#407 - 8 Key Google Analytics Reports You Need for SEO
Best SEO Podcast | EWR Digital

Video Transcript

Google Analytics is packed with the data you need to make intelligent SEO decisions. Learn which reports you should be running and why in episode 407! Join Chris & Matt this week for an exciting discussion on “8 Key Google Analytics Reports for SEO” by Jessie Moore at Search Engine Watch. TRANSCRIPT:

Chris: Hi and welcome to the SEO Podcast: Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing. My name is Chris Burres, owner of eWebResults.

Matt: My name is Matt Bertram, your PPC Specialist!

Chris: Welcome back to another fun-filled edition of our podcast, this is podcast number 407. You know, I never realized that that was right-facing.

Matt: 4–

Chris: 0–

Matt: 07.

Chris: Followed by–

Matt: Man, I’m good at that.

Chris: That was an absolute display of coordination and mathematical expertise, all of it together.

Matt: Yes.

Chris: So this is podcast number 407. As always we have a tip– you know what? I don’t have the tip written down here.

Matt: Oh, I know what it was.

Chris: Do you know what the tip was?

Matt: Do epic shit.

Chris: Do epic shit. That’s right, the tip was– no, that was the tip from the previous podcast. The next one. Let me just glance at this ‘cause I don’t even remember the article that we cover.

Matt: Chris has had a long day, he’s back in 10. You see him in casual here. He’s at some family stuff. So give him a little bit of a break.

Chris: Up in Dallas and yeah, it was a rough day and a half or so. Talking to lots of physicians who know a lot more about medicine than I do and not much more about what’s going on. So, I’m trying to think. The podcast last time was– do you remember what it was even about? See that’s the– isn’t that the scary part? You’re like, “Yeah!”

Matt: So I am actually reading this book right now.

Chris: Right.

Matt: Okay, and it’s talking about increasing like blood flow to the brain, mitochondria. It’s called Head Strong, it’s actually the guy that wrote bulletproof diet.

Chris: Okay.

Matt: And I went and got Cryo today, I went and got drip therapy, I went to the–

Chris: Okay, like lots of blood flow stuff.

Matt: And then the chiropractor, right? And so cryo gets rid of that chronic inflammation, brain function increases immediately, have still no idea what happened like two days ago.

Chris: So all of this is to–? So what did we talk about in the last podcast? Alright, so we’ll have to get the tip for you a little bit later. Let’s just say the tip is: go check out our last podcast, it was a good podcast. So let’s go through this. Please remember we are filming live here from Houston, Texas.

Matt: If you can’t tell.

Chris: Matt and I, we are your—

Chris & Matt: Results Rebels!

Chris: We’ve got a good article that we’re talking about today. This articles is by Jessie Moore, “8 key Google Analytics Reports for SEO.” Google Analytics is a huge free tool. Has just so much data, like it dizzying how much data there is. And he did a pretty good job of the right reports to be looking at. In fact one of them– I had to kind of like dig in deeper, and we’ve got some questions for Google, Mr. Google ‘cause not all the math added up.

Matt: Yeah, well I was on the phone with Google for about an hour today.

Chris: Yeah, yeah.

Matt: So if you want me to ask some questions, next time I can.

Chris: Hey, what you could do, if you’ve got some sort of electronic device in front of you, what we’d like you to do is tweet. Tweet #SEOPodcast, include us @BestSEOPodcast, @eWebResults, and also include Jessie here. He’s @DigitalJessieUK, and that’s J-E-S-S-I-E-U-K. Go ahead and yeah, hashtag it.

Matt: Tweet that out.

Chris: Tweet that out, and share it, please. If you’ve listened to this podcast before, you are probably interested in the tips we’re doling out, right? And you might be interested in, “5 online marketing mistakes that can tank your business & how to avoid them.” You can get that for free, all you need to do is go to eWebResults.com/SEOTip and you’ll get the, “5 online marketing mistakes that can tank your business and how to avoid them,” for free.

Matt: Or call and get 15 minutes with an expert.

Chris: Absolutely.

Matt: $125 value. Well, it’s 30 minutes, so it’ll be 15 to 30. So we extended it a little bit, definitely for podcast listeners. Any pressing question you have, call in, we’ll answer it for you.

Chris: Yes. Teaser great article, tweet… If you’ve seen this podcast before– If you haven’t seen it before: howdy, welcome to the podcast. This is called the potatoes. We’re gonna get into the meat here pretty soon. If you have listened to the podcast, you know what we’re not gonna skip.

Matt: Oh.

Chris: Alright, we run a contest each and every week. The contest is, if we get 10 shikos–

Matt: A share, and a like, and a follow.

Chris: If we get 10 shikos and a review, then we will push this all to the end and we’ll not bother you with this. Because we didn’t get– we actually got the 10 shikos, so that’s good. Thank you for going out there and connecting with us, sharing, liking and following. We did not get a review this week. And really we’ll keep that simple, just leave us a review. It’s easy to get to the review page where we want you to leave the review. Just go to eWebResults.com/

Matt: Yelp

Chris: Yelp, and leave us review there please.

Matt: But one of the things you did win because you did shiko us 10 times, is Chris is gonna juggle for you.

Chris: Oh okay. Alright, so I can do that. It’s been a stressful week, but we can see if we can that all-in camera.

Matt: Look at that ladies and gentlemen, look at that tower. Look at that tower. The Google ball is being juggled.

Chris: Alright. Now do I get to like promote our stuff for an extra? Okay, so here’s where you can shiko us, because remember it’s two pieces. We need 10 shikos and the review. Leave the review at eWebResults.com/

Chris & Matt: Yelp.

Chris: And shiko us at I don’t know, Facebook.com/

Matt: eWebResults

Chris: Twitter.com/

Matt: eWebResults

Chris: Instagram.com/

Matt: eWebResults

Chris: LinkedIn.com/company/

Matt: eWebResults

Chris: And then finally, eWebResults.com/

Matt: eWebResults

Chris: YouTube.

Matt: Aargh! I missed that one.

Chris: YouTube. Excellent.

Matt: It’s a trick question every time.

Chris: If you want a free website analysis, Matt already told you about that. You can call 713-592-6724 or you can just go to eWebResults.com and click the button.

Matt: Boom.

Chris: Boom. I have no reviews to read, I just had two pieces of information I thought was neat. “Russian officers were arrested at a Russian nuclear facility because they were using their super computers to do Bitcoin mining.”

Matt: I like the down in South America, you log into the Starbucks.

Chris: Oh yeah.

Matt: That’s awesome.

Chris: Oh yeah, we covered that one in Argentina. When you logged into the Starbucks Wi-Fi, it kind of pilfered 5 minutes from your CPU to do Bitcoin mining.

Matt: It’s pretty ingenious.

Chris: The other thing I thought that was good was, Uber is giving Waymo– so they had a patent dispute in like espionage, corporate espionage thing. They gave Waymo 0.34% of Uber stock.

Matt: Oh.

Chris: How much do you think that’s worth?

Matt: A lot.

Chris: Just roughly.

Matt: I don’t know, Uber’s gone down a lot.

Chris: Is it?

Matt: Yeah, I don’t know.

Chris: Just throw out a number.

Matt: But it’s big.

Chris: Yeah?

Matt: Yeah. I don’t know.

Chris: Is it less than $500, more than $500 million?

Matt: Right on the bubble.

Chris: Right on the bubble? $245 million was given over there to Waymo.

Matt: Oh, that’s good. So Amazon launched their shipping service.

Chris: Okay.

Matt: So UPS and FedEx are shivering in their boots.

Chris: Yeah ‘cause if they just stopped using them–

Matt: Yeah, that’s a lot of business.

Chris: There’s a stock that’s gone. Let alone taking some of their existing business. Alright, so here is the article. That is the potatoes of the meat– I mean of the podcast. We’re gonna get into the meat or the tofu, depending if you’re a vegan or something.

Matt: Oh.

Chris: This again, “8 key Google Analytics Reports for SEO.” Punch in the face to you Jessie Moore @DigitalJessieUK. He says, “Any stellar SEO strategy should be meticulously tracked and heavily data-driven.” We could not agree more. You know what? That’s probably gonna be the tip of this particular podcast.

Matt: I like it. I’ll sign off.

Chris: And Google Analytics, like I mentioned earlier, the amount of data is overwhelming. You can just spend weeks looking at Google data. In fact I got sidetracked looking at one of the reports that he recommended, that I– Matt, you have– dove in? You’ve dove into it before, I hadn’t. And so there was another 10 minutes. And Matt was like, “Hey, we gotta get outta here. Can you stop doing that? Keep working.” It’s relevant to the podcast. So yeah, you could spend weeks in this.

The first key Analytics report he says is, “Organic Search.” He defines exactly where to find it. Go to “Acquisition” > “Overview,” and then click through to “Organic Search.” He says, “This provides an immediate summary of your top channels and how each is performing in terms of traffic volume, behavior and conversions.” I circled conversions. Do you know why did I circle conversions?

Matt: Well you gotta set them up.

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: If you don’t set them up, you don’t get any conversions in there.

Chris: That is like the big caveat to this whole article, right? It’s like out of the box, they aren’t really conversions. No. So you’ve gotta set up those conversions, that’s the administrator, the admin section and goals, and get those conversions identified. He talks about bounce rates. It’s a good idea to pay particular attention to this metric on an individual page basis, right? So it’s easy to go in on a monthly basis and say, “Look, our bounce rate is a little bit up, a little bit down, hasn’t changed much.” But it’s also worth going in on a page by page basis, and I’ll talk about this here in a second, where to find that. What’s the bounce rate on each page? ‘Cause if every page has a 50% bounce rate and one page has a 10% bounce rate, you might wanna figure out what you’re doing on that page that’s right.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: That’s an extreme exaggeration, but that’s right so that you can apply it to the other pages.

Matt: So we do this in our MRC every month with our clients.

Chris: Right, Monthly Results Call.

Matt: Monthly Results Call. And one of the things that we do is we’ll optimize each page, like the About Us page, the Contact Us page. And bounce rates you wanna look for is if it’s over 80%, you got some concern. If it’s right around 60% or less, you’re killing it.

Chris: You’re probably doing really well, yeah.

Matt: Yeah, so that’s the metric that we use personally here.

Chris: I can tell you– in fact let’s save that for like kinda the page by page. And I think that’s actually a blended page. He continues when talking about organic search, that particular report. All’s very well but wouldn’t it be handy if you could view only the organic traffic across all of Google Analytics, right? So as you’re looking at your conversion reports, your e-commerce reports, etc. What if you could only–? Could segment– you can.

Matt: Yeah, you can segment anything.

Chris: We have sophisticated segments, and we’ve used them before to like get rid of ghost traffic and things like that. I just never really used them. I’m usually like going back and forth between reports to say, “Oh, I wish I could only see the PPC ad on this.” I don’t spend enough time in Analytics obviously. So now it’s really cool, if you wanna look at your conversions reports and only look at the– I don’t know, say paid traffic, or only organic, or referral traffic. Just segment it and usually keep all users and segments, ‘cause that’s gonna be really useful. So imagine if your bounce rate off of PPC was high and off of your All Users was low, then you wanna look at that PPC traffic. Is it the right traffic?

Matt: We always look at that. I mean if it’s like 15 seconds or less, you’re getting the wrong traffic. If it’s a minute and half or more, something like that, it’s good.

Chris: And I know you know this, but there’s two pieces. Is it the wrong traffic or is the wrong page? Like does the page need to be adjusted for that particular traffic?

Matt: And one of the things to look for too is how many page views?

Chris: Yeah, yeah.

Matt: Right? Like time on site, but also how many pages do they look once they come there, and what’s the– what is it? Inbound marketing model or sales model of where they go.

Chris: Yeah, how long are they spending on the site in general versus the individual pages. So that was number 1, number 2 is– this is 8 key Google Analytics Reports. This is the, “Landing page and page titles.” In order to find it you go to: “Behaviour” > “Site Content” > “Landing pages” > and then add secondary dimension “Site titles.” So one of the most frustrating things about being an SEOer, and you know what? It’s interesting, there’s probably people who are coming into the industry recently and are like, “What do you mean ‘(not provided)’ is frustrated? It’s always been (not provided).” Like there’s never been data there. If you’ve been in SEO as long as us, since 1999, you know there was a time when in organic traffic you knew the keywords that brought them to your website. And now looking at not provided is just one of the most frustrating things for ever to experience, or to see regularly.

There’s two things that can cause (not provided), one is if they’re logged into a Google account – almost everybody is – and two, if the website is on HTTPS, so has an SSL certificate, then you will get (not provided).

Matt: So Google Trends, you can kinda see some of that data, but like Search Console?

Chris: Yeah. Oh yeah.

Matt: I mean Search Console’s where–

Chris: It’s your only access to– and I don’t believe it’s all of the data, I think it’s whatever they decided to share with us, right?

Matt: Yeah. Well, it’s a free tool that they own and like when you talk to Google, they can see stuff that we can’t.

Chris: Right.

Matt: So yeah, for sure.

Chris: So there is no way to get the data, right? That search data from organic traffic, but what you can do, is look at the landing pages. And as you’re looking at the landing pages, know what the title of the page is, know what you’ve optimized that page for, and you can really have a good sense of what the keyword probably was, certainly what the intent of the keyword was for them to land there. And then that’s where you can kinda dig in and say, “Okay. I know this landing page. If they landed here, did they convert?” So which landing pages are the ones that cause them to convert more, so they can, “Hey, I need to spend more time on those SEO keywords,”? So really good. Landing page, and then title pages.

It says, “View your organic traffic via landing page and page title, as this will show which pages are performing the best in terms of organic search.” Remember for us the best is not just traffic, really we kinda don’t care about Time on Site. I don’t think we have any clients– you know, we’ve had clients in the past where maybe that was important to them. They’re all about conversions.

Matt: Give me leads.

Chris: So that’s what we’re concerned with. And then I was gonna say something about the individual pages and what you can do on individual pages. The bounce rate? I don’t know. Nah, I forgot it. But that’s the place I should be talking about it. If I remember I’ll come back to it.

Number 3. So number 3 is– 8 key Google Analytics reports, it’s the “Conversion goals.” I put one, two, three, four exclamation marks.

Matt: Whoo!

Chris: That is how important it is. It’s all about the conversion, and the most important thing is, you gotta set up the conversions.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: We probably need to do a podcast just on setting it up. And as I’m thinking about it, I’m thinking about how visual that podcast would need to be, right? ‘Cause it’s like go to Admin, go to Tools, and you know, what are the kind of goals that you wanna have? One of the most frequent goals for us is landing on the Thank You page that occurs after a form submission.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: Right? And literally this week we’re debating with a client who wanted to make their own landing page, and so she made her own landing page, did a really good job actually. I asked her if she wanted a job, she said she wasn’t interested. And then we told her– she has a form on the page, and when they press the form, that form just refreshes and has a small green message. And you’ve probably seen this before, but it’s easy to miss that message.

Matt: Yes. Yeah.

Chris: I think it’s a bad user experience to just have that kind of message unless you’ve– you’ve gotta do other things to make sure they know they submitted–

Matt: I mean, I would resubmit a couple times. “Oh, I don’t know. It didn’t go to the Thank You page.”

Chris: And then finally you’re like looking at the green thing, and you’re like, “Okay, I guess it went.” So that’s one reason because of the better user experience. The other reason is when they land on a Thank You page, you get another opportunity to show them a whole new page of content.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: And what I suggested to this particular client is: great, you took advantage of this free pet exam, do you know anybody who would like a free pet exam? Fill out, enter their name and email address.

Matt: It’s called a bump. And then you wanna ask for something else, or upsell, or do something, yeah.

Chris: So he says you find the “Conversion goals” by going to “Conversions” > “Goals” > and then “Overview.” And it says you will need to be tracking conversions. You have to have those goals set up. The first is your conversion– “You can filter these with regards to traffic and understand what percentage of your website’s conversions are resulting from organic traffic.” Again, you could use that segmentation to find that.

“Some clients care only about keyword rankings, and some care only about the dollar signs.” Even it’s a form submission, you can sit with your client and talk to them about the historical performance. How many form submissions turn into a customer? What’s the average value of a customer? So now you know the average value of one form submission, so you can back that up, and you can enter that into Google Analytics and not just track form submissions, but track actual dollar value of the organic traffic.

Matt: You would like have to do that because when you’re running ads, you gotta look at that conversion rate, cost per conversion, and figure out, is this making sense? Also talk to the client, because sometimes the data looks good, but the client’s not happy, it’s not the kind of traffic they want.

Chris: Right.

Matt: Something could be messed up with the conversions, like it’s really important to get the full feedback loop from the client.

Chris: Like in the pet example. If all the form submissions are like, “My iguana is sneezing,” and they don’t take care of iguanas, then they probably won’t be happy with that.

Matt: That’s a really good analogy.

Chris: Nothing worse than a sneezing iguana. I’m just telling you. Number 4 is assisted conversions. And you were probably tempted to kinda dive into this ‘cause you were really close. Because this is the piece that I ended up spending a couple more minutes and chatting with you about. The place you find it is “Conversions” > “Multi-channel Funnels” > and “Assisted Conversions.” So, “Although useful, conversion goals only give you a surface view of conversions. What if somebody initially found your website via Google?” Right?

Matt: Mm-hmm.

Chris: And I think what he means is like via Google organic, right? And didn’t convert. But later returned to your website by typing in the URL directly and then converted. And this is called attribution.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: If you’re in this business regularly, you’ve probably heard attribution model. I can tell you one of the customers that we’ve had that has been the hardest to attribute has been Wedding Venue, right? Because these brides will go to The Knot, they’ll do a search and click a PPC, they’ll do another search and go organic, they’ll type your website directly, they’ll go to a convention and get a form, and go to a particular URL that you gave them, and then ultimately, they’ll call you out of the blue. And you’re like: so we’re running this pay-per-click campaign, we’re spending $1000 a month, what’s the value in it? If you only looked at conversions, you might say that it’s not good. Right? Because in that case, they called out of the blue, it wouldn’t have counted as a conversion.

Matt: A lot of clients like to use the last touch model.

Chris: Right.

Matt: Right? And they’re like, you’re adding work.

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: You know? And so you have to show them. Hey there’s other stuff going on here, look at the AIDA funnel and talk about where you’re hitting them, how to build that. It gets pretty sophisticated, but I mean I can tell you so many times clients have said, “Hey, it’s not working.” Right?

Chris: Right.

Matt: And so it’s really important to paint that full picture. If you’re selling social, it’s even worse. Okay?

Chris: Yeah, it’s a lot harder.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: So I can give you an example with a client that we have. Pay-per-click campaign – and I think I looked over the last 7 days – spent $614. When you looked at the actual e-commerce revenue, it’s $555 and 75 cents. So lost– I don’t know, what is that? $65, right? So that client might say, “Hey, this pay-per-click campaign is not working.” When you get into the attribution model, where paid– so what this means is like, which clients converted who at one time clicked a pay-per-click ad? Right? So whether it was the first time, in the middle, or whatever, and Google actually provides this really nice chart of when that occurred. And the assisted conversions were $918. I know the profit model for this particular costumer, that was profitable and it’s only the first sale.

Matt: This is your other business.

Chris: This is my other business. So it’s only the first–

Matt: So he’s watching those dollars.

Chris: It’s only the first sale and we know that there’s lots of reorders for this particular client.

Matt: So that’s Customer Acquisition Cost.

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: And then Lifetime Valued Customer.

Chris: Right. Yeah, Initial Customer Acquisition, you would say $918 divided by– well no, $614 which is the actual spend divided by the number of new customers. The debate that you might have, right? Is it the number of new customers that just came directly from PPC or is it that anyone who touched PPC is part of the process? And I would argue that if you don’t have that additional touch point of the pay-per-click click to your website, then you’re lacking a little bit of credibility, there’s other things going on. It was really interesting.

Now the frustrating thing with Google is when you’re looking at this multi-channel attribution. So the assisted was $918, the actual last click was only $278, and the actual revenue was $555, why was the revenue $555? You would think that the revenue would’ve been tied to the last click and–

Matt: Are you all tracking? I’m tracking.

Chris: You could’ve told me that before I decided I was going to talk about this.

Matt: There’s first touch, multi-touch and last touch models. Multi-touch you can wait the models. It’s just really important to see the full view. I know Google’s starting to do stuff when you cross the threshold, when you walk into–

Chris: Into a physical business?

Matt: Into a physical business. It’s only getting more sophisticated and Google has a number of different formulas for this. I’ve read a lot about different attribution models and really I think what it comes down to most, is educating yourself, and then also educating the client to understand that email marketing and internet marketing.

Chris: Right.

Matt: Or email marketing is internet marketing, but like display ads in email marketing as well as PPC, as well as you know, content. They all kinda go together, and it’s like symphony, and it’s like what you add when, and it’s really important to look at that full data. And Google does show you that pretty accurately from the data that they have. It’s really a nice feature when clients or yourself are trying to figure out if this money is being spent in right place.

Chris: And I like– you often use in talking about all sorts of things, is different levers, right?

Matt: Yes.

Chris: And so having different levers, it’s a multifaceted approach to getting to your clients and we know the more that you touch a client, the more likely that they’re going to sue you. I mean no.

Matt: What?

Chris: The more that they’re likely to become a customer. No, it’s just a little perverted joke. Alright number 5, “Site Speed.” The place that you find it is “Behavior” > “Site Speed” > and then “Overview,” right? And it says there are a number of tools we can use. We actually like Pingdom, right? We’re concerned about Google Page Insights ‘cause it often– and we’ve talked about this on the podcast before, it’s a Go/no go, are you using this technology? And actually Josh, our in-house SEO expert, genius dude, we had a legitimate discussion about it, a little debate about it. And so I think he’s more on the fence than I am. I’m more convinced that it’s the actual page speed which you would get say through Pingdom. Pingdom does a really good job.

But those tools only look at the home page. They don’t look at your internal pages. So one of the nice things about the Google Analytics versions of Page Speed, is you can actually see the page load speed for each of your individual pages.

Matt: Optimize your images.

Chris: Yup, step 1. Number 6 is “Site search,” right? So this is under “Behavior” > “Site Search” > and then “Search Terms.” So this is when somebody goes on your website, you have a search bar and they’re searching on your website.

Matt: We have one.

Chris: Yup. You can go check it out, eWebResults.com. Yeah, this page– what you can notice is, if they keep searching for something– so let’s say for instance on ours we noticed everyone’s looking for pay-per-click. Like everyone comes to our website, seems to spend 30- 45 seconds and then they search pay-per-click, they might be having a problem finding the pay-per-click link that’s under services, right?

Matt: Well, we’re ranked on the first page on Google.

Chris: Wow, yeah.

Matt: For “PPC Houston” and “Houston PPC,” and so you know.

Chris: So they’re finding us, and then well usually they land on the PPC page. So that’s not a good– so we went to a conference and we handed a whole bunch of cards, and they landed on our page. And we noticed that we were promoting at the conference pay-per-click, and everybody was unable to find the pay-per-click page. You know, you can use what people are searching to kind of identify what they’re trying to find and not finding.

Matt: They were finding it. People were searching sniper ads and branded it, since the last talk that you did.

Chris: Oh, yeah?

Matt: Right, so people are searching “sniper ads eWebResults” that’s the search term. That’s pretty awesome.

Chris: Yeah. There’s a story behind that, but we won’t bore you with that. “In addition, if you can help identify any keywords or search terms which you may need to create a new page for if one does not already exist.” So I don’t know, if somebody said like, “elbow marketing,” and we’re like, “I don’t know what elbow marketing is.” we research it and we find it, and then by the way, we’re already on the first page for elbow marketing.

Matt: And Bitcoin advertising.

Chris: And Bitcoin advertising.

Matt: Yes.

Chris: Then you know, look at those phrases, maybe there’s something that’s a little odd that people are searching for that you didn’t realize was important to your users, and now by looking at those search phrases you do realize it’s important and maybe you need to make a page for that.

Number 7. Again, this is 8 Google Analytics keyword reports that you need to be focused on, and it’s “Mobile.” You go under “Audience” > “Mobile” > and then “Overview.” It’s worth considering the conversion rate of the different devices. It can be an indication of what device traffic is most valuable, ‘cause there are options, you’re the kind of PPC expert. When you’re in AdWords you can adjust bids based on device, right?

Matt: Well, okay. So really interesting, I’ve done a couple of different split tests, also social, this works well too.

Chris: Right.

Matt: Okay? On Facebook I actually tested where you capture– what is it called? It’s like form capture?

Chris: Right.

Matt: Before they hit the landing page.

Chris: Right.

Matt: And then also landing page conversions. And what I found is on desktop, the landing page converts better, and on mobile the Facebook form works better. So I’m running ads now separately.

Chris: Different ads, yeah.

Matt: Like two different campaigns.

Chris: Yeah, so one of them is “Campaign mobile,” “Campaign Desktop.”

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: That’s where you get the best bang for you buck. And that’s why you need an experienced team to really steer you down the right path. Just for clarity, so on Facebook, you’ve got the option to click– before you go to the page, a thing pops up and says, “Hey, do you wanna–”

Matt: Well, that’s what we’re doing with the chatbox, trying to get them to pop up when they hit the landing page.

Chris: Right.

Matt: But we’re playing with all kinds of stuff, but yeah. Mobile sites convert differently than desktop sites. So just be aware of that when you’re buying traffic. If you get more segmented, there’s a lot fun things you can do.

Chris: Excellent. Alright, and finally I do wanna add, like on mobile even our clients who are B2B, who are engineering – so people are visiting them on workstations – they’re still seeing 30%-40% mobile traffic, so only mobile traffic and a lot of conversions, all of their conversions on workstations.

We have clients who are business to consumer, they may have 60% mobile traffic but they’re still seeing like 70%-80% conversions on workstations. So it’s important to kind of first focus on conversions on your desktop workstation view, right? Version.

Number 8– was that confusing?

Matt: No, no. I was just thinking that there’s some really funny data out there that I’m starting to see ‘cause if you start looking at when people are starting look at ads more.

Chris: Right.

Matt: Right? When they’re getting distracted at work, it’s like noon on Thursday, like after that, no one’s working.

Chris: Yeah, no one works noon on Thursday. Maybe we should shorten our week? If no one’s gonna be working–

Matt: Well, depending on what you’re selling.

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: Right? If they’re going on Facebook to get away, right? And you’re selling something, you can ramp it up, you know?

Chris: Yeah. Alright number 8, “Customize your dashboard,” right? So customize, the way you find is you go to “Customize” > “Dashboard.”

Matt: I have not done that. I really feel like that would be something good for me.

Chris: Haven’t taken the time?

Matt: Yeah, I haven’t done it.

Chris: So I’ve done it, ‘cause we do have– we’ve got a team member who actually pulls reports– you know, we do our MRC, our Monthly Results Call every month with our clients, and we look at standard reports. Now they could be tweets, right? So we’ve got some clients who are national campaigns, so obviously when you’re looking at regional kind of information, you wanna look at it nationally. You got other people where they are Houston-based, so you kind zero in. Yes, they get traffic from all across the country, but you really zoom in onto what the Houston traffic looks like and how it executes. There’s tweaks, but I have a dashboard for each of those so that when our team member goes in, they’re just like– they know which reports they need to do, there’s the list, and then they just need to tweak them for the right client.

Matt: I mean really the only kind of setup I have is like if you sit at my computer, I’ve got that big monitor there, that two sides and it looks like a spaceship?

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: And so that’s my dashboard.

Chris: I think he’s always in his spaceship, especially at noon on Thursday, apparently.

Matt: Whoo!

Chris: I like this, “Sure, you may be a Google Analytics whizz, but the chances are that your client is,” is pretty much nil, “Therefore presenting the data in a way that is digestible and manageable is key to convincing them of your SEO prowess.” I actually disagree with this. I think the key to convincing them of your SEO prowess is walking them through the reports that you get them, right? So walking them through the strategies that you’ve done over the last 30 days, and what strategies you’re going to do over the next 30 days, and talking about the positive impact those strategies had and will have moving forward.

Matt: I’m really seeing a trend in new clients knowing a lot more when they’re coming to the table.

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: Some of them are like, “I don’t even think you can help me.” They’re like, “Prove it to me.” I was like, “Alright, let’s jump in a profit plan.”

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: And I was like, “Okay, you got like 80% of it, I can give you that other 20%.”

Chris: That knocks it out of the park.

Matt: Or that other 10% that’s gonna take it to the next level. And so, a little stressful, you know? When people are challenging.

Chris: From the start of the call to the end of the call.

Matt: From the start of the call, but it’s ended well every time so far. But it’s been stressful.

Chris: Well yeah, ‘cause we have 100% money back guarantee on that profit plan.

Matt: No one’s asked for their money back.

Chris: No one asked for their money back. And actually when you get one of those profit plans, if you move forward with the monthly service, that $499 actually applies to the monthly service moving forward. So it is absolutely risk free.

Hey, Jessie Moore, punch in the face to you. He’s @DigitalJessieUK punch in the face, what a really good article, “8 key Google Analytics reports for search engine optimization.” Was there one that he missed that maybe you would’ve spent some time on?

Matt: I really haven’t been focused.

Chris: On this particular–

Matt: I’ve just really kind of rolled–

Chris: It’s a been a long– we had long weeks for different reasons. Both kinda stressed, and yeah.

Matt: I just kind of rolled with it here, so I really didn’t dive into it. So maybe next time.

Chris: Yeah, I think all those reports are good, those are all reports that we actually jump into. Oh, here’s the story– I’ve remembered before the end of the podcast!

Matt: Alright, awesome.

Chris: Here’s the story. So, when you’re looking at what– we always look at what are the top 10 pages, right? What are the top 10 pages on a particular website of our client that gets the most traffic? And this one story kind of resonates. There’s other instances of this where a particular page is getting lots of traffic and when you go visit that page, it was actually a pretty useless page. Now in our defense, we just kind of took over the website and we’re optimizing other pages, but this one, it was a calculator– and not surprising, calculators do really good. That’s a Pro Tip, if you can make some sort of calculator for your business and put it out there, people will flock to it.

Matt: Resource page.

Chris: Yeah, but this particular calculator page it would do this kind of mortgage calculation and there was no real CTA, there was no real driver behind. So it got all this traffic and not much results from it. And so we really beefed up the CTAs and the actions. Made it clear the actions that the client should take, “Hey! Yes, you’re gonna make a lot of money on this house. Contact us and we can get you the loan so you can get the house tomorrow.” Kind of thing.

Matt: I like it.

Chris: So visiting that is really good. One other important thing, just while we’re sharing, very often the Team page is one of the top 10s. Like almost, with most of our clients, it’s always in the top 20. It’s usually within the top 10. People, people connect with people. I can tell you, an engineering firm, where you think the deliverable – and this is true – is the rapport or the software or the technology, they deal with people. So the people are the real key. Make sure that you’re allowing people who visit your website, to connect with the people on the other end of the business.

Matt: The About Us page is one of the top ways to sell, right?

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: And you can tell your story, and you can build trust and authority, and share what’s unique about you. And yeah, that’s one of the most looked at pages, and the Team page is absolutely people are connecting with people. Again, don’t use generic stock art and all that, use real images, and it definitely makes a difference.

Chris: Very cool. Alright. We gotta wrap up the podcast, right? Isn’t there some content we need to post? Hey, if you enjoyed this podcast, we’ll ask you to share it with three different people. That would be really nice. If you’re interested in growing your business with the largest, simplest marketing tool on the planet–

Matt: The internet.

Chris: Go ahead and give us a call for increased revenue in your business 713-592-6724. If you have a referral, somebody who’s interested in internet marketing, you send them to us, they pay their bill, we pay you.

Matt: Or a charity.

Chris: Or a charity. I like that. I need to add that ‘cause if you don’t– well, you’ll be here a while. Please remember we were filmed live here in Houston, Texas, 5999, West 34th Street, Suite 106, Houston, Texas, 77092. We are the most– oh, if you want video, audio, or a transcript of the podcast, you can find it at eWebResults.com.

Please remember, we are the most popular internet marketing podcast on iTunes, that is because of you, ‘cause of all of you all. Thank you so much for being loyal fans and listeners and sending in questions. Manny is tuned in here. I think we’re almost done with his project, I know he’s leaving on a vacation soon. So we wanna have that done before then. Punch in the face to all of you, we really appreciate you.

Until the next podcast, my name is Chris Burres.

Matt: My name is Matt Bertram.

Chris: Bye bye for now.

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