#527 10 Enterprise Page Speed Optimizations & Implementation Tips by Matt Bertram
Best SEO Podcast | EWR Digital

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Video Transcript
speakerChris Burres·00:30

I figured that repeated.  I should repeat that.  That’s the SEO podcast, unknown secrets of internet marketing. My name is Chris Burres is one of the owners of EWR digital. 

speakerMatt Bertram·00:39

And my name is Matt Bertram. I’m the lead strategist here at EWR digital. 

speakerChris Burres·00:43

And we are having a, we had a slight technical glitch, but like, it was nothing.  It was kind of fun.  We had fun with it.  Welcome back to another fun filled edition of our podcast. This is podcast number 527. I missed out on 526.  I hear it was good.  I hear you’re talking like technical stuff. 

speakerMatt Bertram·01:02

Yeah.  I, were just talking to hosts and stuff.  I didn’t really have a roadmap and I need to talk into the mic.  Can everybody hear me?  All right.  So yeah.  Yeah, we just had a conversation.  I was going from one meeting to the next and we just kind of jumped in and started talking about hosting and issues related to that.  Maybe we should add a little bit more of agenda, but hopefully people got some value because we had William on and he was going into some technical things.  Yes.  C was, 

speakerChris Burres·01:34

William is one smart cat.  That is for sure.  Remember Matt and I are broadcasting live from Houston, Texas. And as part of your results driven agency, EWR, digital, 

speakerMatt Bertram·01:47

I like that.  And you can tell that we’re alive because we don’t edit anything out and all kinds of bloopers.  Yeah. 

speakerChris Burres·01:54

Well, literally from day one of this podcast, I was like, we have a zero edit policy because I know that editing can be a black hole of time.  I was actually talking about it earlier today.  We’re like three hours later.  Yes.  That 10 seconds is done.  Let’s move on to the next 10 seconds of editing.  Yeah.  We wanted to try and avoid that.  Plus I think you get a more authentic version of us knowing, you know, cause we’re actually live knowing that we’re not going to do anything. 

speakerMatt Bertram·02:21

And we make mistakes and that we’re human.  I mean, yes.  We’re broadcasting that.  Yeah. 

speakerChris Burres·02:25

Yeah.  It’s pushed out there.  Hey, we’ve got a review.  This is from Dominick Olson.  It is, of course it said started listening to the most recent podcast.  I didn’t understand anything you guys were talking because SEO digital marketing was completely new to me, decided to go back to podcast.  Number one, brave soul.  I mean, this is 5 27, so I could get a better understanding.  Listen to about 75, got a bunch of good information and understanding.  Now I jumped to four and 50.  That was still quite a while ago to get more relevant information.  My website went from, it, went from, it says from one page to 20 oh from. 

speakerMatt Bertram·03:12

I’m probably ranking in the SERPs from. 

speakerChris Burres·03:14

Page.  So it improved.  But he didn’t kind of it isn’t well-defined you there wouldn’t consider myself a pro, but I’m constantly working on content SEO and new info.  You guys give me website is taking off and only started this about three weeks ago.  Once I get caught up, I’ll go back and review the key areas that interest me.  Thanks for all the great information and all that.  You do Putin to you, Dominique.  That was like, yes, This is that’s why we do this. 

speakerMatt Bertram·03:46


speakerChris Burres·03:48

Yes it is. 

speakerMatt Bertram·03:49

No, I mean, I, I think that, you know, somebody that wants to be a sponge and soak up a lot of information and you know, a lot of the fundamentals are certainly out there and concepts and strategies and yeah, by binge listening to our podcasts, you’re going to pick up a lot of great information.  So, 

speakerChris Burres·04:10

And we get to share that we are sponsored. Were sponsored by refs.  And let me talk about their free tool.  So H refs webmaster tool is powerful and free. AH refs created AWT for website owners who can’t yet afford a marketing budget for a professional SEO tool, but need organic traffic to their website.  All of them use almost half of age refs product functionality for free Matt.  You’re like free. 

speakerMatt Bertram·04:46


speakerChris Burres·04:47

I feel like free is good seriously at $0.  Not even a credit card is required to sign up that like causes people to hold back.  Sometimes there is nothing to hold you back.  Tech radar said that a WT makes SEO more accessible to others on, we use a lot of tools and we use a lot of expensive tools and we’re very happy to have age reps as a sponsor.  We’re very happy to be talking about their free set of tools and what a positive impact that can have on the SEO.  I mean, the reality is that maybe a Dominique is already on the AWC free version and taking advantage of the SEO insights he can get there. 

speakerMatt Bertram·05:27

No, that would be awesome.  I think you’re so good at that, Chris.  I really, I thought he did a great job. 

speakerChris Burres·05:35

Good.  Hey, perhaps you’re getting your money worth good. 

speakerMatt Bertram·05:38

The solid I like HS.  We use it daily.  I would say probably so. 

speakerChris Burres·05:43

All right.  So we have a, an article today that we pulled entirely randomly from search engine journal and the author.  Wait it’s Matt Bertram.  I feel like that probably wasn’t random.  It is.  Is this your first article in search engine journal or just one of the articles that you’ve had in search engine journal? 

speakerMatt Bertram·06:06

It it’s one of the articles, but yeah. 

speakerChris Burres·06:10

Excellent.  So this is 10 enterprise page speed optimizations and implementation tips like that.  That says it all.  It’s really important.  This is an article was published October 5th.  We’re bringing it to you November 11th, like timely frankly, page speed and optimization is always timely.  Like we’re always working on that for new clients as they come in space.  Page speed is a ranking factor.  If you aren’t optimizing pages to load quickly, you not only miss the opportunity to provide a great experience, but you may not appear high enough in the rankings to even get found at all.  I think that’s a profound statement.  Yeah, you should be focusing on page speed.  In fact, you go on to say, it’s kind of weird. 

speakerChris Burres·07:00

You go on to say, I don’t know, maybe I shouldn’t be saying this.  Maybe. 

speakerChris Burres·07:07


speakerChris Burres·07:08

Already monitoring page speed.  Great.  You’re on the right track.  If you’re not then make it a priority to do so.  Page speed is so very important.  There are plenty of ways to address the slow page speeds.  We’re going to talk about 10 of them.  And then also I thought I turned that off.  Then we’re going to talk about how you kind of navigate an enterprise company, right?  The, the, the dynamics of an enterprise company to get some of these things done.  Cause you know, Matt has a lot of experience navigating enterprise level companies and actually getting these things done. 

speakerMatt Bertram·07:47

Well, no, it’s funny.  I, I, I tend to write these articles or I started writing these articles because, and even in my book, right, like I write kind of like, based on the experiences, 

speakerChris Burres·08:00

What’s the title of that book? 

speakerMatt Bertram·08:02

Build your brand Manny. 

speakerChris Burres·08:07


speakerChris Burres·08:09

I have a copy now where I feel like we’re amateurs because we don’t have the copy of build your brand mania in our hands. 

speakerMatt Bertram·08:16

Yeah, no, but these are legitimate issues that companies are dealing with.  And so I’m just expounding upon those issues and highlighting those issues and if one company, so my next article that’s about to come out is actually about like on-page optimization.  Cause I had a client say, why do we have to keep re optimizing the same page?  Like how many times can you optimize that same page?  And you know, the thing is about Google, based on the search, based on the keyword.  I’m getting a little feedback, but. 

speakerChris Burres·08:52

Yeah, on this end.  Okay, 

speakerMatt Bertram·08:54

Good.  But essentially every time someone does a search based on a different keyword, the algorithm runs a different way and will show up in the search results differently.  And so how you move stuff around on the page actually makes a big difference.  It’s kind of like a kaleidoscope, I guess, a little bit that we’ve got to keep changing it.  And that was a really good question.  It was something that I wanted to go into further details, but that’s actually my next. 

speakerChris Burres·09:26

So, so I, I like the phrase you calls them as you sees them or you write to them as you experience them.  Is that. 

speakerMatt Bertram·09:35

I said that, 

speakerChris Burres·09:36

No, I, I called them as I sees them as like a, as an old kind of famous thing. 

speakerMatt Bertram·09:44

I was just, 

speakerChris Burres·09:47

You’re like, I’m pretty sure my editor caught that.  I don’t think that, that slipped through the cracks.  No, like you’re in the throws of, in this case, navigating an enterprise business and getting page speed optimized.  And you’re like, well, let’s write an article about that because it’s, you know, took up a couple of months of my life to make this happen.  So there was probably other people out there who need to be aware of it and how to deal with it.  So. 

speakerMatt Bertram·10:15


speakerChris Burres·10:16

All right, there are 10.  Number one is leverage browser caching.  When a user visits your site, the client and server begin a resource exchange data from your website, typically static assets like logos, styles, backgrounds, and images, download to the user’s hard drive and are stored there for a predetermined period of time.  Initially this process eats up bandwidth.  However, when the data is cached, that information is already available.  So let’s say you go to page two, you don’t need it.  And if you’ve properly cached the website, you pull down the logo on the homepage.  So when you’re on that second page, you don’t need to download that logo anymore.  This leads to faster load times and much better experiences for users.  And you do have to take the time to define these factors. 

speakerChris Burres·11:08

How long should the logo stay resident, you may want to cache content that rarely changes for up to a year, or you can use IE tags to make conditional cash requests when content changes, Matt ref you tag, w w what was the tag again? 

speakerMatt Bertram·11:26

Well, like, you’re like if you’re on mobile or something like that, it’s just kind of the tracking tax. 

speakerChris Burres·11:32

So it tracks how long or making sure that the contents actually up-to-date right.  It’s the latest and greatest version.  So that’s number one, leverage browser caching.  Number two is clean up code that’s that’s that seems so easy, right?  Just, Hey, can I have the team clean up the code? 

speakerMatt Bertram·11:55

No, I mean, on a, so-so on a WordPress.  Like if you’re using a V a builder or something, there’s a lot of, sometimes heavy code in there.  And I mean, going back to the beginning days of the internet, like people hard-coded websites and HTML, right.  And so very clean code most of the time.  And so these WordPress websites are pretty heavy.  You know, there’s like PHP, there’s a lot of stuff that it doesn’t necessarily need.  And that’s something that you should even look at.  Like certainly even with plugins, which will just later have different weights, you know?  And so, you know, these are just things to consider.  How heavy is your website?  Like what are all the elements that have load that sort of thing.  So, 

speakerChris Burres·12:39

So you say search engines, especially Google rely on many factors, determine a site’s ranking.  One of the most important is crawlability are out easily.  It can access and crawl the content on your site because enterprise, I liked what you brought to the forefront here because you don’t become an enterprise organization overnight.  Like it takes a while to be enterprise level because enterprises often have a long digital history.  Their foundational website coding can be outdated, inefficient, or littered with unintended errors that accumulate over time through though, time-consuming a thorough audit of your code helps you identify as issues and address them as necessary.  And yes, they’re there they’re necessary to address because Google, you want Google to be able to crawl your website.  Easily. 

speakerMatt Bertram·13:29

Legacy issues are real. 

speakerChris Burres·13:37

All right.  Number three is enable server side compression.  So your web server may be fast and your own internet connection may be fast, but you want to plan for people accessing your website on a slower 4g or even 3g cell phone connection.  And maybe your target market is like even slower than that.  Enable server side compression with algorithms like brightly or Jesus makes it easy to compress those assets so that they are less of a burden for both your server and the user.  I put just the comment, do it like do server side compression, figure out what you need to make that happen.  Cause there’s, cause it speeds up your site. 

speakerMatt Bertram·14:20

Or reach out to cohost.com. 

speakerChris Burres·14:24

Well, that’s part of what we do with SEO focused hosting.  All right.  Number four, get a content delivery network.  So content delivery networks also referred to as content distribution networks are often also referred to as content distribution networks.  When you use a CDN, a group of geographically distributed servers, we’ll work together to quickly deliver site content, reducing load times and bandwidth consumption as an added bonus.  In some cases, the CDNs can also add a layer of security to data transfers while that won’t help with page speed, it can benefit brand reputation and integrity efforts.  I don’t know if you want her to kind of expound on that. 

speakerMatt Bertram·15:10

Yeah.  I mean, I think that like, something like CloudFlare are incredibly valuable from even a security standpoint because someone can’t attack your website directly.  It’s kind of like a mirror that it’s shining off it.  And so when you’re doing kind of dry by hacking, you know, it protects you, but yeah.  I mean something like CloudFlare, we recommend for our clients or, you know, the big players, Amazon Azure all have comparable products, but for most people we’re pressed CloudFlare.  Excellent choice to look into it. 

speakerChris Burres·15:50

Yep.  And I can tell you a CloudFlare is easy to use.  All right.  Number five, avoid landing page redirects.  So redirects are commonplace, but that doesn’t mean they’re ideal.  They can be particularly troublesome for SEO.  I’ve heard kind of estimates that each time you’re doing a redirect, you may lose 15% of your link juice.  So like you try not to do them.  And then you gave these tips before you use a redirect.  Here are some things to consider use the correct redirect though, 3 0 2, 3 0 1 and 3 0 7 redirects.  We’ll all move from one URL to the preferred one.  They aren’t created usually equally you, if you use the wrong one, the crawlers might not crawl them correctly.  Avoid redirect chains. 

speakerChris Burres·16:39

That’s where you’re like reductor redirecting from one to the next to the next again, if you’re losing 15% of link juice, it doesn’t take very long where that link from a reputable source, maybe a high da website is no longer a value because you’ve redirected it so many times don’t do that and use responsive layouts, which can cut down on unnecessary mobile landing page redirects.  I think that’s related to a kind of an older scheme, which you still see every now and then where there was actually a mobile version of the website, as opposed to a responsive version of the website, 

speakerMatt Bertram·17:11

The M dot, right.  And every time we would build a landing pages, we’d have to build two of them.  Right.  And certainly there’s a lot of tools out there like Unbounce that still offer those services.  The, you know, I think they’re nice in some formats, certainly if you’re going to be doing that on WordPress, you need to understand that it can mess up your headers.  Right.  And sometimes Google will look at the headers that maybe you’re showing for mobile and then for desktop and they don’t look like you have two sets of headers that are duplicate.  So you need be looking out for that.  But yeah, I think that 3 0 1 through tubes are really important. 

speakerMatt Bertram·17:58

We actually had a website that when you refer to one of your friends that had a bunch of Daisy chain redirects and it slowed down the website, like when we looked at it, because it didn’t go directly to the right source, I think there was a series of three redirects.  And when we fix that, we took the website from, I think, eight or nine seconds to under three, just my fixing and redirects.  So yeah. 

speakerChris Burres·18:27

Yeah.  This is a, an article about 10 enterprise page speed optimization and implementation tips.  One of them is don’t Daisy chain, your redirects.  All right, next number six, use lazy loading.  So traditionally webpage content, especially images they’re loaded time simultaneously.  This may seem efficient, but it w when it comes to page speed, the opposite is true.  Site users have to wait a longer time for all of the content to load lazy loading prioritizes content based on what the user will see and, or interact with.  First, the common question here is, does that affect page load metrics?  Meaning, yeah, you’ve been lazy.  You’ve loaded the things that the user is going to interact with is going to see first, but you’re still loading if you do it right. 

speakerChris Burres·19:18

The answer is that it doesn’t negatively impact your, the numbers that you’re getting.  So even though the page isn’t completely loaded, you’ll receive full credit for the load page.  Once the above the fold content is visible to the user, that’s also called the largest content full paint. 

speakerMatt Bertram·19:35

Yes, for sure that’s what every, but, you know, there’s arguments on like, you know, to that, is that gonna work or not?  I, I would just say when you’re setting it up, you know, if it doesn’t negatively affect the user experience, right?  Like of like, where are you going to click and where stuff’s going to load?  And you know how, like, sometimes if you’re going to a website you’re having, you’re, you’re trying to click on a button and everything’s moving, right.  And so you build out, Hey, this is where that image is going to be.  And it’s maybe a little fuzzy or something like that.  It, I think it improves the overall user experience because while it’s loading, the visitor knows that something’s happening.  Right. 

speakerMatt Bertram·20:22

Like the worst thing is like, when you click on the link and then like nothing’s happening, because it’s all loading at the same time.  And you’re, you don’t even know if the website’s working and you’re seeing the little, Yeah.  You’re like, I don’t know what’s going on, but this way, things keep happening.  Things keep loading.  It’s in the right place.  And they know that there’s going to be something there.  And I’m a big fan of it.  If you set it up properly.  Cause you know, not everything needs to load in that order.  And you want to kind of look from the server side.  Okay.  How, you know, what needs the load when right.  So, 

speakerChris Burres·20:58

Yep.  Absolutely.  All right.  Number seven, improve server response time.  So there are two crucial aspects to addressing server response time.  And maybe there’s one kind of overriding one, which is have a really awesome server.  That’s responsible for serving the content, right?  So it’s doing a good job, but one of the aspects you also need to address is to use static page caching.  So static page caching is where, when you think in terms of like a C CRM, right?  No CMS content management system, CMS CRM.  And when you think in terms of a content management system, you’re looking at something like WordPress is constantly doing calculations to display the page for you, right?  So it’s saying, Hey, let me grab the footer.  Let me grab the header. 

speakerChris Burres·21:49

Maybe let me grab this image from the media file.  Let me do all of this stuff to actually send to the server.  That’s all on the server side.  So you want to use server-side caching where it puts together that page.  If that page doesn’t change very often, then you want to store that version of that page.  And then you’re just feeding that page.  You don’t have to recalculate that page every time.  So that’s one aspect. 

speakerMatt Bertram·22:12

Well, so a little bit more on server, like make sure you have a server close to where your customers are, right?  So it doesn’t have to go around the world.  And then, you know, shared hosting versus like a semi dedicated or dedicated hosting, depending on, I mean, that’s a whole separate ball lax, but there’s a lot of stuff that you need to think about on the server side of things and really where your website’s being hosted should be one of the first things that you figure out and where you should put the most attention from the security to the maintenance, to the speed.  That is something that I think people bypass a lot.  So people will spend thousands of dollars on SEO when maybe they need to focus on some server maintenance, right. 

speakerMatt Bertram·23:07

And speeding up their website.  And that’s where you get your biggest bang for your buck.  And that’s what I always recommend people do first.  So. 

speakerChris Burres·23:15

Was really the reason why we put together cohost, right?  Like that’s, that is the reason, the second app aspect for a lot of websites and really that’s websites using PHP.  That includes WordPress Joomla.  A lot of websites are using PHB is to ensure that the web hosting provider servers allow for a persistent opcode cache, right?  So this is gets into more details, but it’s related to how PHP applications run, how they show human readable code and you ought to be able to cash that piece of the code.  So that’s persistent, opcode cash.  Sometimes we get technical on here.  If you’ve ever seen a site that’s extremely fast, right up until you get to the checkout part, it’s usually due to this missing component.  So take care of that component also. 

speakerMatt Bertram·24:04

Yeah, no, a search engine journal wants you to get more technical than like Forbes or somewhere else.  So I’m gonna got to give them a little bit more meat.  You know what I mean? 

speakerChris Burres·24:15

Fancy gotta be fancy.  Is that it?  Yeah.  Number eight, optimize site media, and this is kind of obvious.  And you know, we could argue that should be number one, if people were going through this list, right.  Because it is where you can get some really big bang for your buck.  And this goes to, if you’re using images or video, make sure that they aren’t larger than necessary.  Make sure they’re appropriately formatted, make sure that they compress visual assets.  Did we increase load time?  I can’t tell you how many times we had a customer.  We built a website for them.  It’s in WordPress so that they can manage that themselves.  And then they would come back three months in like my website is crawling and you like go there. 

speakerChris Burres·24:55

And this is you a little slower internet days.  But you know, the opening image would just load like one pixel row at a time.  It was like, you have a 10 Meg image for like, that’s crazy.  You don’t use a big image like that.  It’s not necessary.  So make sure you optimize that. 

speakerMatt Bertram·25:12

I mean, it sounds like a no brainer.  And you, would you be surprised even today, how many people are not doing that?  Right.  So there’s a process when you upload websites.  So, you know, it’s how we build a website.  If they’re taking, they have internal people that are taking over their marketing or to do it, we really do some corporate training and we lay out, you know, the steps that you would go through to compress an image.  Cause you know, if you run lighthouse, you can typically see man images are not compressed.  How many times?  I mean the mobile phone images are massive.  Right.  I don’t even know how big they are, but people will just take an image and upload it.  And they don’t. 

speakerChris Burres·25:55

I mean, the pictures people take with mobile phones, those are massive.  Yeah. 

speakerMatt Bertram·26:00

Massive images.  Yeah.  Okay.  I guess from a picture quality standpoint, they have to be, but people will just take those images and upload into a website or they’ll take, you know, like no one’s thinking about size or compression.  Like if you’re building a portfolio, if you’re adding, you know, people on your, about us page, I mean, there’s so many reasons why people might be uploading stuff or with the blogs, whatever it is, but they’re not compressed in the images.  And it sounds like a no brainer.  It sounds like a duh.  But man, like I can tell you, it happens more times than not. 

speakerChris Burres·26:38

Yeah.  Yep.  All right.  Number nine, improve HTML, CSS structure, HTML and CSS that have not been optimized will increased page weight or the size of your page.  Does that mean that you need to have someone go page by page manually reviewing code?  No, there are some great tools out there.  CSS minify dirty markup that can automate the process of revising the code and optimizing it.  So make sure you take advantage of those tools. 

speakerMatt Bertram·27:09

Yeah.  And that just goes back to the builders that I was talking about in the beginning, you know how they’re built sometimes, you know, you might not need whatever, a Lamborghini to drive around like Houston in bumper traffic.  Right.  Well, if you haven’t crossed the line, you know, so, you know, sometimes you get built out on the programming side a lot more than you need.  And so depending on your website, it might not be using some of that functionality.  And so it’s better to like go in and like turn it off or not have it load because it helps speed it up.  Like you want your website as light as possible.  So. 

speakerChris Burres·27:49

Absolutely.  All right.  And number 10 again, 10 enterprise page speed optimization and implementation tips.  This, and we bumped into this so often with new clients, themes and plugins, when it comes to creating an integrated experience for both front end and back end users themes and plugins can be a real value.  Some can, but you gotta be aware of some can create significant page lag.  Don’t get rid of all those third party assets.  Instead only use plugins and themes from a reputable source.  Make sure you’re using the latest version and make sure that you keep the amount of them that you use to a minimum. 

speakerChris Burres·28:30

When you add new plugins or themes to a page, always closely monitor page speed to quickly identify if there are any issues causes by that new plugin or that new theme or increased bounce rates or unsatisfied users.  Man, we bumped into theme.  We bumped into theme and plugin issues just all the time. 

speakerMatt Bertram·28:49

Well, people just add plugins, right?  They, they go to the marketplace and they’re like, oh, this is cool.  This is cool.  And they add all this to it.  And then they don’t take that, that code off or they don’t keep it updated.  So it becomes like security risks, you know, and a lot of this stuff on here, like cleaning up code or something like that.  Sometimes you do need a higher, like a software engineer or someone to go in and kind of look at some of that stuff and clean it up.  Not everything that you can do is on your own.  Sometimes that there’s heavy lifting, but certainly trying to keep plugins to a minimum, making sure that they’re updated, making sure that they don’t break anything is incredibly important. 

speakerMatt Bertram·29:28

I can tell you that’s something we see a lot too.  If people come to us and we’re like, why do you have all these plugins?  Right.  And it’s, again, that legacy component that, you know, they maybe used it in the past and they no longer use it.  And it’s just still there.  I mean, look at a lot of people’s desktops, you know, of things that they’ve downloaded or what have you, I mean, you want to keep it as clean as possible for Google and for load time, et cetera, 

speakerChris Burres·29:58

You, you don’t want it to look like my browser because my browser usually has like an a hundred open tabs.  You don’t have that.  You don’t want that mess.  And this again is, and you’ve touched on, this is tied into enterprise we’re, it’s the legacy of things like, so maybe you had to add a plugin in order to get your 3 0 1 redirects.  And so you’ve got a three, one redirect plugin, but now you’ve got an SEO tool that handles the 3 0 1 redirect and you should have uninstalled the 3 0 1 redirect tool, but you didn’t get around to it. 

speakerMatt Bertram·30:27

Manually doing code them.  I mean that you want to use plugins, you, if you don’t use a plugin, like, I mean, there’s schema.  I mean, there’s so much stuff out there, but what I can tell you is on the enterprise side, it’s just incredible how these websites are still going sometimes.  Right.  And, you know, as people transition from brick and mortar to e-commerce, the website becomes a lot more interactive, especially with web two to web three.  I mean, so I think that there’s going to be a huge kind of upgrade here, but I mean, look, I’d had a enterprise client come to me.  They had 16 brands that they were managed on different CMSs.  They were using different marketing agencies.  Some were hosted in different places. 

speakerMatt Bertram·31:28

I mean, it was like we had a build 18 month plan to figure out, you know, how one or two people internally can manage all these things. And you know, it was just a lot of like over time we did this and then, you know, based on this used case, we did this and you know, if you’ve had a website for any length of time, you’re going to start seeing that.  Right.  And really you need to be upgrading your websites every couple years or when new technology comes to the forefront.  I think one of the biggest analogies people are like, well, why can’t you just update it?  And it’s sometimes, you know, depending on the issue, but it’s kind of like, you know, there was camera’s right. 

speakerMatt Bertram·32:14

That were 10 ADP or whatever.  And then 4k came out like, Hey, turn this camera, that’s 10 ADP or whatever into 4k.  Like, how do you do that?  Like, sometimes you can’t like you just to go buy a new one, you. 

speakerChris Burres·32:31

Know, you need to go buy the 4k one. 

speakerMatt Bertram·32:33


speakerChris Burres·32:35

All right.  So this last section, really, I want Matt to talk and I’ll give him a couple of talking points, but I want to, you want him to talk about managing internal hurdles in an SEO, in an enterprise SEO situation?  So let’s talk about this.  I mean, you wrote about this, but let’s talk about, got to have a clear and compelling value statement.  You gotta be systematic and purposeful with your requests.  You gotta maybe consider adding a developer to your marketing team.  So, right.  So that might be a message directly to an enterprise level. 

speakerChris Burres·33:04

Hey, you, if you’ve got a marketing team, maybe you need a developer there that you, that the company trusts to have access to kind of server level stuff, and then identify a liaison or dedicated it department member to work with the marketing department.  So talk about that a little bit, like working in the environment of an enterprise, a company, enterprise level company with, you know, SEO strategies and really kind of page speed optimization strategies. 

speakerMatt Bertram·33:34

Well, I, I think STO is something that you have to start building into the culture.  Okay.  And, and typically at an enterprise level, a company, you have different domains.  It might be over this marketing might be over this, and you’ve got to figure out where that line is, and you gotta understand how to get approvals through or to get access to different resources or programmers to get some things accomplished.  You have to work, you know, cross functioning with teams, you gotta get approvals.  And so it really goes back to like a culture of SEO.  And really, if you have like one or two people internally organization, it’s very difficult to be able to do, you know, SEO for the whole company.  And a lot of times that seems to be the case. 

speakerMatt Bertram·34:31

Really what you have to do is teach people about how to kind of incorporate that into what they’re doing and how important it is in the bigger picture. I mean, really SEO is digital PR, which is just general branding.  I think that SEO over time is going to probably fade as like SEO specialist.  And it’s just going to be like marketers that understand like SEO is I think, where it’s probably going to go and there’s not going to be like the special, like a PPC specialist and, you know, a social media specialist, it’s going to be really, you’re a digital marketer that you utilize these different tools together to build whatever that strategy is. 

speakerMatt Bertram·35:15

And so that’s the biggest tip I would give people out there dealing with maybe some red tape or at an enterprise level company is you have to try to get people to understand it from a cultural standpoint of this is what we do, and this is, and that’s done through education.  So. 

speakerChris Burres·35:41

Yeah, no, that makes sense.  And it can, there can be hurdles, not just technical with an enterprise website, right.  One that’s kind of evolved and have has legacy issues.  There are legacy issues and how communication can work inside.  And now you’re throwing in a new thing.  You look at traditional marketing and how often traditional marketing is like, let’s get really creative, let’s throw a lot of money at this.  And then yeah, it’ll probably work right where, and then you bring a digital marketer into it and we’re like, Hey, so I spent $10 and I made 50.  Do you want me to do that again?  Or do you like, or do you want me to try some other strategy where it’s where the data is so available and important? 

speakerMatt Bertram·36:23

Yeah.  I mean, that’s the biggest bridge from traditional to digital is the data analytics and being able to know what is happening and how to make decisions based upon what’s happening in the data.  A lot of times you run a TV ad or a billboard or a radio ad, and you’re like, yeah, I think this is going to go great.  Right?  And then you run it and you’re done, right.  But you can get data in real time and you can make adjustments and you can optimize.  And the data is power, right.  And that’s just, I think what I fell in love with digital marketing is you can do something and then you can immediately see what’s happening, how people are interacting with it and then go through those iterations to improve it. 

speakerMatt Bertram·37:14

And that’s typically how you can take the, you know, your analogy of the 10 bucks and make 50, right.  That might not happen right out of the gate, right.  That’s continuously optimizing it.  But again, whether it’s through ad dollars, prestige, the return on investment with digital is phenomenal.  And just in today’s culture and how you know, online is your first foot forward.  A lot of businesses, I think with COVID everything got expedited, they kind of woke up to digital first mobile first.  Right.  So, 

speakerChris Burres·37:50

And even in that 10 to 50 example, I mean, Hey, I spent $10 and I made a dollar, here are the changes I think we need to make in order to do it better.  Like you just don’t have that with a billboard.  You don’t, you typically don’t have that with the, you know, traditional marketing.  And so it, they are different types of conversations.  And it’s about that kind of updating the legacy conversation. 

speakerMatt Bertram·38:15

Yeah.  No, absolutely.  So, 

speakerChris Burres·38:18

All right.  So that is, that wraps up our podcast.  We would like you to leave us a review.  I want to give a big Putin to the author.  Wait, let me look that up again.  Oh, that’s right.  It’s Matt it’s.  Thank you.  Good article.  Well done, sir.  Also want to give a, a big Putin to Dominique Olson.  Thank you for taking the time to write that review.  Thank you for going back and listening to 75 plus podcasts, and then starting at four 50 to get all the way to 527.  We really appreciate you.  Hopefully anybody else out there who’s getting some value.  You can leave us a review.  Also go to AWR digital.com forward slash review.  That will get you directly to our GMB. 

speakerChris Burres·39:06

So you can leave us a review.  Please make that work. 

speakerMatt Bertram·39:11

You know, also if you’re dealing with an issue, right, you can reach out to our agency, AWR digital.com.  You can set up a free discovery call with one of our digital marketers.  We’d love to talk to you.  So. 

speakerChris Burres·39:26

You will get value out of that call.  Like we have a lot of testimonials just from the value from that initial free console consultation.  So we love to leave people with lots of value, like why we’re doing this podcast.  So leave that review and then I don’t know.  That’s good enough.  Just leave a review there.  Oh, you can just go to our facebook.com forward slash best SEO podcast and leave a review there until the next podcast.  My name is Chris burrows.  Bye-bye for now. 

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