#389 - Local SEO Pitfalls - Part 5
Best SEO Podcast | EWR Digital

Video Transcript

Join Matt and Chris as they discuss more “out-of-this-world” SEO tips! This is a 5 part series on Miriam Ellis‘s awesome article, “45 Local SEO Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them.” TRANSCRIPT:

Chris: Hi!

Matt: Hi!

Chris: And welcome to the SEO Podcast: Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing. My name is Chris Burres, owner of eWebResults.

Matt: My name is Matt Bertram the alien intruder.

Chris: The alien intruder! Welcome back to another fun-filled edition of our podcast, this is podcast number 389. And if you could get a little video of this Javier? This is going to be our tip when you are ready.

Matt: Get a little video of Javier.

Chris: Go there.

Matt: Javier.

Chris: And here is our tip from our previous podcast.

Matt: Tip from previous podcast: “Complaints give you a chance to act but silence shows you don’t care.”

Chris: So we were talking about responding to reviews.

Matt: Yes.

Chris: You need to respond to reviews. I asked Matt a trick question, I apologized for it later. What level of stars – if somebody gives you a 1-star or 5-star – should you respond to?

Matt: All of them.

Chris: All of them. Respond to every review every time because it shows you don’t care if you don’t respond. Subscribe, follow–

Chris & Matt: Boom!

Chris: Excellent. So we are broadcast live from here in Houston, Texas. And we are your test and measuring gurus.

Matt: Yes, I like it.

Chris: I wanted to read this. We had this review, just to throw it in real quick here. The review was of course–

Chris & Matt: 5 stars!

Chris: And it was from StuoidNugga from the United States. It says, “I’ve been looking for ways to improve my SEO/PPC skills. I usually don’t have time to read, but I can always listen to something while I’m doing my work. Glad I found you guys! Great information and very entertaining. You guys earned another subscriber!” Punch in the face to you StuoidNugga. That was a pretty awesome review, so thank you. Hey, you know, we give tips in our podcast.

Matt: Pro Tips.

Chris: Pro Tips and if you’d like say, I don’t know, 17 of them.

Matt: Wooo!

Chris: 17 of our Pro Tips. You can get them in a beautiful PDF, all laid out for you, easy to consume. All you need to do is go to eWebResults.com/SEOTips.

Matt: And that’s the Ode to Charles.

Chris: Yes. Ode to Charles. Alright, if this is the first time you’ve listened to the podcast: howdy, and welcome to the podcast. If you’ve listened to this podcast before, you know the section that we are going to skip. Here’s how it works: every week we run this contest, if we get a review and 10 shikos…

Matt: A share, a like, and a follow.

Chris: That’s exactly right. If we get 10 shikos on any one of our profiles on the platforms, and we get a review, then we don’t tell you how to leave us a review. So we’ll be skipping that section. We will tell you how to give us a shiko. Again share, like, and follow. You just find our profiles on these platforms. The way you do that is you go to places like, I don’t know Facebook.com/

Matt: eWebResults

Chris: YouTube.com/

Matt: eWebResults

Chris: Twitter.com/

Matt: eWebResults

Chris: Instagram.com/

Matt: eWebResults

Chris: LinkedIn.com/company–

Matt: eWebResults

Chris: He’s an early arriver.

Matt: Sorry. Alright. Sorry guys I get excited, I get excited.

Chris: All of those will take you to our profile on those platforms, and there you can shiko us. So please do that. If you’re a PHP genius or a WordPress guru, we are probably looking for you. Go ahead and leave–

Matt: We are definitely looking for them right now.

Chris: Yes.

Matt: We are actively hiring.

Chris: Yes. So all you need to do is leave an audio résumé. Leave that at 713-510-7846. If you don’t know what an audio résumé is, don’t worry about it. Just call the number and you’ll find out. Hey Manny! Punch in the face to you for tuning in on Facebook Live. If you would like a free comprehensive website analysis, you can get it. All you need to do is go to eWebResults.com and–

Matt: Click the little box.

Chris: There’s a little box that says, “Get a free website analysis.” It’s a blue box. Click the blue box. Alright, so I gave you a sheet with some–

Matt: Yes, shiko or shout-outs. PITFs.

Chris: PITFs.

Matt: PITFs.

Chris: So let’s do those next. I’m gonna– Soon you’ll be able to make Amazon returns at select Kohl’s stores. I don’t know if you knew that. So sometimes you don’t want to return in through the mail.

Matt: Not at Whole Foods.

Chris: Not at Whole Foods. Not yet.

Matt: Okay. Alright.

Chris: The first drone delivery network will fly above Switzerland next month.

Matt: Excellent.

Chris: And it’s gonna deliver–

Matt: Awesome.

Chris: That was great. Focus on the camera work. I believe that’s how they filmed Quentin Tarantino’s movies. What it’s actually gonna do is like blood samples.

Matt: A-ha.

Chris: So that’s kinda cool right? So you can do a blood sample and things along those–

Matt: Blood samples? That’s crazy.

Chris: Now that I think– now that you–

Matt: Like the give you the– just draw your own blood, and just give it to them, and send it off.

Chris: Draw blood, you stick it in the drone. Well, so it’s actually delivering it like from one location to another. So like where they might collect your blood and then deliver it to where they’re gonna test it. But now that I’m thinking about it, like I don’t really wanna go get blood–

Matt: That’s seems really secure. Like a chain of custody like for sure.

Chris: Yeah, alright. The next is John Giannandrea, he’s with Google AI. I think he’s Google AI. He says that AI scare stories are stupid, you shouldn’t be worried about all of these AI scare stories, like–

Matt: I’ve seen a lot of those.

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: Elon Musk and the head of Google, and there’s really some chatter out there about it.

Chris: He says that they’re unwarranted and borderline irresponsible. So I don’t know, maybe he’s gonna throw down the gauntlet, and whatever 15 year old is actually controlling our world may go after him. I don’t know, who knows? Time to– yeah. Pretty funny. Alright, so you’ve got some PITFs?

Matt: I do. Stuart Marler retweeted us, they rementioned us. So that’s awesome.

Chris: Yeah, cool. Punch in the face to you, Stuart.

Matt: And then PVG positive V gang?

Chris: That’s positive vibes gang, yeah.

Matt: And Lilith Dorsey retweeted what we said and liked us, so thank you. Yeah, yeah.

Chris: Punch in the face to you. Thank you. Alright, so we’re about to get started with our meat.

Matt: Final chapter!

Chris & Matt: Final chapter!

Chris: So we’ve been discussing the, “45 local SEO pitfalls & how to avoid them.” This is an article by Miriam Ellis. Miriam is awesome, in fact if you’re in a position right now, you have some sort of ability to tweet, what we’d like you to tweet is say, “Listening to Miriam Ellis.” So @Miriam M-I-R-I-A-M underscore Ellis, E-L-L-I-S and then there’s an extra underscore (@Miriam_Ellis_). Make sure you add that last one ‘cause you’ll get to the right person. And then reference #SEOPodcast, tag us @BestSEOPodcast @eWebResults, and let Miriam know that you’re tuning in and enjoying the content that she created and we’re kinda reviewing. So we’ve covered– I think it’s the last four podcast, right? We covered–

Matt: It’s been awesome.

Chris: A “Business plan.” We covered the “Website.” Things you need to be careful in terms of local SEO regarding your website. The “Local business listings,” related to your local website. “Reviews,” right? That’s why the tip was– so we’re on track. I think that tip was right.

Matt: Yeah. No, this is awesome. Yeah.

Chris: And then finally we’re getting to social media. And so she– you know social media, we feel kind of collectively can be very misused. I think that some people will readily sell you a social media and say it’s gonna drive a lot of leads. If it’s social media in general and just kind of managing your social media accounts. We kinda feel that that’s not true. If you wanted to do targeted ads on social media, that’s a different story. If you’re just making sure that posts are going out and that you’re getting responses to people who are there. We are not convinced that’ll drive a lot of sales.

Matt: Yeah. Well, I mean I think that–

Chris: Good branding.

Matt: Well yeah. And I think when people jump into social, it’s the new, it’s the next thing. It’s just another medium and one of the things that I really see is people think, “If I just post a lot, I’m gonna drive sales.” And there’s a lot more things that happen behind the scenes to it. And also, if you wanna boost the post or something like that, or if you wanna drive a remarketing campaign, there’s ways to use social.

Chris: Yup. That can drive sales for sure.

Matt: That can drive sales, but not just posting a lot. Do that and I think that the social media strategies that a lot of people have are very like silent, I guess. You know? And they’re not–

Chris: Very brand-focused.

Matt: Yes, brand-focused.

Chris: And what Miriam did really good, we kinda both agree in this article is: had the right focus of what’s the purpose that social media serves. And of course this is related to local SEO pitfalls, so in terms of social media, what we’re gonna say is, “Modern customer service must include social media listening and responsiveness.” That’s probably our tip for the next pod– for this podcast.

Matt: I mean I think that that’s kinda the main emphasis on what social media should be.

Chris: Yup.

Matt: Clients want to be able to reach out to you, connect with you, and you need to respond through that medium. And that’s what people are expecting now. Like if you’re doing business, they expect the communication and an easy way to get a hold of you.

Chris: Yeah, absolutely. Alright, so number 1, “Poor social skills,” is the first one she lists. Right, and again we have a hard time weeding through her article and like cutting out words, ‘cause she does such a good job. But you know, somebody who’s tasked to represent your brand, really should be familiar with the infamous social media “fails,” right? To make sure that they can avoid them. One example she gave: some guy who had the Chrysler Twitter account actually tweeted like a curse word and was like, “How ironic it is that Detroit is the motor city, and everybody is F-ing horrible drivers,” right? Right, and that was on the Chrysler Twitter page. You just gotta make sure that if you’re using a company, they’ve got a handle on how people interact with your social media. Guard against things like poor typos, poor wording, poor timing.

Matt: I think you just need to think about it. You’re like branding yourself, broadcasting news and you’re representing a company usually to do it. So the independent social media managers needs to be really careful and know it’s not them they’re representing, it’s actually the company’s. And that just really goes to show you how much you need to be in sync with your social media strategy so some of this doesn’t happen. I mean there’s some significant examples we don’t need to go into that have happened recently, where other people were managing accounts and they like things they shouldn’t like, or they follow things where they say things. You know, I think the biggest example right now with Twitter specifically, is Trump. Like access to famous people, that’s why you’re on Twitter. Right, you know? And that’s a way to communicate and voice your concerns in the now.

Chris: And so her last point was: make sure that they’re not insensitive to any audience. So next, this is number 42 of these 45 ways to– local SEO pitfalls & how to avoid them, “Guideline non-compliance.” So we’ve mentioned this multiple times throughout this article as it’s referenced to reviews, as it’s referenced to Google My Business, and all of the local profiles that you can be on. And in this case she talks about, “Your local business decides to run a promotion.” As an example, “Facebook forbids the use of personal timelines and friend connections for the event.” Right, so those are the types of things you need to make sure that your social media– that you know or that your social media knows, ‘cause you just don’t wanna get banned. You know, some of these social media platforms are really hard to get a hold of, meaning you can’t. Ever. Alright, so that was, “Guideline non-compliance.”

Next is, “Wrong platform.” Somebody’s on my door. So this is you’re on the wrong platform. And we’re actually gonna extend this details. You gotta know your usage statistics. Where should your business be? Should be utilizing social media?

Matt: On what platforms? What markets?

Chris: In broad swaths without even kind of giving away some of what we’re gonna talk about. If you’re business to business, be on LinkedIn. If you’re business to consumer, be on Facebook, and then you can get more specific. And we’re actually gonna talk about that, so we’re pretty excited about bringing some more than just this article that Miriam wrote.

Alright, next is to “Neglect,” right? To neglect your social media. So remember that your social media is a component of your customer service; don’t neglect it. We have a rule and this is really kind of in social media in general, when you identify the platforms that are right for your target market is: you should always be social on your social platforms. If you don’t have time to be social on your social platforms, go ahead and make the profile and see rule number one. Right? Rule number is: be social.

Matt: Well, yeah. I mean it’s also kinda your NAP listing, right? But yeah.

Chris: Right, adds value to your SEO in that perspective.

Matt: Yeah, and that’s where we can start talking about automation, that’s where we can talk about some other things. But yeah, I mean social media is a way to engage, just like all the other things that’s come before as far as advertising platforms.

Chris: Alright next, and this is the final one. Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding. Number 45, “Selling vs. sharing,” right? So you kind of alluded to some of this about how you’re managing your social media platform, and what are you doing? What are you pushing out there? Because if you’re really out there and you’re just putting sale, after sale, after sale, after sale, it’s a problem. You don’t really wanna do that. So imagine you had a group of friends and you own a business, and you walk up to your group of friends and you say, “Hey, you wanna buy this?” Right? And then you go away and you come back like 20 minutes later, they’re still there and you’re like, “Hey, you wanna buy this?” Right? You go away 20 minutes, you come back, and you’re like, “Hey, you wanna buy this?” That’s the equivalent of what you might be doing on your social media platform, right? It’s irritating those groups of people who you consider friends.

Matt: Contribute value. Almost the 80-20 rule in a different setting. 80% bring value, engage in the community. 20% sell, but give first before you ask.

Chris: And here’s what she said you should learn. You should learn to be helpful, generous, entertaining, empathetic, and with all of that you can win loyalty for your brand. So I know it’s– for some it’s a really big task, helpful, generous, entertaining, empathetic.

Matt: I mean that’s sums up this whole section for me.

Chris: Yeah. Yeah, the whole social media.

Matt: Like this whole podcast, like this is what it sums up.

Chris: Yup.

Matt: You know, don’t think about it being if whatever you said is gonna be on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, or whatever your main social media–

Chris: Be comfortable with it. Yeah.

Matt: Yeah. Be comfortable with what you’re saying ‘cause it’s written in stone for the most part. Once it’s out there, it’s out there. Like this podcast.

Chris: And one thing that she kinda wrapped up this with was, it’s her hope that this article is. “One you’ll share with clients and team members so that no one gets tangled up in errors that are easy to avoid with a little quiet thought and a great deal of good planning,” and five podcasts to cover.

Matt: Yeah. Miriam check the box, we did it! We did it, girl!

Chris: We could check that box. Punch in the face to you Miriam Ellis. Again, you can hit her up on Twitter @Miriam_Ellis_ don’t forget that second underscore. Really really great article. Really proud to discuss that article. And like I said, most of our articles we’re going through and like it’s real easy to pull the nuggets out of. We’re like, “Oh! That’s a great– that’s great!” With her we’re like, “That’s great! Oh, and that’s great also. Oh, and that’s great also. We can’t just read her article we’ve got to actually discuss it.”

Matt: Yeah. I mean like if y’all can see here, it’s just like riddled with just great stuff. Yeah. Yeah.

Chris: Yup. Highlight after highlight after highlight. So again, punch in the face to you Miriam Ellis. So we wanted to add a little bit more, social media is so important. What was the statistic that somebody said about how much they’re gonna spend on social media, or how much time?

Matt: Oh, I think that was the website magazine that I was reading.

Chris: Oh yeah. That’s a great magazine, yeah.

Matt: And it was something like 35 or 45% of ad spend for I think 2016 was going towards social.

Chris: Right. Year marked for social.

Matt: Yeah, and I was like, “Well, where’s that gonna fall? What is that bucket going to do, and what is it gonna drive? And what that intent is?”

Chris: Right.

Matt: And I thought that that was really kind of interesting. I mean one of the things that I did bring in to– I don’t know if you brought it here, but I printed it off of Moz.

Chris: If you were to look at that.

Matt: If you were to look at that.

Chris: And since you’re listening.

Matt: It talks about the different categories for–

Chris: Factors.

Matt: Factors for Google ranking.

Chris: For ranking on Google. Yeah.

Matt: Yeah. So I’ll just– you know, I’ll put on my–

Chris: Google hat there?

Matt: My Google hat here.

Chris: Alright, so now you’re a Google alien guy?

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: Google alien guy. I like it.

Matt: Where do you think Google came from? Literally. Who do you think owns Google?

Chris: Of course.

Matt: The government. Alright, anyways. Next. So yeah, if you look at this pie chart. Again, social. If you’re looking to drive rankings and you’re trying to get that organic traffic and you’re spending 45% or 35% of your budget for it, you’re only getting 7.24% juice.

Chris: Yeah, ‘cause that’s what the social media factors only had about a 7% impact on your ranking. So interesting.

Matt: You gotta think about what you’re using it for and how you’re trying to drive it, you know? And I think that those are all those strategies that we come up with and develop for clients. So it’s really important to understand that.

Chris: And the debate that we also had was, so if people are spending 46% on social media, is that actually where in terms of online, right? Is that where they’re gonna get– are they gonna get that weighted value out of social media, right? So I think our consensus is: probably not, but there’s certainly some industries that can do really really well on social media. Without a doubt, right? So anyway that’s–

Matt: So this is an interesting statistic too. How much do small businesses spend on social media? They spend 6 to 8 hours a week on social media.

Chris: Wow.

Matt: 43% spend more than 6 hours a week on social media. So this is where businesses are–

Chris: And small businesses.

Matt: This is where small businesses are spending their time. Is your time effectively spent? Right? How are you breaking it up? Something to consider.

Chris: Maybe it is, we just have serious kind of– with what we’ve seen, we have serious reservations about that.

Matt: It’s new, it’s shiny. Everybody is going after it, right? That’s what it’s–

Chris: So we wanted to get some stats ‘cause we’ve had some clients ask us this week. So is that the right platform for my business, and the answer is: it depends, right? It depends on who your target market is, ‘cause maybe it’s the right platform, maybe it’s not. And in big swaths, yes. If you’re B2B– well really if you’re kind of a business owner you should have a LinkedIn account. That’s what we believe. And then if you’re specifically B2B, LinkedIn is where you need to be more social. If you’re B2C Business to consumer, then Facebook is like probably the right starting point. There may be others.

And so we wanted to go into some statistics about Facebook. I thought this was pretty cool, like it talks about what the gender is, what the users are. And this is a really good article you can find on Tracx.com. And so like first, like Facebook is the place to reach millennials and generation X. The ages 18 to 49 is predominately female. 83% of online women use Facebook. 75% of online men. That’s not that big of a discrepancy, I would say it’s pretty even. And then 1.9 billion unique monthly users.

Matt: I think the biggest fact for me is 75% of users spend 20 minutes or more on Facebook every day.

Chris: A day. Every single day.

Matt: Every day. Like if you’re trying to get in front of people, like, you know? Text message, Facebook. Right?

Chris: It’s a shame they didn’t have the same stat for all of these. YouTube is the next one, right? So Facebook was 1.9 billion users. YouTube is 1 billion. It’s predominately male. It says, I don’t know, 60, 85– I think it’s probably similar statistics as the other one just swapped.

Matt: These could be a little higher. Oh, and higher age group. I think you know–

Chris: Oh, Facebook probably does go a little bit higher. I would agree with that.

Matt: My grandpa’s on.

Chris: Well yeah, they say kids don’t go on Facebook unless they want to talk to grandma.

Matt: Oh, it started to become over-advertised really right now. So people wanting that community.

Chris: Yup. YouTube reaches more 18 to 34 year olds than 35 to 49 year olds, than any cable network in the US, and it’s pretty interesting.

Matt: That’s the most interesting fact I see there, yeah.

Chris: Yup, the YouTube for younger. In about two– what is it? Two million video views per minute. Oh my God, wow.

Matt: Isn’t it called YouTube Red? Is that what the paid thing is?

Chris: Yeah. Yeah, that’s where you can pay for it, no commercials.

Matt: Yeah, and I mean cable, sports, all that kind of stuff. I think YouTube is gonna transform. You know? I think Netflix watch out.

Chris: Watch out! You know, I just read an article about Netflix and how YouTube as it was coming out, was kind of the launch– it was kind of– Netflix was already going down the path of being able to distribute or you know, targeting distribution online and it was kind of YouTube that really pushed them over the edge and said, “Okay, yeah. We gotta go after this.”

Next is Instagram. 600 million unique monthly visitors. Predominantly female. It says 38% of women who are online use Instagram, 26% of men who are online use Instagram. The age is less than 35. 90% of Instagram users are under 35. It says 53% of Instagram users follow brands.

Matt: That’s where the branding is, right?

Chris: Yup.

Matt: The imagery, the quotes, the pictures. No stock photos anymore guys. Three times better response when you post real photos from a phone or something like that. But Instagram’s where you keep up with your brands, that’s where you can be introduced to a lot of people.

Chris: Excellent. Next is Twitter. 317 unique monthly visitors, 317 million. Predominantly male. It says mostly 18 to 29 year olds. That’s interesting. It says 53% of Twitter users never post any updates. So they like just follow the feeds on a regular basis and follow different people.

Matt: So one of the things that someone told me that’s big in SEO now, is what a lot of people used to do, and a lot of people on Twitter are just waiting for a celebrity to say something, to be one of the top two post or whatever, like in the chain. To get the backlink or to just say stuff. To contribute in that way.

Chris: That makes sense. So Twitter yeah, it’s 18 to 29 year olds. Next is Pinterest. It says it’s the most evergreen. It got 317 million unique monthly users. 45% of online women are on Pinterest, 17% of online men are on Pinterest. I would agree with that. It says it’s fairly evenly distributed among 18 to 64 year olds. Right, so if you’re targeting women 18 to 64 you should be on Pinterest. Especially – and we talk about this with some of our clients – if what you sell is very visual, then Pinterest is a place that you should be pinning and creating boards and all of that good stuff.

Matt: I think Pinterest and the algorithms and everything like that, is gonna be the number one market place for shopping.

Chris: Right.

Matt: Right? Like I mean Amazon in out there, but man I’ll tell you, Pinterest is gonna be the future. I really think that.

Chris: Okay. Cool, very cool. Next is Reddit, 250 million unique monthly users. It says predominantly male under 30. 64% of Reddit users are under the age of 30. Again, if you want to go after that younger crowd you go there. And interesting about Reddit sales, content is discouraged. They’re savvy and fiercely protective of their community. So don’t go onto Reddit– you know this is about following the policies. Don’t go onto to Reddit and start selling stuff.

Matt: Don’t try to shortcut on Reddit. Yeah, if you build and contribute to the community you know, people will respond but I wouldn’t just go in for a quick sale and try to push your brand.

Chris: Not gonna– you’re gonna get banned. Any kind of cloud credibility following you– built, is gonna go away. And then finally LinkedIn. 106 million unique monthly visitors. Slightly male: 31% to 27%. And then it says 45% of people making 75k or more are in LinkedIn.

Matt: Just an interesting tidbit about this platform. I used to be on this platform for years and years and years, 10 hours a day. Every day as people were joining it, in the uptrend of it, like LinkedIn was huge. And now they’ve started to put up a lot of paid walls for some of the stuff you can do there, but loved this platform for B2B, for account based selling. We’ve mixed in some FB with some campaigns, but do love LinkedIn. It’s just becoming harder and harder, and now with Microsoft buying them. I think the CRM strategy they’re going’s pretty interesting.

Chris: Pretty smart, yeah. Just interesting, LinkedIn users are some of the social media users who are less likely to use anything else. So they are quite a few people out there using LinkedIn and nothing else. So that’s some pretty interesting stats. You know, keep those things in mind when you’re deciding where you wanna spend your time on social media. Where is your target market first? Where is your target market spending their time? So that is the meat of the podcast.

Matt: Short and sweet.

Chris: Let’s start wrapping it up. So what we’re gonna say is, if you liked this podcast, we really ask you to do us a small favor. Go ahead and tell three people about this podcast. Let them know you listened to it. If they’re business owners, if they’re marketing directors responsible for marketing, we’re a great resource to them so that they can stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the industry.

If you’re looking to grow your business with the largest, simplest marketing tool on the planet.

Matt: The internet!

Chris: It is the internet. Call eWebResults for increased revenue in your business, our phone number is 713-592-6724. If you have a referral, that is somebody who’s interested in internet marketing, right? So social media, which we just talked about. Citations, right? So that’s local SEO, which was the last five podcasts that we talked about. If it’s just SEO in general, national SEO. If you’re looking for PPC, if you’re looking for display ads, remarketing. All kind of under the umbrella of PPC. We can help them if you send them to us and they pay their bill, we pay you. So we’ve got a great referral program in place.

Matt: I would say that we do everything under the sun except e-commerce right now.

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: Like we’re kind of putting the breaks on e-commerce but everything else: direct response, B2B, home services.

Chris: Account based selling.

Matt: Account based selling, professionals. Those types of things we have done excellent work for, but e-commerce when you gotta get in and manage their whole platform, larger accounts are better. Small business we can provide insight and coaching, but that’s an interesting thing to tinkle.

Chris: Yeah, absolutely. Let’s see. If you’re doing networking in Houston, make sure you go to UPSocialNetwork.com and come join us. We actually have an event tomorrow in the Houston area. Please remember this was filmed live at 5999, West 34th Street, Suite 106, Houston, Texas, 77092.

Matt: Houston’s strong.

Chris: If you would– Yeah, Houston’s strong, and our thoughts and prayers. last time we talked about– it was about to go into Florida. It went through Florida and then Maria is going through– I mean and then– earthquakes in Mexico.

Matt: Mexico, yeah. With those buildings falling? Oh my gosh. Yeah.

Chris: Wow. Yeah, so thoughts and prayers to everybody out there who’s under duress right now.

Matt: Yup.

Chris: If you would like a transcript, video, or audio of this podcast, you can find it on our website eWebResults.com. We are the most popular internet marketing podcast on iTunes, that is because of you all. All of y’all. So thank you so much. We actually have a couple PITFs. We’ve got Conrad, Randy, DL – he was here – Manny. Punch in the face to all of you. Thank you guys for tuning in on Facebook Live. Anything else?

Matt: I got an ID while I was in New Mexico.

Chris: You’re going to do– maybe make a– Until the next podcast make sure you check out our bloopers. Until the next podcast, my name is Chris Burres.

Matt: Matt Bertram.

Chris: Bye bye for now.

Matt: Bye bye for now.

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