:
Do not check out our website.

Chris Burress:
It’s a bad idea for you to-

Matt Bertram:
We are launching a new website. Just wait.

Chris Burress:
… just wait. Marketing strategies that have failed miserably. We’re launching a new website soon. Don’t visit the current one yet.

Matt Bertram:
Don’t do it, we’ll remark it to you.

Chris Burress:
So he does have a T shirt that proves that he’s an internet marketing expert. If you would like a T shirt that proves that you are also an internet marketing expert Matt where would they go to get that?

Matt Bertram:
eWebResults.com forward/swag.

Chris Burress:
We got a whole bunch of-

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
… T shirts that you sell.

Matt Bertram:
… soon to be. I got the draft of it.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
So we’re plucking off like a little water droplet.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
Best SEO podcast.com as its own standalone podcast
[crosstalk 00:05:30]

Chris Burress:
[crosstalk 00:05:29] podcast, value. Wow! That’s pretty awesome.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, it’s the first step in the media moguls. That is it.

Chris Burress:
We’re going to be media moguls?

Matt Bertram:
Oh yeah.

Chris Burress:
Just like the preview websites-

Matt Bertram:
[crosstalk 00:05:47] media.

Chris Burress:
… don’t bother going there. No, don’t go there yet. We don’t-

Matt Bertram:
Turn us off and come back and couple episodes we’ll be way better.

Chris Burress:
… yeah, it’ll [crosstalk 00:05:57]-

Matt Bertram:
Every episode we get better.

Chris Burress:
… all right, so we’re going to cover FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions. And Matt has the questions. I feel like he’s also going to answer them. So why don’t you hand that list of questions over to me. So I… Kidding, it’s all right.

Matt Bertram:
I’ll give you some of them.

Chris Burress:
I don’t need any questions.

Matt Bertram:
You don’t need any questions?

Chris Burress:
I can go harder and stronger [crosstalk 00:06:18]-

Matt Bertram:
These are pretty… What, I’ll give you a low ball.

Chris Burress:
A low… All right, you’re going toss it underhand. Underhand pitch. I’m ready with my bat. Let’s bring it here.

Matt Bertram:
So this is what we’ll do. I think that this will be good. So I’ll ask you the question, and then I’ll read-

Chris Burress:
The answer.

Matt Bertram:
… I’ll read the answer to you already.

Chris Burress:
After I give the…

Matt Bertram:
No, hold on. [crosstalk 00:06:43] and then you tell me what you think about it.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
Now do you [crosstalk 00:06:46]-

Matt Bertram:
That’s not like-

Chris Burress:
… that’s like on the other hand like and it’s more like a beach ball instead of a baseball and I got a bat that’s going to knock it out of the park. Okay, and so with my commentary, on that answer, are you looking just for something like, Mm-hmm (affirmative)? Or Eh. Is that what you’re looking for?

Matt Bertram:
… all right, I’m just going to ask you the question.

Chris Burress:
Okay, great.

Matt Bertram:
And then we’ll see where it goes.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
Does SEO matter anymore?

Chris Burress:
Does SEO matter anymore?

Matt Bertram:
Let me ask in a different way.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
Does SEO really matter?

Chris Burress:
Does SEO really matter? That’s the question. And to be clear, you’re going to read and answer first, or you want me to talk about?

Matt Bertram:
No [crosstalk 00:07:31].

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
Doesn’t matter.

Chris Burress:
… I’m stalling so I have a really good answer. So the answer is, yes.

Matt Bertram:
Correct [inaudible 00:07:41].

Chris Burress:
All right. This is good. Next one. Of course, SEO matters. So you know what, and I know you do. Do you know what it is when somebody is like, “Hey, SEO doesn’t matter anymore.” What does that call that has a very specific phrase. It starts with link and ends with a bait. So you might know what that is.

Matt Bertram:
[inaudible 00:08:04].

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
So the only reason that they’re writing those articles is it gets attention. Of course, it’s going to get attention. You’re an SEO, maybe you’re like, life’s passion is SEO like a lot of people here at SEO eWebResults, their passion is about SEO and internet marketing and all of these things. And you pops up on your radar, SEO doesn’t matter anymore. I can tell you, we’ve got a fun kind of contentious environment between the PPC team and the SEO team. And so if the PPC team sees that kind of article, they’re like forwarding it over to the SEO team going, “See, SEO doesn’t matter anymore.” And that’s all it is, is just a linkbait. SEO is supremely important. It’s getting more and more important. But what’s getting more important is the overall strategy, right? The overall strategy.

Matt Bertram:
Well, yeah. You can’t run internet marketing strategy on one platform anymore. You also can’t rank a website with one strategy anymore. It’s just getting more competitive. It’s getting more complex. It’s going to speak to that article like, “The king is dead, long live the king.” Okay.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
It’s basically, SEO changes. We just had an algorithm update. It affected a lot of things. A lot of Google my businesses, people doing nefarious things got taken down, a lot of crypto stuff got taken down. A lot of clients were very concerned about their website. If you’re doing the right thing by Google, don’t worry about it. We actually saw huge pops for our website and a lot of other clients.

Chris Burress:
Yeah, when you get all those that bogus junk out of the way, boom, these websites pop up.

Matt Bertram:
Google’s like, “Hey, I’m going to reward you for doing the right thing.” Right? Let me take a step back and ask you another question. Again, another softball question.

Chris Burress:
Underhand, okay.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. So when we did all the ribbon cutting and the
[crosstalk 00:10:08]

Chris Burress:
Grand opening event?

Matt Bertram:
… grand opening event, I was speaking, and one lady was like, “What is SEO?”

Chris Burress:
Yeah, that was-

Matt Bertram:
Right. And I thought I said, “Hey, it’s search engine optimization.” But I don’t think she understood what that was. So why don’t you for anybody that’s new time listener, right? Because I’ll tell you, every single person in our office, if I asked them what SEO was, their answer would be pretty close. But-

Chris Burress:
… but slightly different.

Matt Bertram:
… but slightly different Right? So I’m interested to hear what you going to mention. That is it.

Chris Burress:
So do you want to compare and contrast of like SEO versus SEM or-

Matt Bertram:
That’s another question.

Chris Burress:
… that’s another type of question. All right.

Matt Bertram:
I want to know what you think SEO is?

Chris Burress:
Search engine optimization, right?

Matt Bertram:
Where does it start?

Chris Burress:
Where does it start?

Matt Bertram:
No, go get it. Sorry.

Chris Burress:
Like if you’re… So search engine optimization is the process of getting your web property to show up high in the organic listings. And that also includes the maps. So I would say it specifically excludes PPC, which SEM search engine marketing includes PPC, and then you’re talking about the maps and the organic section. Now, there’s a lot of nuances and other things that get thrown in and out to SEO, which didn’t exist when we started way back in 1999. A lot of things didn’t exist back then. Things like the knowledge graph, having good positions in the knowledge graph and how important that is. Voice Search and the implications of voice search and not talking voice search like, “Hey, find me at Burger King.” I’m talking about… So if you’re-

Matt Bertram:
That is the best internet marketing agency in Houston?

Chris Burress:
Yes, we’ve got a video that’s up on our Facebook page facebook.com/eWebResults. That shows Adam our lead SEO guy who at his house, he’s got a Google Home device right with a screen. And he says, “Who is the best SEO company in Houston?” And guess who it is? It’s-

Matt Bertram:
[inaudible 00:12:17].

Chris Burress:
… eWebResults.

Matt Bertram:
We pop up.

Chris Burress:
So that’s what I think SEO is. And as a very long winded and fun story of SEO did I…

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. So SEO the people are like, “Well, I need YouTube SEO. I need social media SEO.” Right?

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
That word is being interchanged it’s kind of like Coke. Right? I’m like, “Coke?”

Chris Burress:
So am given this because this is true with different from what my mindset is, I’m very happy that I said website or internet property. Because when you talk about SEO for YouTube, you’re just talking about a video or an internet property. Getting it to the first page.

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
Not Google, but YouTube.

Matt Bertram:
YouTube SEO is starting to be quite a bit more important, right? You can drive [crosstalk 00:13:04] traffic from YouTube to your property. Also, you know what videos, Vimeo, all the other platforms that do videos. Which ones show up most in Google search results?

Chris Burress:
It seems to be this symbol that we have on this table right here-

Matt Bertram:
Why do you think that’s?

Chris Burress:
… YouTube.

Matt Bertram:
Why do you think that is specifically?

Chris Burress:
Maybe because Google owns both?

Matt Bertram:
I don’t know. So that leads me to another thing that we’ve been looking a lot at, is how hosting, right? How speed time, how recall rates, how PWA progressive web apps are playing into this thing. We’ve been looking at. And we have moved ourselves in a number of clients to AWS and Google and as you’re-

Chris Burress:
Doing a lot of testing on all[crosstalk 00:13:58].

Matt Bertram:
… we’re doing a lot of tests-

Chris Burress:
Server level. So this is like deep, deep undercover.

Matt Bertram:
… yeah. I mean, this is development step that’s actually affecting SEO. And it’s kind of like, “Yeah, wasn’t [crosstalk 00:14:09] of how SEO was. It’s kind of like those high frequency traders that are moving closer.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. Closer and closer to the[crosstalk 00:14:17].

Matt Bertram:
To the exchange so they can get… it’s weird. But so what’s interesting is we found by testing, AWS is better.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
Also, you get a year free sometimes, right? But we’re moving people to Google. Or we move ourselves to Google. So what’s interesting is why have we done that? We’re really testing because we believe that for whatever reason, regardless of what Google says, they’re going to take care of their own, just like they did with YouTube. And I know that that’s not A, B tested, and there’s not update on it, if you do update on it, please send it to us because we’re now-

Chris Burress:
Doing some of our own testing.

Matt Bertram:
… we’re doing our own testing.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
But why you need to do that? If you have a big website, if you don’t have a 1012 page website, or you’re getting a lot of traffic, you’re really taking a lot of data transfer. And if you’re on a shared server, it’s going to affect your performance. Also it’s going to affect other people’s performance.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
And you really need to look at getting a dedicated server. And if you’re going to spend money on SEO 1500 2500, 4500 or more on SEO, doesn’t it make sense to spend 120 bucks, 150 bucks a month to get-

Chris Burress:
To optimize the infrastructure behind the managing website.

Matt Bertram:
Right to optimize the infrastructure, to be able to scale. You also want to pay for probably a CPM license. That’s a good business. 20 bucks per license?

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
To get access to some different things. So there’s a lot of stuff that goes in the SEO that not a lot of people think about and the definition of SEO continues to expand of what impacts what its-

Chris Burress:
What particular whatever technical challenges get bumped into SEO. Speed wasn’t a big consideration, right? Until Google made speed a big consideration-

Matt Bertram:
[inaudible 00:16:06] first, right?

Chris Burress:
… yeah.

Matt Bertram:
So there’s a lot of things. All right, next question.

Chris Burress:
All right.

Matt Bertram:
Another low ball.

Chris Burress:
All right. Hopefully they’re all low balls because I feel like…

Matt Bertram:
I’m going to start [crosstalk 00:16:16]-

Chris Burress:
By the way it’s hard to hit a beach ball out of the park. You may be able to get a good swing and you may hit it every time. It just doesn’t go out of the park. So-

Matt Bertram:
… well, out of the pool.

Chris Burress:
… it’s out of the pool.

Matt Bertram:
You didn’t get it out of the pool.

Chris Burress:
I can get it [crosstalk 00:16:32].

Matt Bertram:
Play in the right arena.

Chris Burress:
The right arena. The only problem with getting it out of the pool is then somebody’s got to get out of the pool to go get it.

Matt Bertram:
And that’s horrible. That’s horrible. You don’t want to be that person.

Chris Burress:
You’d rather have-

Matt Bertram:
Like is a sign that-

Chris Burress:
… you’d rather have the net like just reverse net, clean the pool and bring the-

Matt Bertram:
… I have done that [crosstalk 00:16:49]. All right. You brought it up earlier?

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
What’s the difference between SEM and SEO?

Chris Burress:
So we got search engine optimization and search engine marketing. And as it sounds, it’s… Search engine optimization always refers to the organic placement. And that can be organic of the Google Local or the maps position. And the organic naturally organic position. And search engine marketing is overall. So why are they important differences right now, and this is certainly changed, like as Google’s shifting shifted to mobile first. That’s an organic aspect. But if you look at doing a search on a mobile device, what are the first things that you’re seeing now? It’s three, four ads at the top, and then you potentially have an ad in the map. And then you got map. So the whole first screen didn’t used to not in the past, was it all ads now it’s all ads.

Matt Bertram:
So one of the things that Google did to try I believe-

Chris Burress:
To monetize?

Matt Bertram:
Trick you.

Chris Burress:
Oh, trick you.

Matt Bertram:
These ads and a lot of people for whatever reason didn’t know that there was ads even though it was like it’s an ad with like a little circle around it. Right?

Chris Burress:
Yes, it was clearly [crosstalk 00:18:09]-

Matt Bertram:
It was green. It was like, “This is go, green means go.” The ad. But they changed it to these little icons. And so they just made it really smaller and harder to see. But as people bs meter gets stronger, they’re still going to know that and they’re just going to skip to one of that no ad.

Chris Burress:
Whether it’s organic, right?

Matt Bertram:
Because, most people skip the ads and forget it. And I know the last podcast we kind of talked about, you know when to run ads, and when… Versus SEO, one of the things I didn’t say-

Chris Burress:
In the last podcast.

Matt Bertram:
… in the last podcast.

Chris Burress:
You have this opportunity to make it up.

Matt Bertram:
We had this opportunity to make it up. I want to make sure you hear me. So here’s the deal. Like when I’m talking to people were like, “I gotta run ads”. And I’m like, “You want to run coupons?”
[crosstalk 00:19:01]
, every Sunday, forever.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
You want value hunters you want deal hunters? Is that who your target market is? Is that he wants to buy your product or service. Most people say no. And I was like, “Well, that’s what ads are.”They’re just gone from print to online. And that’s actually what you’re getting. So when I say it in those terms, people start to kind of understand, right?

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
It’s a different kind of customer that you get, right? It’s people that want urgency or that people that want to deal, there are is kind of a Venn diagram people that [crosstalk 00:19:41]-

Chris Burress:
so urgent can be valuable, right. So like-

Matt Bertram:
… emergency Plumber.

Chris Burress:
… valuable.

Matt Bertram:
You need or emergency air conditioner. You need that here in Houston Texas.

Chris Burress:
It’s… You almost need that all the time.

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
… [crosstalk 00:19:56] in the North they don’t even have like air conditioners, if you’re in air conditioner, sales, and like Nebraska. You would not be [crosstalk 00:20:02]

Chris Burress:
… you would be one of a very few. So PPC is more like the coupon Hunter, the coupon clipper? And is that the business you’re really after? This phrase I just love, which is never compete on price because coupons are about price. never compete on price, because there will always be somebody willing to go out of business faster than you.

Matt Bertram:
It’s a race to the bottom.

Chris Burress:
Yeah. So don’t do that. You need to build your internet marketing infrastructure so that you’re actually engaging people early on in their buying process, hopefully, even before they know they need to buy and then getting them to buy when it’s ready.

Matt Bertram:
[crosstalk 00:20:40] model. So we’re actually going to do a workshop on that. I’ll take the next question because you kind of [crosstalk 00:20:49] answer.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
Wait, let me guess. Is this an even lower ball question. And so this is why you’re taking it because it’s so easy?

Matt Bertram:
Well, no actually. So this one, there’s no answer.

Chris Burress:
Oh, okay.

Matt Bertram:
I’m making up the answer.

Chris Burress:
Okay. There we go.

Matt Bertram:
How can I learn SEO fast?

Chris Burress:
I feel like that’s an easy answer.

Matt Bertram:
Well, it’s a new answer. Okay, we’re going to do a mastermind group.

Chris Burress:
There we go. That’s fast.

Matt Bertram:
Right? And if you want to learn SEO and you want to learn how [crosstalk 00:21:16] do it, we’re going to have a mastermind group first ever mastermind. We’re going to give it at all away. If you want to build a SEO agency, if you want to grow your company, we’re going to do a workshop and we’re going to tell you step by step how to do it. There’s going to be probably a like an additional day where you can pay. We’ll do a case study on your business, we’ll go through the entire workshop that we do with people, and we’ll help you implement it. Okay, so this is going to be a big deal. And if you want to learn SEO fast, go to YouTube. Okay, that’s the freeway.

Chris Burress:
Well, there’s a podcast, isn’t there a podcast?

Matt Bertram:
Right, there’s a lot of people, there’s podcasts. I don’t know if these people found the podcast or not. It’s called the [crosstalk 00:22:03].

Chris Burress:
Maybe they’re not podcast listeners and that is why they haven’t found it then.

Matt Bertram:
Well, we do rank for best SEO podcast if you typed in.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
Right. Now we need to rank for best marketing podcast, and all these other things, CMO podcast, blah, blah. Plus-

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
… yeah, but anyways, if you want to learn SEO fast, go to YouTube or listen to our podcast, or come to our workshop, and we’re going to go through it step by step, and we’ll help you build your business online. So something to check out. I know that that’s not the answer that Google wants to hear. But it’s the answer maybe the podcast listeners want to hear. All right next one.

Chris Burress:
Good. Next question.

Matt Bertram:
Is SEO cost effective?

Chris Burress:
Is SEO cost effective. As so many things in internet marketing, it depends. It totally depends-

Matt Bertram:
Who you have doing it.

Chris Burress:
One, who you have doing it, two where your margins are. So I would say it’s one of the most cost effective ways to take advantage of the internet. So is it worth it? The answer in every case is yes. The question is like how you’re accomplishing it, and what value are getting out of it. So let’s just say you’ve got a concept. A charitable concept, and you just want to get the concept out there. First off, watch the podcast, learn about the podcast, and you can do SEO on your own site. And then you can get your site to rank and you can get… I mean, we’ve had… Remember we had one of our frequent podcast listeners, [Maniee 00:23:42], said he took his podcast… His website views from like 10s to 10s of thousands. And-

Matt Bertram:
And now his website is on our server and basically, it’s grown so much by the data transfer that Maniee if you’re listening, we need you off our server. Because you’ve gotten too big.

Chris Burress:
We’re going to help you move to another [inaudible 00:24:06].

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. So we’re actually going to be reaching out to you. And we’ll offer you to move you to the cloud. But yeah, you’ve grown so big, that you’ve kind of you’ve used up your-

Chris Burress:
Allocated resource.

Matt Bertram:
… yeah, allocated resources. And it’s time for you to go to the pros, and get in the cloud.

Chris Burress:
You’re in the pro league now. So go to the pro stadium. So it’s absolutely valuable. We talked in the previous podcast.

Matt Bertram:
Well, one of the things Chris that we did talk about in the previous podcast. I don’t know what the title of it was exactly. But we were talking about your wife’s business. So I did a profit plan with her. And she was like, “I want to go after German, I want to go after French, I want to go after…” She has started a language school for [inaudible 00:24:54] listen to the podcast, but basically, it’s like how to start your own business or something like that. We determine by the traffic, by the data-

Chris Burress:
Data driven.

Matt Bertram:
… data driven, right. We’re like data scientists. That’s really what we are-

Chris Burress:
Do you really want to teach German, or do you want to teach-

Matt Bertram:
… money? Basically, how to make money in running a business online really, it is English, Spanish and then we found out interesting enough sign language. That’s where the volume was. And also the volume hit a certain level that we kind of checked the box and said, you should do SEO on this business. But you got to look at your [ROI 00:25:33], right?

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
And also, when that ROI is going to take place when you’re going to kind of cross that threshold, like we talked about in the last podcast where we’re building out an algorithm. Like a little math formula to help-

Chris Burress:
Determine if there’s going to be a positive ROI.

Matt Bertram:
… yeah, because-

Chris Burress:
How big that ROI is going to…

Matt Bertram:
… yeah, because you got to really look at it but SEO will give you two X, three X, five X, 10X, what PPC would cost and also at a certain point, maybe it’s six months to a year, whatever you’re spending in SEO. And again, SEMrush is not perfect indicator, but we’ve kind of look for what is it worth in SEMrush. Are you covering your cost? Are you making the money? It depends on the industry. And it also depends on the specific targeted keywords because we’ve seen two things. We’ve seen we’re crushing it-

Chris Burress:
By the way, we’ve seen thousands of things, but these are the two he’s going to talk about.

Matt Bertram:
These are the two things I’ve really seen over the last month, is certain clients are ranking nationally for great volume. But really, they’re a local business. So we got to look at those local keywords. Does that make sense? And then the second thing is, if you’re… I don’t know, I don’t want to say that your phone rang and I totally lost it.

Chris Burress:
Yeah, my phone did-

Matt Bertram:
But bottom line is you got to work at the ROI and what the cost is of your product or service, and is it making sense to spin that? And also, because you get… So now actually, we’re double siloing our sites. What that means is we for a lot of our clients right now, we’re taking up two positions on the first page of Google. Just so you know-

Chris Burress:
… homepage and internal page usually.

Matt Bertram:
… homepage and internal page. And we’re doing this consistently. So if you’re interested in that reach out to us. But essentially, based on the position one through 10, based on a previous study, you’re getting maybe 6% or 3%, or 33%, but you get top two positions, which we have it for a few clients, you’re getting 33% plus I believe it’s, is it 17%?

Chris Burress:
That sounds right.

Matt Bertram:
So you’re getting 50% is that it? 50%, 40%-

Chris Burress:
It’s close.

Matt Bertram:
50% of all traffic for that keyword, [inaudible 00:27:55]-

Chris Burress:
Is clicking to your side.

Matt Bertram:
… winner take all.

Chris Burress:
And it wouldn’t surprise me if you hold first and second position that the actual click through rate increases. Because we know for a fact that if you have a paid ad up above, your organic listing increases, so if you have first organic and second organic, I promise you that third organic is getting less and that second or first is getting more, so yeah.

Matt Bertram:
I call that the Gulf Stream effect. Once you get into the Gulf Stream, or the top three positions-

Chris Burress:
You’re just going.

Matt Bertram:
… it’s just going. All right, it’s going unless there’s some real power coming after you if you’re kind of like incumbent, right? You’re just kind of stick there based on all the data. But essentially… You distracted me again on whatever I was going to say.

Chris Burress:
It was what I said was brilliant. So it’s your turn to-

Matt Bertram:
You blinded me with your brilliance.

Chris Burress:
Things that probably aren’t true.

Matt Bertram:
But what I’ll tell you, the last thing related to this topic is that you got to make sure there’s enough volume, to spend… If you’re going to spend the money to get the return on what you can actually get. So now we know we can get 50% of all clicks for a certain keyword. If there’s only 340 clicks nationally for your keyword term, your product value for what you need to sell needs to be quite large, or we need to find other keywords. So there are certain determinations that we make. And you just got to make sure that you have the right strategy going into it or you’re going to go after a keyword or keyword term, that’s not going to move the needle enough to support what you’re spending, that’s [crosstalk 00:29:37].

Chris Burress:
So like, in the case of my wife’s business where she wanted to go after German, and you’re like, “No, no, German is not one of the top three that we should be going after, because it’s not going to an equal ROI to the other phrases.”

Matt Bertram:
Yeah, that’s a referral deal, right?

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
Like you’re going to get a referral for something like that.

Chris Burress:
I think we’ve got time for what? Maybe one or two more questions.

Matt Bertram:
Okay. Let me find a good question. All right, Chris.

Chris Burress:
Oh, oh.

Matt Bertram:
How do you find a good SEO company or good SEO expert to do your SEO?

Chris Burress:
So that’s, obviously you can go with us. We deliver a lot of value. I think you need to interview the company that you’re working with, you need to spend some time with them. I don’t-

Matt Bertram:
Date them.

Chris Burress:
… I don’t… Yeah, you need to date them. I don’t think it’s a situation where you call them up or you’re like, “Hey, how much is the price?” “Oh, it’s $1200-”

Matt Bertram:
We are cheaper, so it’s a commodity. Let’s jump in.

Chris Burress:
… or it’s 4000. Even if you’re like, “I want to pay the most.” Maybe that’s not the best solution. I think you want to spend some time with them-

Matt Bertram:
We will [crosstalk 00:30:47] more. Actually I underbid like two RPs and the reason one of the guys called me back and said, “You were too low.” And I was like, “You should have told me that.” Why we did that is we look for the most cost effective ways to achieve what we need for our clients. And really, I wasn’t under bidding them. What happened was, WordPress is open source. We’re using another platform called pin port. That’s open source. So basically, I just stripped out all the licensing fees.

Chris Burress:
And that saves so much money [crosstalk 00:31:23].

Matt Bertram:
That saves so much money that I was like, “Well, I’m going to pass that on to the customer.” So we are really actually in a competitive bid, but you took that out and drop this down. So [crosstalk 00:31:35] CMO is like-

Chris Burress:
[crosstalk 00:31:37] deliver.

Matt Bertram:
… and so we had to have that conversation. It’s interesting because I’m helping them restructures RP. But anyways-

Chris Burress:
So you want a date first and you want to understand that they have a process for everything. How many things should they have a process for?

Matt Bertram:
Every everything.

Chris Burress:
Everything. So even if you don’t have the sense in their sales process, that there is a process and there probably isn’t a process in their onboarding, in their maintenance of the agreement like all of this all of the processes that you hope and need to be in place in order to have a successful campaign don’t exist if their sales process doesn’t feel like it’s jailed over some period of time. Like it’s been put together well. And so that would be one of the first things I look at. I would also look like, do some searches. Do they place well for, I don’t know SEO Houston, PPC Houston, internet marketing Houston, website design Houston I think is one [crosstalk 00:32:41]-

Matt Bertram:
Anything that the service are looking for see if they drink their own Kool-Aid and if they don’t be like okay, “Why don’t you rank for this? All right, fine. Your [cobbler 00:32:50]-”

Chris Burress:
You’re using the cobbler’s shoes excuse. The cobbler never has new shoes.

Matt Bertram:
The cobbler’s kids.

Chris Burress:
Never have new shoes, right? Because he’s always
[crosstalk 00:33:00]

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. Cobbler’s kids have no shoes. Show me some good case studies.

Chris Burress:
Really good case studies. And first I just be suspect if they’re not there. If they’re not-

Matt Bertram:
Well, we don’t have case studies.

Chris Burress:
No, no, no. I mean, if they’re not in those positions. If
[crosstalk 00:33:19]

Matt Bertram:
We rank for a ton of stuff, but we need to get the cases. That’s what the new website, that’s why I don’t want people to go.

Chris Burress:
Yeah because there’s not enough case study.

Matt Bertram:
There’s not, I’m telling you. So like, I’ll tell everyone out there. I got charts. I did like 10 clients. I was going through the list. And I was like, and I marked when we took them on as a client. There was like, room [crosstalk 00:33:41]-

Chris Burress:
Hockey stick.

Matt Bertram:
Yeah. And I basically was going to just go into our page and just drop them all on there and scratch up the person’s name and just like boom, boom, boom, boom, I was like, “This is what happens.”

Chris Burress:
When you hire… This is the eWeb hockey stick.

Matt Bertram:
We’ll end on this because I actually have some other questions. Maybe I can go get another beer. And we can Pub crawl this next podcast real quick. Okay, do a few more questions, because I need another beer.

Chris Burress:
The truth comes out.

Matt Bertram:
So here’s the deal. We have a process, okay. And really SEO works on a site that’s like aerodynamically made to soar up to the head of the top-

Chris Burress:
To the first position.

Matt Bertram:
… soar to the first position, get in the Gulf Stream and keep rolling. A lot of these sites, you pay somebody to build you a site, it doesn’t mean it’s built properly, doesn’t mean Google is going to like it. We’ve seen it over and over again. You want whoever build your site to understand SEO building that way. Building a framework, host it in a way that really benefits the SEO. So that’s why you want an SEO company that understands that, that also has a good designer. So that for conversions and also you want it to look pretty of course. So really [inaudible 00:35:02] processes, we want and need to approve and audit your website to make sure it’s aerodynamic, it’s light, we can float you up to the search engines quickly-

Chris Burress:
It’s going to catch the wind.

Matt Bertram:
… yeah, it’s going to catch the wind. And then, hey, do you have good target? Keywords are like, how quickly is it going to take you to rank? What’s your current placement? All those sort of things, get that moving. And then start thinking about social media now, email automation now, text, killing it 98.5%, open rate, 98.5. That’s really where we really gone to and seen huge amount of success, but all these other shiny objects come after a really good website, and SEO. And I’m going to tell you, consistently, 100s of campaigns, if you follow this three step format, which I’m going to make five because people are asking for [crosstalk 00:35:57] stuff. But just good website, SEO, everything else, follow that pattern, you’re going to succeed online. So if you’re frustrated, give us a call, talk to one of us… I’ve said I’m not going to [inaudible 00:36:09]. Don’t call us.

Chris Burress:
Don’t call us anymore.

Matt Bertram:
At all.

Chris Burress:
Except for the number that’s on our site, but you shouldn’t use that.

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
No, don’t use that.

Matt Bertram:
Don’t call us till September.

Chris Burress:

Matt Bertram:
Don’t call us till September.

Chris Burress:
[inaudible 00:36:21]. So that’s the last question-

Matt Bertram:
I’m going on a vacation as well. I don’t want any new clients.

Chris Burress:
… like distractions, no new clients while on vacation.

Matt Bertram:
I don’t want any headaches. I think no, I’m just kidding. No, clients aren’t headaches. I’m just kidding. All your existing clients.

Chris Burress:
We love all of our clients.

Matt Bertram:
No, really, we’re actually looking for businesses to invest in. So if you’re in a low competitive niche, you need capital-

Chris Burress:
If you think you’ve identified a good niche, right?

Matt Bertram:
You’ve identified a good niche and you need a capital injection. You need maybe some accounting, you need some IT infrastructure. You need some internet marketing, please give us a call. We’re actually looking for businesses to get involved with partners, to get involved with probably I think probably 30% of our portfolio is companies that were personally invested with. And we’re looking for companies in certain niches. So if you’ve identified this I’m serious reach out to us, let’s have a conversation. That’s really where we’re looking to go. We’ve been able to drive a lot of success in a number of different niches. For a number of different owners. We have a lot of long term clients, four or five year clients. We’re looking at getting involved in building up properties and online businesses. So give us a call if you have one.

Chris Burress:
Yeah, that sounds good. All right, so if you liked this podcast, we’re going to ask you to do, I don’t know.

Matt Bertram:
Don’t share it with anybody.

Chris Burress:
[crosstalk 00:37:56] we’re going to ask you-

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
Hold it. Keep it like a again your secret.

Matt Bertram:
Don’t share it with anybody.

Chris Burress:
Keep your cards breasted so that no one see [crosstalk 00:38:06]-

Matt Bertram:
We would ask you if you liked this podcast to listen to the next one after I drank another drink and-

Chris Burress:
… drank.

Matt Bertram:
… and we’re going to see how much better we can get.

Chris Burress:
If you’re looking to grow your business with the largest simplest marketing tool on the planet-

Matt Bertram:
Print magazines.

Chris Burress:
… print magazine… It’s not print. No, it’s no more beer-

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
… no. [crosstalk 00:38:30]-

Matt Bertram:
Radio has worked.

Chris Burress:
… well they do.

Matt Bertram:
Pandora [crosstalk 00:38:37].

Chris Burress:
[crosstalk 00:38:37] direct mail pieces [crosstalk 00:38:39].

Matt Bertram:
[crosstalk 00:38:39] circling back. Just marketing, like direct response marketing.

Chris Burress:
Call, you have results for increased profit in your business 7135926724. If you would like-

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
No. No, that’s not [crosstalk 00:38:55].

Matt Bertram:
We’re not giving-

Chris Burress:
Don’t go to the website. If you want the video audio transcript-

Matt Bertram:
Call Chris on his personal number, after 10 PM when he’s free and he’ll type it up for you.

Chris Burress:
Please remember that we’re filmed live here at 13105 Northwest Freeway. Suite 500-

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
… -35.

Matt Bertram:

Chris Burress:
Houston, Texas 77040. You guys have made us one of the most popular internet marketing podcasts on iTunes. We really appreciate you, all y’all every one of you. Until the next podcast my name is Chris Burress.

Matt Bertram:
My name is Matt Bertram.

Chris Burress:
Bye bye for now. (singing).

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