#418 - 5 Proven Methods for Google Shopping Campaign Optimizations

Video Transcript

SEO Fact – In 2017, Google accounted for over 79% of all global desktop search traffic, followed by Bing at 7.27%, Baidu at 6.55% and Yahoo at 5.06%. Join Matt and Chris for another thrilling episode of the Best SEO Podcast, featuring “5 Proven Techniques for Google Shopping Campaign Optimizations” by www.godatafeed.com. TRANSCRIPT:

Matt: Cinco de Mayo!

Chris: Hi and welcome to the SEO Podcast: Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing. My name is Chris Burres, owner of eWebResults.

Matt: My name is Matt Bertram, your Cinco de Mayo Specialist!

Chris: Specialist! The Cinco de Mayo Specialist. Arriba! Arriba! Ándale. That is so stereotypical I apologize to everyone of Mexican decent throughout history actually.

Matt: The Louisiana purchase.

Chris: For that. Hey, welcome back to another fun-filled edition of the podcast. We’re excited to be here. As always we do– this is Podcast #418. He’s done a good job of fixing that, Adam. As always we do have a tip from our previous podcast and our tip is–

Matt: Yes, make sure you’re doing remarketing to support your e-commerce efforts.

Chris: Yes, because remarketing is actually so powerful and so inexpensive that when you’re doing e-commerce you need to make sure that you’re doing that remarketing. Subscribe. Follow.

Chris & Matt: Boom!

Chris: We got a pretty cool gif with the boom, that was–

Matt: Yeah, that was good. So with the remarketing I’m actually seeing data out there like 8 times more effective than cold traffic ads. I saw one other one that was like 19,000% increase. I haven’t had a campaign like that–

Chris: Yet, yet.

Matt: I don’t know, it’s statistically significant.

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: But 8 times, absolutely. Like you’re getting those window shoppers. 94% of people will come to your website and leave and never come back again. So remarketing is very important, we recommend that to all our onboarding clients.

Chris: You bring them back, it reminds of that– the old cast and reel them back in, yeah.

Matt: Oh, yeah.

Chris: You just need to set the hook when they have visited. So we are broadcasting live here from Houston, Texas, and Matt and I, we are your–

Chris & Matt: Results Rebels!

Chris: Alright, we’re gonna get right into a review. Because there is a review, I do not have a tear in my eye, right?

Matt: Oh, nice!

Chris: Because there is a review. I would say that this review it hurts. It hurts. It hurts a little. Alright, so here it is. This is back in December 19th, the title of it is, “Downhill since Charles left.” It’s only 1 star and it’s from Bryan G– I think it’s Gi, Gl, something, yeah. “Charles was the subject matter expert with personality that made the show worth a listen. Unfortunately Matt does not fill those shoes yet from the personality side.” So subject matter expert, yeah. “Technical aptitude misses the mark in comparison but still better than Chris.” So–

Matt: What?

Chris: Yes. “I’d stick around but I cannot stand the smugness of Chris. Seems unprepared for the most episodes as of late. Might be that he doesn’t have Charles to bail him out when he needs it.”

Matt: Wow.

Chris: So, yeah.

Matt: Wow.

Chris: That stings a little. So what I’m gonna ask our listeners to do – I’m unprepared as usual, apparently. So I’m gonna ask you: hey, submit something. If there’s some way that we can improve the podcast, send it in, right? If there’s something that you wanna see, something that you want us to do, something that you want us to talk about, send this in. We actually have a follow-up to one of our PITFs earlier, and you can send us those suggestions [email protected]

Matt: eWebResults, yeah.

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: I was unprepared for that. So this is what I’ll ask people to do–

Chris: Right.

Matt: Right?

Chris: And I’m gonna take this hat off ‘cause it’s warm.

Matt: Yeah, me too. So here’s something interesting, right now Ahrefs is doing a survey– what is it a voting? A survey?

Chris: First they’ve got a list of SEO podcast and then they’re actually having people vote on those podcasts–

Matt: So it’s a contest.

Chris: It’s a contest. Yup, yup.

Matt: Oh, it’s a contest and if you type in Ahrefs and then 12 podcasts or SEO podcasts–

Chris: By the way that’s Ahrefs. Yeah.

Matt: Oh yes, Ahrefs.

Chris: Yup.

Matt: We’re only ranked #2 okay?

Chris: And we need your help.

Matt: We need your help. They’re the top, spot #1. We’re #2 and we need about 20 more votes to be in #1 and so we need your help

Chris: Pushing us over the top.

Matt: to help make us for sure the best SEO podcast out there.

Chris: In the known universe. So I think it’s actually on our Facebook page, right? It’s been pinned to the top of the Facebook page. So you can find it there.

Matt: So please go vote for us so we can hold that #1 spot of the best SEO podcast.

Chris: If you like the tips that we give in our podcast, we’ve made something really convenient for you. We’ve made a downloadable PDF, “5 Online Marketing Mistakes That Can Tank Your Business &,” of Course, “How to Avoid Them.”

Matt: Okay.

Chris: Like just don’t list them, like how to avoid them. You can get that by going to eWebResults.com/SEOTip, or Tips. I think either one of those.

Matt: Did we get to that change so you catch both of them there? Because we had one of them, and then we didn’t have the other one. So we’re looking at it. It’s either one of those two, we’ll get it fixed, we’re gonna hire some people.

Chris: If Tip doesn’t work, put in Tips, SEOTips and it’ll get you there. By the way some people are filling it out. So I do see the emails that people are doing it. Hey, you’ve got a PITF here, right? So we answered, we talked about this last time, I think.

Matt: Yeah, we talked about this last time. We were talking about the percentage of anchor text, and Comics & SEO, SoupHerMan.

Chris: And he asked, is it per page or per site? And we kind of clarified that last time.

Matt: Yeah, and then you know, he was talking about– he’s just trying to find himself finally getting links from writers that write about my clients period. Most of the writers don’t even think about getting links at all which is crazy.

Chris: So he’s like, “Don’t worry about the percentage of anchor text, I just want a link.” Yes.

Matt: Well if the writers do talk about you, it is okay to go ask them, “Hey we would like to get a link.” You can also give them recommendations of, “Hey, here’s the links we want you to use.” I’ve even seen in like press kits, you can have downloadables that people can use and easily share and link back to you.

Chris: Yup.

Matt: So that’s kind of one option.

Chris: Yup.

Matt: Yup.

Chris: Absolutely, thank you. Punch in the face again to you SoupHerMan. I like that SoupHerMan.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: A little teaser. So the article that we’re gonna talk about today is, “5 Proven Techniques For Google Shopping Campaign Optimizations.” That’s five. One, two, three, four, five. We’re gonna cover that here in a little bit. You know what? I didn’t record the author, that’s so bad of me. I’ll have to look that up while you’re managing the–

Matt: Unprepared.

Chris: Apparently I am unprepared. That’s hilarious. Alright, so you can actually find this on GoDataFeed.com. And I can’t believe there’s no menu.

Matt: If y’all are wondering why we’re doing a lot on shopping ads and Shopify, it’s because we recently got a Shopify partner that does 700+ websites a year.

Chris: Shopify last year, yeah. Yeah.

Matt: And they’re giving us all their SEO business. And so we need to let other people out there know that we are good.

Chris: Shopify experts!

Matt: At advertising Shopify stores. So that’s just an idea of why we’re talking a lot about Shopify.

Chris: Excellent. If this is the first time you’re listening to the podcast: howdy, welcome to the podcast. If you have listened to this podcast before, welcome back. Remember if you could, we’d like you to tweet. Go ahead and tag #SEOPodcast, this is Number #418. Tag us @BestSEOPodcast, @eWebResults, @MattBertramLive.

Matt: Whooo!

Chris: Get all of those in there and you could figure out who GoDataFeed is.

Matt: And we built– well you have one- @ChrisBurres?

Chris: I don’t– maybe. I am unprepared so I don’t know if I have a Twitter–

Matt: No, we’re gonna make you a public figure yet.

Chris: Someday I will be a prepared public figure. So yeah, go ahead and tweet that. We really appreciate that. If you’ve been here before then you know that we actually run a contest each and every week.

Matt: Yes!

Chris: That contest is based on two things. Do we get 10 shikos?

Matt: A share, a like, or a follow.

Chris: So if we get 10 shikos– and that’s 10 on any one of our profiles on any one of the platforms.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: And we get a review, then we push to the end where we ask you to leave us a review ‘cause of course–

Matt: Does it have to be a 5-star review or does it have to–?

Chris: It does not. Apparently it hurt, it didn’t cause a tear tattoo, but it did hurt.

Matt: It was just a kick in the shins.

Chris: Yeah, it was serious kick in the shins. Alright, so we’re gonna skip that, we’re gonna skip that. If you would like a website analysis, you know what? We’ve got a team of internet marketing experts who could deliver a website analysis for you.

Matt: Yes.

Chris: All you need to do is go to eWebResults.com and right there you’ll see the button “Website Analysis.” I think it says free website analysis.

Matt: Free website analysis.

Chris: Yeah, so that’s pretty exciting. I actually don’t have any news for today. And we already did our PITFs.

Matt: The news was that we were representing at OTC.

Chris: Oh yeah, so Offshore Technology Conference.

Matt: 50 years.

Chris: 50 years running. It is the large– It think it’s the largest conference in Houston. So all year long OTC is–

Matt: In the country.

Chris: And then it’s the largest offshore conference in the world, I’m pretty sure.

Matt: Yes.

Chris: It’s so big– I never like– if you live in Houston you know of the OTC at least, even if you’re not in the industry, right?

Matt: Yup.

Chris: By the way Houston has a lot more than just oil field services. We used to be–

Matt: We have healthcare too.

Chris: We have huge– I think it’s largest medical center. And where like technology’s taking off. It’s a really cool place to be right now. When you land at the airport, during OTC there are registration booths at the airport.

Matt: I didn’t know that.

Chris: So the city is like, “Hey, welcome to OTC, ‘cause this week that’s probably why you’re here, go ahead and sign in here.” So that’s pretty impressive when the fourth largest city– at the airport.

Matt: It was awesome. Adam and I got some fun pictures that we’ll post out on social media.

Chris: Yeah?

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: So were there like big setups? You went to it.

Matt: Oh yeah, yeah.

Chris: You spent a couple days there. Maybe a brief lowdown?

Matt: Yeah, no. It hasn’t been as big as it has been in the past. So when oil was over $100 it was just hating. Now when it got below $50 it was really slow and got a lot smaller, but this year was pretty good.

Chris: Did you ever go–? So they used to– when the Astrodome was up and running, right? Like 7th Wonder of the man-made world or whatever. They used to actually set-up entire oil rigs inside the Astrodome as part of this conference. I don’t know.

Matt: So they do that outside.

Chris: So that’s outside now.

Matt: So they do it outside an it’s that kind of NRG. So it’s kind of walking distance between building to building. They do have some really cool set-ups inside. It hasn’t been over the top like it’s been in the past, but it was really fun to go to that. Some of our clients were there and–

Chris: You bumped into–? So you used to be in a different industry, like before kind of working with us, you bumped into some old friends and family, I’m thinking?

Matt: Well, we even had– we had two clients of ours currently that had booths there.

Chris: Oh yeah.

Matt: So yeah, OTC was really great. But yeah, I bumped in to some old clients. Actually one came by the office here.

Chris: Oh yeah, today.

Matt: Earlier today, yeah.

Chris: That’s what arguably the smartest guy that has been in this office probably. That will ever be in–

Matt: He does like neural networks and machine learning, and setting up a company over in Australia [00:11:42] [so it was the last] company of Goldman-Sachs. So shout-out to Carl.

Chris: Yeah, cool guy. So I have some good news, I was actually prepared, there isn’t an author listed for the article.

Matt: There you go.

Chris: That’s why I don’t have the author of the article. Alright, so let’s jump into– so OTC, amazing. It’s a week-long event, we get to spend good time there.

Matt: That was just filler while he was looking it up.

Chris: Yeah, I needed to research this. I needed to be prepared before the end of the podcast.

Matt: Alright, let’s jump into this.

Chris: “5 Proven Techniques For Google Shopping Campaign Optimizations.” “Exclude Search queries.” So if you guys haven’t done this, right? So you’ve got PLAs, Product Listing Ads. That’s what this is all about. You do a search for a product and you see– you may see a carousel. Sometimes it’s over on the right, depending on I think the popularity of that particular product set, and those are called Product Listing Ads. And so if you get into– they’re driven by AdWords, if you get into AdWords some of the things that you can do to optimize are excluding search queries.

So he says he likes to let some data run. He likes to say, “Once I have some queries, I set up a filter–” I see he, it could be a she ‘cause there’s no author listed for this article. I’m probably gonna say that a few times just ‘cause. “Filter out poor performing terms,” right? So this is like anything that you would do. You’re our AdWords expert, how much time do you spend going in and finding poor performing terms or good performing terms and what do you do with those in general?

Matt: Well I mean, me personally, I’m not going in there every day. But we do have somebody going in everyday and looking at those keywords and cycling through them, especially on the high volume campaigns, or any campaigns that are in first 60 days of launch. We’re looking at the campaigns daily ‘cause you can spend a lot of money in a hurry, especially in like low volume areas you want to jack up the spend. So you’re getting that visibility and getting that data as quickly as you can to make good decisions. I mean yeah. I mean a lot of times super general keyword terms or something like that where you’re kind of mining for new words, you definitely have in a different campaign and manage that ad spend differently.

Chris: So their point is, “queries that haven’t converted,” so something that’s got at least 50 clicks in the last 30 or 90 days and haven’t converted, they’re gonna turn that off, right?

Matt: Well, yeah. I mean you gotta really look at the statistical significance of the ads and look at your conversions, your cost per conversions. You want to bring that data out of the columns to really look at that. What’s your cost per conversion and then also think about what’s your cost per lead, right?

Chris: Right.

Matt: Right, like so that’s a lead I guess. Cost per true conversion if you’re not on Shopify or something like that. It might take 5 leads to turn into a sale, right? And so you really gotta add that up, so if your conversion rate’s like 53 bucks and it takes 5 to get there. You know, what is the price of your product, does it make sense?

Chris: And that’s where, with us on a monthly basis, we’ve got our MRC, Monthly Results Call, where we’re like, “Great, we’ve done this, does that really work for you? What is the value to you?”

Matt: And on the onboarding call with the clients we really flush that out.

Chris: Right.

Matt: Right? And talk about some different strategies, so just for all you out there to throw in a little bit of what was it? Ready, Fire, Aim?

Chris: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Matt: Okay. So I’ve been listening to Ready, Fire, Aim and I really like how it breaks it down. He talks about, if you’re in a company from 0 to 1,000,000, you wanna find a product that you know, not necessarily a knock off product but a product that the market wants. Sell it way below cost to even break even.

Chris: Right.

Matt: Right? And it is called a self-liquidating offer. And basically bringing as many new customers as you can, and then on the back end, that‘s when you would sell stuff at cost or something like that.

Chris: Start your making your profit at that point.

Matt: That’s where you start making your profits. So you gotta really understand when you’re going to the campaign, or if you’re running like a groupon ad, or something like that, you might be breaking even on the first order, but if you have reoccurring payments– so you really got to talk about business strategy when you’re setting up AdWords to understand your marketing strategies to make sure you’re that you’re not upside down, or it makes sense, or if you’re working with clients, to make sure they understand what their strategy is, because in mature markets there’s typically a number that is the market rate for different terms if you wanted to stick to that.

Chris: For a life time value yes. So we were actually– had a presentation today and we’re talking with a customer. Okay, so what is the kind of first value of a deal? In this case it was $300 or something, and then we’re like, “Okay, so when do they– you just talked about replacement, when do they replace it?” Like, “Oh, like 5-10 years.”

Matt: And we were like, “Ohh!”

Chris: Oh, so you need to make your money, you can’t be running a lost leader type campaign where you’re breaking even or maybe losing a little bit knowing that you are gonna make money later.

Matt: That changes the strategy quite a bit.

Chris: The whole strategy.

Matt: Right? Let’s say you gotta understand what your strategies are.

Chris: Yeah, there’s organizations– most of you if you listened to the podcast know I have a coach, a business coach, and it’s with Action Coach. And they talk about– they don’t even call somebody who purchases form you once a customer.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: They’re like, “Hey, a customer is a customer when they’ve bought the second time.” Now they’re a customer, now how do you nurture that customer to increase the lifetime value of that particular customer? So when you see a mature industry, and that’s gonna be with things that happen faster like plumbing, air conditioning in the Houston area– I mean in the South. They may lose money on that first job, right? And they’re willing to lose money because they know they have a good follow-up process, they know the lifetime value of the customer.

Matt: And one of the things that– just so you all understand our process when you call in, and what we do. What we typically do – and we’ve even recommended this to clients, and they’ve implemented it, and it’s worked really well – is have some kind of service call fee that covers your time, that can be applied to your services or it’s a money back guarantee, or that sort of thing. To get people over that buying barrier to do business with you. And really with us, we will give you your money back if you don’t think that there’s value. You can take those actionable steps, go have someone else implement it or apply it to our services. And it just gives us a better opportunity to better understand what your needs are.

Chris: And best time, right? Yeah.

Matt: Really, and understand what your needs are to give you a proposal that really makes sense. And that is one way to that we even recommended to this client to start like– how is your sales process working? How many times on the phone does it take to get that $300 sale. So we have to really go in when you’re running AdWords campaigns to understand how it fits into your total sales process, ‘cause unless you’re running e-commerce, there’s a lot of other things that could happen before that sale happens to make sure that everything makes sense, right? And that you’re calling the leads– you wanna call the leads as soon as possible, within 5 minutes. There’s data to support that. Don’t send them an email 48 hours later and then hope that why didn’t this person convert?

Chris: Yeah, absolutely. Alright, okay. So that was– we’re talking about “5 Proven Techniques For Google Shopping Campaign.” We got a little bit on a tangent there. I think that was really valuable stuff thought. “Exclude Search Queries,” is #1, and Number #2 is “Boost (or Suppress) Individual Products.” So this is kind of similar to search queries. So you’re digging into the search queries, you’re saying, “hey, this one isn’t generating results, and has enough click-throughs. This one’s actually doing good, so maybe I wanna bump up the bid price on those.” And in this case it’s actually individual products to you can notice that individual products, when you’re talking about Product Listing Ads, those individual products that don’t deliver a good result, hey let’s not bid much money on those and those that do, bid more.

Matt: Yes, shoot the dogs, and let the winners run.

Chris: I feel like we are a little bit more pet-friendly than shoot the dogs. This is inappropriate.

Matt: But I will tell you is out of the gate, overspend by maybe 30% of what you want to spend, because you want to get data–

Chris: Get the data, yup.

Matt: You want to get the data to understand: is this a valuable keyword term? In addition to the pre-research you should do before you launch the campaign.

Chris: Yup, absolutely. So find those individual products and their performance, bid higher on the ones that are doing well, bid lower on products that aren’t. “The idea is that I’ll exclude these products in my regular Google Shopping campaigns and relegate them to a campaign with a much lower bid.” So he may not have excluded them specifically, or entirely, but put them in a particular campaign – this is more of your expertise – that– this is all falling into that review, isn’t it? Like you’re the expert and I know nothing, and I’m unprepared.

Matt: Chris, Chris. I didn’t even know that that review happened.

Chris: So I’m comfortable with that, right? We’re a team. So you move it into a campaign where you’re like, “Hey, I’m gonna have a lower budget for that particular campaign ‘cause those terms don’t do that well.”

Matt: You know, what I’ve seen is if you’re spending a lot of money on a term that’s not working well – and this might not be completely relevant to that – but what I’ve started to do if certain terms are not converting, I’ll start running Display Ads instead or like instead of the Search Ads to get more visibility and more exposure because if you’re running into a cold market and it’s not converting, people might not have heard about you enough, right? And so you really gotta look at your ad spend and see what you can do, but there’s multiple levers you can play with.

Chris: Alright, so that was Number #2. Number #3 is “Identify Top Brands.”

Matt: Yes.

Chris: So when you’re actually uploading your Google Shopping feed, obviously you have brands and this comment is very specific to a company that’s offering more than one brand, right? Obviously.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: And so you look at it, and you’re gonna assess it the same way that you’re gonna assess the queries or the individual products or we’re gonna say, look at the brands. And we always talk about– one of the questions that we ask clients pretty regularly is: what do you sell the most? And what makes you the most money? Because sometimes those aren’t the same thing, right? Like you may sell a whole lot of Blue Widgets but if you could sell one Red Widget, it’s worth 10 sales of the Blue Widget. And it’s a really valuable question when we’re really kicking off of a campaign because they can make more– like if we can just sell more of the Red Widgets, we’re gonna make the customer a lot more money.

Matt: So an example would be maybe like Dennis, right? Like to do a bridge–

Chris: Versus.

Matt: A [00:22:21] [teeth going in.]

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: So really you can go after the big ticket items and they pay off really off. We’ve done that for a number of campaigns, where we run multiple strategies. It’s kind of like fishing, remember we were talking about fishing? And you’re throwing some different lures and you’re putting some different budgets towards them. And you know, you may or may not gonna catch as many of those fish but when you pull that sucker in–

Chris: You’re eating for a month.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: You are eating for a month. So yeah, that’s that one. Talk about the brands, which brands tend to sell more? And which ones have more value? So it’s like: say a sock related search that would produce a Product Listing Ad containing a Nike product. I don’t know why–

Matt: Well so when I was looking at this, I thought they were bidding on other people’s keyword terms.

Chris: Oh, yeah! No. So in this case, they’re a store that sells Nike socks and if they’ve got higher margins on Nike socks, then hey invest more money in those. And really break out the Nike socks as a product listing category separate from something else.

Matt: Based on popularity and search, okay.

Chris: And value. End of the day on value.

Matt: Value, that is right. Nike socks, tons of value.

Chris: Tons of value. Alright Number #4, this is, “Daypart and Geotarget,” right? So you know what dayparting is? The dayparting is–

Matt: Yeah, you run ads during different times of the day, right?

Chris: Right.

Matt: So we recommend clients to only run AdWords when they’re in the office and they can actually pick up the phone.

Chris: Yup.

Matt: Right? And also at later points in the night, people were not as willing to buy. Also like Facebook for example at like 7:00 pm is like really the best time–

Chris: Optimal time.

Matt: To post, to put out PR press releases, like Tuesday. Tuesdays are really good. So really looking at the time of the day also, the biggest thing that I’ve seen, man is like nobody of who we’re advertising to works after like lunch on Thursday. Like they’re on all the celebrity sites, and you can see what people are doing with their name. So all you business owners out there after Thursday, they’re not working.

Chris: That’s the time to kind of meander through the office and see how everyone’s doing, after Thursday. So I don’t know–

Matt: Is that what you’re talking about? Or is was that–?

Chris: Yes, absolutely. No, absolutely.

Matt: Okay.

Chris: Apparently there’s some misconception about dayparting and geotargeting, and are they really applicable to Google Shopping Campaigns, right? So here’s one of the things where we sit– a lot of what we do is just figure things out, right?

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: So we’ve got a lot of experience, a lot of expertise, delivered a lot of value to clients. And we’ll get in with a new client in a new industry and I’m like, “Hey, this is probably gonna work this way,” and when we see the data and it’s not working that way, so what? Like our opinion is not gold. If you see– so you may have this impression, “Oh, people shop all day long and they’re gonna purchase all day long, so there’s no reason to even visit dayparting.” Well, who cares what you think if it’s value if you tend to make more sells from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Saturdays? Load up your budget then. It’s just data-driven.

Matt: Yeah, data-driven. And like really after you get like you know, 100 clicks is kind of what I use. Is like kind of 100 clicks or you know, 69 days. And that’s why I like to spend more in the beginning to get that data quicker, but really you just do whatever people are doing. Like if this ad’s converting better, okay let’s make another ad and try to up that. Oh, this time’s working better, let’s increase the ad spend there.

Chris: Right.

Matt: Mobile’s doing better than desktop, let’s you know, change the spend ratio. Geo-specific, like for example Woodlands is doing way good for us right, and we’re not even doing any SEO local there, so we need to spend our time there. So the decisions that we’re making–

Chris: Woodlands is a suburb of Houston for those of you around the world.

Matt: Oh, okay. So we’re doing a lot of like hyper–

Chris: Local.

Matt: Hyperlocal stuff like SEO, but really everything that we do is it doesn’t matter what Chris and I think, we’ll put our best practices together, we’ll throw them out them out there, and then guess what? Whatever the data does, we’re gonna make adjustments based on that, and really before you run a big ad campaign or before you do some direct mailing or something like that, you really wanna run something on AdWords or throw it on Twitter and Facebook, and see what kind of responses you are when you’re A/B testing stuff. And let the market tell you what to do.

Chris: Yeah, it’s Jim Collins, the book. He’s written a couple books, Great By Choice, Good to Great, and one of his concepts is to fire cannon balls before you fire– I think it’s shoot bullets before you fire cannon balls, right? So shoot this data, follow the data, understand where the data’s going and you’re like, “Hey, that’s a highly valuable piece, now let’s fire a cannon ball in that direction,” right? That’s one of his concepts.

Matt: I’m just now– we’ve referenced two books in this podcast.

Chris: I feel like we’re very learned today.

Matt: I think–

Chris: I feel like I’m prepared. Can I check off the–?

Matt: We’re prepared, as much as we’re gonna be.

Chris: Yeah. It’s not gonna get more prepared than this. Apologies if necessary.

Matt: But I’m thinking like a book review club or something.

Chris: Yeah? Yeah?

Matt: Like I mean we push our people to constantly read and certifications, and stuff like that.

Chris: Yeah, absolutely.

Matt: Letting everybody know the different books we’re reading, maybe do some executive summaries would be something pretty cool.

Chris: Yeah, absolutely. Hey, punch in the face to Manny for tuning in. Favorite [00:28:08] [Grampie], I love that. And Javier was here, and [00:28:10] [Joe Prager] actually, haven’t heard from him in a long time. And hey, punch in the face to you guys on YouTube.

Matt: Yes.

Chris: Like we really appreciate you guys, thanks for tuning in. Do whatever–

Matt: We’re gonna even change this. It’s not gonna be called a podcast on YouTube, it’s gonna be called like a TV–

Chris: Infotainment? A channel?

Matt: I don’t know, it’s gonna be–

Chris: A YouTube channel.

Matt: I don’t know, we’re gonna call it– well, we have a mascot coming out. We got a bunch of cool stuff–

Chris: We have a mascot coming on?

Matt: Yes.

Chris: Oh, wow.

Matt: A platypus with boxing gloves

Chris: Oh, that’s right. That’s right. For eWebers, the platypus. Of course, that’s what we should do. Alright, so this is “5 Proven Techniques For Google Shopping Campaign Optimizations.” Number #5 is, “Optimize Product Data Feed.” So, “Google Shopping campaigns don’t use keywords,” right? “Google pulls the most relevant products for shopping SERPs,” or Search Engine Results Pages, “based on the shopping feed data.” So the #1 thing that you need to work on on that data feed, is what? The Product Titles.

Matt: So here’s some recipes. Here’s some recipes.

Chris: Yeah, yeah. Those are good recipes. We’re not gonna jump into all of those recipes. So what he says– she says, “If you could only optimize one item in your data feed, it should be the product titles.” Right? So “Product Listing Ads titles should be much more keyword dense and information rich than your online store’s product titles.” So it’s really convenient to have some software that takes all the products that are listed on your website and then have that pushed directly up to Google, but the way your product titles are on your website, is probably not how they need to be when you’re talking about doing Google Shopping Ads, right? So spend the time.

He says, “Product titles– as your PLA titles stop–” Let’s see. “In fact, if you’re using your store’s product titles as your PLA titles, stop.”

Matt: Give Google as much information as you can, same thing with your H1 tags.

Chris: “Nothing throws–” sorry to interrupt. “Nothing throws your product listings into the Abyss of Lost Impressions as poorly optimized titles.” So make sure you optimize those.

Matt: Yes.

Chris: And then he gives a whole lot of– here are some industry tailored formulas for apparel, and athletics and outdoors, jewellery, home and garden, generic. That’s that list Matt is showing you YouTubers out there and you Facebook Livers, he’s showing that piece of data, right? Actually remember just Google “5 Proven Techniques For Google Shopping Campaign Optimizations.”

Matt: Yeah, these are some good little recipes.

Chris: Really makes sense. And now let’s talk a little bit about product descriptions, right? So first: Product Titles, next: Product Descriptions. Again, these are going into your Google Shopping feeds. “Google allows up to 5,000 characters for product descriptions.” You should not use 5,000 characters.

Matt: 5,000 whoa.

Chris: 5,000 characters. You should not use that.

Matt: I’ve never done that.

Chris: The optimal – and it’s in italics and I think this probably should have like the air quotes around it – is between 500 and 1,000 characters. “Give your product descriptions the same treatment you give to your SEO page titles and meta descriptions.”

Matt: Yes! Yes! He’s so right.

Chris: This is great advice. And he actually has a link, “Here’s how to find keywords for your Google Shopping descriptions.” You can do that. Now next is: Product Images. Like if you’re selling something you’ve got images, those images need to be compelling, you have to ask yourself, will this image make shoppers want to see more? Notice how he doesn’t say Buy, but See More. So what is that they need so that they want to see more? They’ll click through and then you can have your description.

Matt: So the one thing that this article – I think we’re getting here to the end – doesn’t talk about, is how you gotta optimize your landing pages.

Chris: Okay.

Matt: Like of where this product description is. And I–

Chris: No, it’s very true, right? Matt, good point.

Matt: No, go ahead.

Chris: Yeah, we’re gonna add that as Number #6, let’s talk about that here in a sec, let’s finish this.

Matt: Yeah, go for it.

Chris: Alright, so Product Images. Don’t use stock images, use high resolution images, use a white background, use an angle that highlights your product best, use ALT tags. Ooh, ALT tags. Wow, ALT tags, important. Next! He talks about GTIN, right? So these are– it stands for Global Trade Item Numberto.

Matt: Okay.

Chris: It’s what he put there. I think it’s Number. Oh, “Number to identify–” like Spanish. So I know a little Spanish so it kicked in for just a second. So this is like your UPC, your EAN, your JAN, your ISBN. So make sure you include these. These are actually optional sometimes, and if somebody is gonna go search by the GTIN for your product and you’ve got this product there, make sure you’ve got it, right? Make sure it’s there so that you can show up, and it also can help increase relevancy. So let’s talk about the landing page experience ‘cause if you think about it, right? I’ve made my shopping cart using maybe Shopify, right?

Matt: Ooh, I like that.

Chris: Right? So we can help you with marketing with Shopify. Maybe Woo commerce, right?

Matt: Yes.

Chris: So we can certainly help you with that. Maybe it’s a Magento–

Matt: Click funnels.

Chris: Maybe it’s click Funnels, maybe it’s– so there’s all these ways to make shopping carts, you’re like, “Great, I’m just gonna upload my feed, and then now that’s gonna drive ads to this page.

Matt: Yes, and people don’t think about that. People are just like with AdWords, they think it’s all about getting the traffic to the page and just you know, pushing as much traffic you can to the page to push them through your funnel, and you don’t think about: well, what’s the traffic I’m already getting? Is it converting? Are people exiting my shopping cart? Is this a compelling description to get me to buy? Is there testimonials? Like I’ve seen some–

Chris: Testimonials? Yeah.

Matt: Oh, yeah.

Chris: Oh that’s a good idea.

Matt: Oh, yeah. Like I’ve seen some really, really good product pages, and then I’ve also seen some not so good product pages. And really when people are trying to differentiate between your product and another product that somebody else is selling that’s the same product, like they’re gonna go with confidence, just like Google. They’re gonna go, “Is this the product I want?” Like I know personally and I guess this is not the best example, but I know personally, if I’m looking for something that fits with iPhone 7, right? Or whatever. It needs to say–

Chris: Fits on the iPhone 7.

Matt: On the iPhone 7.

Chris: So there’s no doubt.

Matt: Like as far as the power chords or for a laptop or whatever, I need to see it, and I need to– and that’s the one I’m gonna buy even though, whatever the product code is, it might be the same as somewhere else. So you’re really trying to create some confirmation of this–

Chris: And confidence, yeah.

Matt: Confidence, “Is this what I buy?” And that’s what Google does too with webpages and stuff like that. So really just using generic descriptions that everybody else is using, and using the same stock photos that everybody else is using, I think it’s a disservice.

Chris: Yeah, it’s not gonna help you excel with doing the e-commerce.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: Right, that’s the article from the unknown person at GoDataFeed.com. Alright, did you like this podcast?

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: Was it a good pod–? I felt like it was a good podcast.

Matt: If you liked this podcast, go to Ahrefs.

Chris: Yes! Yeah, Google Ahrefs.

Matt: 12 podcasts. Click on the first link, scroll down and vote for eWebResults Podcast. Please we wanna get there in the first position. We’re like 20-25 votes away. Please go vote for us, thank you. We’re the most popular podcast–

Chris: Internet marketing podcast on iTunes, yes.

Matt: After you vote and we get in first, ‘cause we’re right second now.

Chris: And then we’ll be the most popular on Ahrefs.

Matt: Yes!

Chris: Alright, you know what? We’re gonna use that instead of our review. So don’t worry about leaving us a review, go vote at Ahrefs.

Matt: Just go, it takes two seconds. If you listen to our podcast and you like us, please support us. We appreciate it, we wanna get you more involved, we’re gonna be doing a conference potentially later this year. We want to just engage with you, please give us a call, reach out to us, hit us up on social media. We appreciate it.

Chris: Yup, absolutely. If you’re looking to grow your business with the largest, simplest marketing tool on the planet.

Matt: The internet.

Chris: Call eWebResults for increased revenue in your business 713-592-6724. If you have a referral, somebody who’s interested in any aspect of internet marketing for their business, you send them to us, they pay their bill, we pay you.

Matt: And where I think we wanna put that, is on our jobs page. So we have some jobs available.

Chris: Okay. Yeah, yeah.

Matt: I think that that’s–

Chris: Become a referral partner, yeah.

Matt: Yeah, become a referral partner.

Chris: That’s your job now. Be our referral partner. I like that. Please remember we were filmed live here at 5999, West 34th Street, Suite 106, Houston, Texas, 77092. If you would like audio, video or a transcript of this podcast, you can find that at our website eWebResults.com. We are soon to be the most popular podcast at Ahrefs.

Matt: Yes.

Chris: We are the most popular podcast on– by the way the criteria that I’ve always used for being the most popular on iTunes, like there’s no list, iTunes doesn’t provide a list.

Matt: They don’t vote?

Chris: They don’t vote, there’s no list. Is: do you have positive reviews? Are you delivering a podcast regularly? This is podcast Number #418, right? So we’ve delivered 418 podcasts of value with great reviews. I think that’s a decent criteria to go on.

Matt: Well, no. We just love you.

Chris: Thank you guys for making us the most popular. Until the next podcast, my name is Chris Burres.

Matt: My name is Matt Bertram.

Chris & Matt: Bye bye for now.

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Follow Us On Youtube Chris Burres ·00:16 Hi and welcome to the SEO podcast. Unknown secrets of internet marketing. My name is Chris Burris.  Matt Bertram ·00:22 And my name is Matt Bertram.  Chris Burres ·00:25 Welcome to another fun-filled edition...

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