#419 - Why You Should Be Using Linkable Assets - Part 1

Video Transcript

A “linkable asset” is a piece of content purposely crafted with the intention of attracting links—usually from other websites in your niche. Because people rarely link to commercial content, “linkable assets” are almost never product pages or commercial content of any kind. Some people also create “linkable assets” with the intention of ranking for high-volume keywords. However, this only works if there is overlap between the topic of your “asset” and one or more high-volume keywords (which isn’t always the case). Join Matt and Chris for another thrilling episode of the Best SEO Podcast, featuring “6 Linkable Asset Types (And EXACTLY How to Earn Links With Them)” by Joshua Hardwick. TRANSCRIPT:

Chris: Hi and welcome to the SEO Podcast: Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing. My name is Chris Burres, owner of eWebResults.

Matt: My name is Matt Bertram, your Top Golf Pro.

Chris: Top Golf Pro! We had a team building event yesterday, it was at Top Golf and we had and absolute blast. Who won the second round? Aaron Weathers right there! He’s actually standing in as the photographer today. And I think I won the first round actually, you know? Aaron: Hmm, I think I won.

Matt: Ooooh!

Chris: You won both? Aaron: Yes.

Chris: Oh, I believe you. Well, good job! Punch in the face to Aaron for winning both rounds of Top Golf, and the whole team for coming out and participating full force. Listen, this is the most popular internet marketing podcast on iTunes. This is Podcast #419. As always we have a tip from our previous podcast and that tip is down there.

Matt: The tip is on your Product Title Tags on your Google Merchant. Make sure that those are different than on your website.

Chris: So Google Merchant actually uses those title tags to really drive – in a very powerful way – where your products actually show up. So you wanna make sure to spend extra time when you’re loading those feeds into Google Merchant. Sometimes they need to be–

Matt: The more details the better.

Chris: Yup. They need to be different off than on your website. So subscribe. Follow.

Chris & Matt: Boom!

Chris: Alright, back to the show. Remember we are filmed live here in Houston, Texas. And Matt and I, we are your–

Chris & Matt: Results Rebels!

Chris: Hey, I wanted to jump into this review. You know last time I read a sad review, it was tough.

Matt: Kick in the shins.

Chris: It hurt, it hurt in a couple different places. Even one of our listeners texted me, and he was like, “I got that, are you okay?” And I was like, “I’m surviving, I’ve scheduled some therapy sessions. I’m gonna survive.” So I’m gonna jump into this review, and this review is–

Chris & Matt: 5 stars!

Chris: It says, “Great show, highly recommend.” This is by [00:01:58] [Dave Sole] “I’ve been listening to the show for a couple years and they put out some great information. Just need to hit my 30 second advance button 7 or 8 times to get straight to the meat, but still the best SEO show out there.” Punch in the face to you Dave. We have no problem with you skipping, but you probably just skipped that we read your review on air and gave you a punch in the face.

Matt: Oh no. Oh no. Well this article yearns for a special treat. This is one of the best articles I’ve–

Chris: It’s a pretty phenomenal article. Excellent. So if you’re returning to this podcast, it’s probably because you like the information you’re getting, just like Dave does. And you might be interested in I don’t know say, “5 Online Marketing Mistakes That Can Tank Your Business & How to Avoid Them.”

Matt: I think we changed that.

Chris: Did we? You know actually, I know it was underway.

Matt: Yeah, yeah.

Chris: It’s about to be changed. I heard a bunch of ideas flying around about like how desperately we need to change it, it’s been a while.

Matt: We’re gonna put my book funnel on there.

Chris: Oooh yes! The book, “Build Your Brand Mania,” that’s coming soon.

Matt: Don’t go check out the domain yet.

Chris: Yeah. If you want those tips right? “5 Online Marketing Mistakes That Can Tank Your Business,” just go to eWebResults.com/

Matt: Tip or Tips.

Chris: SEOTip or SEOTips.

Matt: Or Tip or Tips or Tips, everything ‘cause we kept getting different stuff.

Chris: So good. Hey we’ve got good article today. Listen, I’m thinking like Mohammed Ali on a pound for pound basis, this is a heavy hitting article.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: This is like a book. This could easily be like a $30 e-book.

Matt: Yeah, no. I mean Joshua is the head of Ahrefs and just killing it. He’s head of content.

Chris: Yeah, head of content. So this is, “6 Linkable Asset Types (And Exactly How to Earn Links With Them).” We’re only gonna do 2 today. That’s how good this article is. We’re just gonna cover 2. This is gonna become a 3-part series. Yeah.

Matt: So interestingly enough I was on– what was I on? Quora?

Chris: Okay, yeah.

Matt: And I was commenting on a few things and Miriam Ellis was–

Chris: Commenting also?

Matt: Yeah, yeah. I was talking to her a lot.

Chris: Yeah. We ended up doing five on her article, on her local SEO article. And I still bump into her as I’m doing research for the podcast regularly. So punch in the face to you Miriam.

Matt: Yeah, she’s counting out there.

Chris: She’s awesome! Alright, so if this is your first time visiting the podcast: howdy and welcome to the podcast. If you’ve listened to this podcast before, then you know what we’re gonna skip.

Matt: Yes!

Chris: We’re gonna skip it. We have a contest– do we talk about the contest now?

Matt: No, no.

Chris: Or we talk about the contest later?

Matt: Let’s just wait. People, I want them rewind.

Chris: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. If you’ve pressed fast forward 7 or 8 times, you’re gonna now rewind this time. What we will say is that if you would like a free website analysis, we will actually give that free website analysis to you. All you need to do is go to eWebResults.com and there’s a free website analysis button right there.

Matt: And interestingly enough, we’re gonna maybe do some of like throw-back days because we were going through the website on Wayback Machine and we say all the different–

Chris: Versions, the iterations. Yeah.

Matt: Versions since 1999 and all of them had a free website analysis.

Chris: All of them. It’s been a consistent thing from the beginning. Love giving back, just like in this podcast. I do have a little bit of news and it’s just something kind of cool. Avengers the Infinity War breaks the box office record as–

Matt: I’m looking forward to that, and Adam was gonna watch Black Panther and so– Is that with Black Panther–?

Chris: Yeah, he watched Black Panther yesterday. So Adam is our PR guy. So he’s the one who kinda keeps us up to date around the office about what’s going on. Because normally we’re just head down in like internet marketing stuff.

Matt: Well, I’m getting pulled every which way.

Chris: Every which way. So yeah, he watched Black Panther yesterday and then I think he’s got kind of a newish baby and has figured out where the newish baby is going on Monday so he can watch the Avengers on Monday.

Matt: Yeah, I wanna watch all that. I wanna catch up.

Chris: Very cool, punch–

Matt: It’s fallen to comic books.

Chris: Punch in the face to you Adam. Alright, that’s really the potatoes of the podcast. It’s time to get into the meat, and actually if you’re–

Matt: No. No. No. No.

Chris: Oh no, we’ve got a question, we’ve got a– we need like a question sound. Huh? Heh? Eh? It’s time for our favorite segment Eh? Not sure I can do that every time.

Matt: So this was Alan Houser, “@eWebResults howdy; when you were talking ratios in your last episode, you mention ‘naked,’ What are you referring to? Thanks.”

Chris: And that was naked links right? Yeah.

Matt: Mm-hmm.

Chris: Yeah. You wanna–? You’re the one who mentioned it, do you–?

Matt: Well your domain link.

Chris: Yeah, just the domain name.

Matt: Yeah, your domain name, that’s all it is.

Chris: Yup.

Matt: The interesting thing too is the comment before was: trying to get links, okay? That’s why we’re doing this article, is to help you get links, but also you can do a lot of on-page stuff yourself and you can control it.

Chris: Yeah, make sure that your on-page link infrastructure is maximized.

Matt: Yeah, like when you’re looking at your ratio, make sure you’re looking at your on-page stuff ‘cause you can control that. I mean you can break it up and cross-link, and really look at your sitemap. So that’s just a tip.

Chris: Yup, absolutely. And we’re gonna be talking about linking, right? This entire article is about building assets that can help generate backlinks for you. So “6 Linkable Asset Types (And Exactly How to Earn Links With Them).” If you’re in a position to, you can tweet or you can something like that, we’d ask you to do that now, #SEOPodcast, this is Podcast #419 – we have something special planned for 420 – tag us in it, @BestSEOPodcsat, @eWebResults and @MattBertramLive.

Matt: Boom!

Chris: And tag us. Also tag Joshua here and it’s @JoshuaCHardwick.

Matt: And @ChrisBurres.

Chris: And @ChrisBurres, it’s apparently a Twitter thing that I’m doing now. Alright, first off: absolute punch in the face Joshua. He put this great article together. He’s the head of content over at Ahrefs and he’s talking about linkable assets.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: Yeah. For some reason I highlighted linkable assets, the phrase, three separate times.

Matt: You’re like, “This is important.”

Chris: I don’t know what I’m gonna do with it. So he does give an example of the backlink profile of a linkable asset, right? And this particular one that he has is 21,000 backlinks on 1,000 different domains, right? So imagine just to make this simple, if you’re on one domain and you have a bunch of comments and those comments, each of those comments are linking back to you, that could be multiple backlinks on the same domain. But that’s pretty substantial. How many of you would like to have 21,000 backlinks to a particular page on 1,000 referring domains? Yeah, our hands are up and we’re taking notes and making assignments so stuff like this happens.

So he says, “A ‘linkable asset’ is a piece of content purposely crafted–” I like, he’s a good wordsmith. “With the intention of attracting links—usually from other websites in your niche,” right? So, he’s gonna jump into all 6 of these. They’re almost never product pages, so don’t really think about taking one of your shopping cart product pages and going, “I’m gonna turn this into a linkable asset.” Here’s some other benefits of attracting links, right?

Matt: Well, do we wanna give any kind of little history on why links are important? Like the value of different links, anything like that?

Chris: Well, that’s a good– I mean we could go back to like page rank and the origin of Google and why links are valuable.

Matt: Domain authority, trust authority.

Chris: Domain authority, yeah. Those really came about when Google stopped publishing their Google Page rank. In the beginning there was just the web and people would have content out there and search engines would just kinda search it and try and make information available to you. By the way that was back in the time when you could tweak your page, refresh it, and then go see the search result and see what changed immediately, and that would happen immediately. So what Google did, the difference that Google really brought to the industry is how it identified that. Okay great, there may be two pages, three pages that are talking about the same thing, but which one of those pages is more relevant, more valuable to the reader? And so they decided to use the backlinks, how many pages are linking back to these particular pages? So if one has a lot of votes, right?

Matt: It’s like a vote, yeah. Yeah.

Chris: Backlinking is a vote. If one’s got a lot of votes, then it’s clearly got the best information, so clearly I need to show it.

Matt: Speaking of votes.

Chris: Yes? Oh yes.

Matt: Ahrefs, speaking of Ahrefs.

Chris: Hey, we are covering their article today.

Matt: Their article. If you go to Ahrefs or search, “Ahrefs 12 Best Podcasts,” or something like that, “SEO Podcast,” you can vote for us at eWebResults Podcast.

Chris: Yup.

Matt: We appreciate it, we’re in second place right now, we’re 20 away from 1st place. So please if you’re on a mobile device or on your laptop and you can, please go to Ahrefs: 12 SEO Podcasts, vote for eWebResults. We’d really appreciate it. Boom!

Chris: Yup, get us over the top where we belong. And so that was the difference. That’s why link-building is important. There’s been shifts in link-building, used to have a lot more value than it does now. And at one point it didn’t matter whether they were crappy websites or really good websites. I mean it was always better to have good websites, and Google’s made a lot of adjustments to kind of rein in the value of the links and make sure that they’re really quality.

Matt: It was the wild west.

Chris: It was the wild west. And so here are some of the reasons that Joshua talks about why you wanna attract links. You can increase your organic search traffic, right?

Matt: Yes.

Chris: So it’s not only– he makes a very valid point, right? So if it’s not product pages – and really you’re trying to sell something – then you might say, “Well why am I gonna build a linkable asset if all I can do is drive traffic to that linkable asset?” But the value is if that linkable asset talks about a particular product you can link that page over to your product page. And that can have two benefits. The first one is: people are there looking at your linkable asset and they’re like, “Oh, well let me click here and go look at that product.” The other is: that page when it’s got a lot of links to it ends up with a lot of what we call link juice, and then by linking that page to your product page, you’re giving some of that link juice over to your product page and then boosting its relevancy.

Matt: When you’re overall the main authority, it goes up, and trust. And really where the link is coming from, like if you’re trying to rank locally: local companies or local links. If you need something based upon whatever your particular industry is, you need links like that. So you need those kind of two categories, when you’re looking at links. And also the more trust, the more authority they have, the better link juice you’ll get.

Chris: Yup, the better you’re gonna place. Okay, so that was like one of the reasons, benefits of attracting links. Next is, “Increased Referral Traffic.”

Matt: Yes, yes.

Chris: Right, so people just link to your website and from their website they come to your website, ‘cause they’re on their website and there’s a link to your website.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: It’s pretty straight forward. Next, “Increased Brand Exposure and Affinity.” So, now you’re out there, somebody’s looking at some other website and there’s a high quality, linkable asset, piece of content. You get linked to it, and now they start to associate you as I don’t know, the trusted adviser kind of thing? Yeah?

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: Now this may be something to add. Alright, so he gives some really cool examples. Like of them is like, “What happens when you drink a Coke?” You know? First 10 minutes down to 60 minutes, and then talks about not the good things of drinking a Coke, but the unhealthy. And how much traffic that particular and linkable asset gets.

Matt: Isn’t he talking about infographics? Is that where we’re at, or is that what he’s kinda–?

Chris: Yeah. So we haven’t even got there yet.

Matt: Ah.

Chris: Yeah, we haven’t even got to Number #1 yet. Number #1 is– yes, you are skipping ahead.

Matt: We are in the summary section. Oh no, no. The introductory section.

Chris: Introductory section.

Matt: See how long this article is, guys?

Chris: So what he says is you gotta ask a question, what makes a linkable asset something that people wanna link to? And he gave a couple reasons. “It provides a solution for a specific problem,” and we’ll talk about that through the course of this article. “It offers a unique angle towards a particular topic, it backs up a point that they’re trying to make (in their existing article), it is something their audience would find interesting.”

Matt: So I look at linkable assets are generating backlinks is, why would someone wanna link to you? Right? And the reason is it’s all about them.

Chris: Yeah. No, you’re right.

Matt: It’s all about them. Like figure out why they wanna link back to you, why it would be valuable? Is it something they wanna share? Like we got a number of linkable assets which we can maybe hit later, but it’s all about you, it’s all about them. So you gotta think not in terms of you, but in terms of them and how does it benefit them?

Chris: Yup, and he says, “Linkable assets don’t attract links out of thin air,” right? So great, let’s just assume you’ve got a linkable asset. We talk about– and really this is– the linkable asset is the equivalent to content is king, and you always say content is king but–

Matt: Distribution is queen.

Chris: And she wears the pants.

Matt: I do say that.

Chris: You need to promote them to make them happy. The question is: you might be asking yourself, why should I create a linkable asset? I can just promote my regular content instead, right? “Linkable assets have a much higher ROI on promotion efforts because they’re created with attracting backlinks in mind,” not just conversions.

Matt: True.

Chris: And remember backlinks are vote, they adjust your SEO, they drive traffic. So yes, you should be spending money on getting people to that particular page, that product page. And yes you should be spending time, money and effort on making linkable assets because that’s gonna increase the value across the board.

Alright let’s dump into this. After all of this, now we’re getting to Number #1, right? So this is the Number #1 of 6 linkable asset types, “Infographics, GIFographics or ’Map-o-graphics.’ And it’s easy to see why: they can attract a lot of links.” Everybody has looked at an infographic, right? I almost feel like we don’t need to spend too much time delving into this. But when you see really good information laid out in a nice graphical representation and you’re like, “Oh, that makes sense.” And a Coke has sugar that fits into a shot glass, right? And you see these things–

Matt: Is that really? Is that true?

Chris: I don’t know, it’s probably even more.

Matt: Like sugar– Chris It’s probably a lot more.

Matt: It’s like 34 grams or 38 grams or something like that.

Chris: So it’s more than a shot glass.

Matt: Oh my gosh, that’s crazy.

Chris: Yeah, imagine just drink the shot glass and some water.

Matt: That’s a good visual representation.

Chris: Yeah, yup. “You should only use infographics when the content benefits from being presented in a highly visual format.” Of course. And he gave a bunch of examples. One of them – if you’re in the SEO industry, you’ve probably seen this – it’s the Periodic Chart of SEO Success Factors, right? It’s phenomenal. It’s a phenomenal infographic. It has 8,000 backlinks from 2,000 unique domain names. The other one he says is, “13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Infographics,” is actually an infographic. And it’s got 21,000 links from 1,000 distinct domains.

Matt: Well our minds remember in pictures.

Chris: Yup.

Matt: Right? So that increases recognition.

Chris: You get to long term memory faster.

Matt: Yeah, long term memory and the recall.

Chris: Yeah, absolutely. So how do you build links using these types of assets. So as he talks about each asset, he also talks about how to build links for those assets.

Matt: So the last thing that I’ll say in kind of this section.

Chris: Yeah. Infographics, yeah.

Matt: Is really if you analyze your backlink profile, you’ll notice you have probably a lot more word links – or like domain links, or text links I guess – and you wanna have a good mix, like you want your backlink profile to have a good mix.

Chris: So from images or–

Matt: So images and videos and that sort of thing. Not just different domains. So a lot of people just focus on like word links, and you really wanna focus on images as well as videos.

Chris: So he goes into some good detail. So you need to, “Pitch your infographic on sites in your niche (that actively publish infographics).” That makes sense.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: And then he does something which is really smart if you’re creating a linkable asset, he goes into the detail of how to actually do that. So he says to go into Google and search for: SEO+ [infographic]. And then he says while you’re doing that search, search not in Everywhere – it’s in one of the options – search only in the title. And then you also want to search for results that were published in the last 12 months. He says that you can come up with something that’s a little more recent, right? But that limits the number of people, right? So people may not be investing in infographics in your industry more than every 12 months or so.

Matt: It’s something worthwhile to do.

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: They’re easy to get made, there’s a lot of different places to get it made, and you wanna have a campaign to do it, but I think it’s really worth it ‘cause anything that nobody else is doing, or not a lot of people are doing is gonna have more impact.

Chris: Absolutely. So he really– in his particular example, he had 130 websites that were an example, and guess what? You take your infographic and you reach out to them, and you say, “Hey, would you like to have another infographic?”

Matt: And Boolean searches too for Google are super powerful. Like you can even get tools that you can put in the terms and it’ll create the Boolean search string for you, but man, you can find so much on Google if you know how to look correctly.

Chris: Yup.

Matt: Like using the different symbols.

Chris: So he also says, don’t limit yourself, right? So in this particular example he was saying, “Hey people in your industry–” but also think of people outside of your industry who might benefit from the particular infographic, or might find interest in the infographic that you put together.

Also, “Find PROVEN infographic concepts in other niches (and then use them in your niche),” right? So this is really smart. One of the infographics he pulls up was– so it’s an infographic called “Reddit’s guide to fitness.” And this is just where somebody’s gone into Reddit and they’ve like– I think it’s like the Top 50 pieces or something like that. And so basically it’s pulling Reddit articles and listing them so that you’ve got in one place all these Reddit articles for fitness. You know? And that kind of fitness.

Matt: Yeah, no no. That works really well for backlinks.

Chris: So he gives some examples, “Reddit’s guide to SEO, Reddit’s guide to Entrepreneurship, Reddit’s guide to photography.” So that’s another way where you might look for again, the same kind of search where we originally just searched SEO and then in brackets [infographic]. Choose some other subject, then. See what’s out there and mimic it.

Matt: Well, yeah. Like looking at other industries and applying it to an industry that’s currently not using that concept is really where I’ve seen like those exponential increases.

Chris: Yup.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: And also remember it’d be better to be a little contentious, right? So no great conversation starts with agreement. It starts with like–

Matt: Polarization.

Chris: Polarization. Alright next. He also says, “You can also get a few extra links from infographic directories.” Although they tend to be no-follow and they don’t tend to have as much value, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do them, you should still do those.

Matt: There’s definitely a couple directories out there. More than a couple directories that have huge domain authority, and you can go in and you can create a listing in multiple categories, okay? And you can get that link juice now the first one, and then there’s diminishing point of return. But directories still are really powerful for whatever reason Google still treats them that way, yeah.

Chris: Yeah, still likes them, yup. Alright Number #2, again this is “6 Linkable Asset Types (And Exactly How to Earn Links With Them).”

Matt: Exactly.

Chris: Number #2, “Online Tools & Calculators,” and we’ve been talking about these for a while. I actually have one for some of our clients and working on some others. Just know as you–

Matt: What about us? You gotta just always do separate clients?

Chris: Ah, that’s true.

Matt: Cobbler’s kids have no shoes, huh?

Chris: Man, yeah this is slowly but surely cobbler’s shoes have no shoes is becoming intolerable in this office, and I have to thank you for that. Or I have to thank you, kick in the shins for that. Alright, so know this about calculators and online tools: the barrier to entry can be quite high because you typically need to have coder, not just somebody who can lay out HTML, but somebody who can actually write some JavaScript or some PHP Script or whatever it may be in the back. He gives some examples of some tool calculators. I didn’t like any one of these.

Matt: Well, I mean why don’t you talk about some that you built for some of our clients?

Chris: There’s a good idea.

Matt: Yeah, why don’t you do that.

Chris: Alright, so there’s one company that we’re working with, that I’m involved with actually, called SES Research. And they sell a product which is C60 in Olive Oil, it’s kind of a new product. And it’s a great antioxidant, but people are wondering exactly what dose should you take, right? Because it’s brand new in the industry, in the market. And so there is a dosage calculator.

Matt: Yes.

Chris: So if you search C60 Olive Oil Dosage Calculator, you will find our calculator and know how much you should take if you were to order it.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: Another example that–

Matt: Loans.

Chris: Loans, yeah.

Matt: Loans or real estate or–

Chris: Yeah, so one was if you’re gonna flip a house, like how much do you pay for the house? How much do you need to put in in terms of repairing the house, like improving the house? What does that turn out to be? And then what’s your profit gonna be? Alright, so then you take those types of calculators and then when they’re done, and they press Go and they’re done, you’re like, “Okay, great. You wanna make that much money, just get started by filling out our loan application.”

Matt: Easy rocket.

Chris: Now, once you have your tool/calculator, how do you promote it? Right? This is important. “Pitch your tool/calculator to web pages that already talk about the problem your tool solves.” So he gaves a really– he gave a really– I think I just said gaves. He gave a really good example of if you’re like a home brewer, right? And you wanna know the actual alcohol content of your beer, there’s an equation for that. And somebody wrote a calculator, like if you give two numbers– like I think it’s the density before you create your beer and the density after you create your beer, then there’s a calculation to give you the alcohol content.

Matt: Boom.

Chris: And lots of websites are talking about the equations, like “Oh, here’s the equation. You can use this equation, there’s that equation.” Somebody wrote a calculator, so they reached out to all the people who have the equation on their site, and then says, “Hey, here’s the equation. Make it easier on your visitors, make a good experience to the Google User, it will be of value to you. Have them click to my calculator.” There you go.

Matt: Textbook example.

Chris: Also “Paid Promotion,” right? So you’ll probably talk a little bit more than I will about paid promotion, but there are low cost PPC strategies, Facebook Ads is one of those strategies. “If nobody knows your tool/calculator exists, you aren’t going to attract any links whatsoever.” That’s just not gonna happen. “Paid promotion – via PPC ads, such as Facebook ads – can indirectly result in a ton of links.”

Matt: Yes. Well, yeah. You can run Facebook Ads to anybody that follows a particular area or run it– you know, you’re reaching out directly to somebody that maybe you list in something, but you could run Facebook to a blog post, which doesn’t– really relevant as far as infographics go, or lists, or something like that, but you can run that traffic to a follower.

Chris: Right.

Matt: Right? So like people’s followers, people that liked this page or liked that, and you can kind of cross-pollinate the audiences with Facebook because organically it might not happen.

Chris: Yup, and that brings us to the conclusion of this meat of this podcast.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: Again, we’re only covering 2 of the 6 linkable assets, we’re gonna cover 2 more next time. And then you do the math, how many we do on the last one? Alright. Such a tease. So complicated. Okay, you’re driving, there’s 2 more in the last one. We don’t need you crashing ‘cause you’re doing math.

Alright, so that does bring us to the end of the podcast. If you liked this podcast, we’re gonna ask that you share it with three people. That would be really nice.

Matt: I would ask that you go vote for us.

Chris: Oh yes.

Matt: On the Ahrefs 12–

Chris: Yeah, search Ahrefs SEO Podcast, that should be enough. That’ll show their article–

Matt: 12, I think you gotta put 12 in there.

Chris: Yeah, you don’t need it. It’ll probably come up. I’m guessing right? Probably right. If it doesn’t come up add 12, and then send an email giving Matt a hard time.

Matt: Yes.

Chris: Or me a hard time if you have to add the 12. And then you’ll find the eWebResults Podcast.

Matt: Yeah, eWebResults Podcast.

Chris: Click it and it’s–

Matt: It’s like right in the middle. They like put ours like right in the middle. Like it’s very– you gotta really, yeah. Yeah.

Chris: Find it, click, hit submit, and we appreciate that. That would be really good. If you are looking to grow your business with the largest, simplest marketing tool on the planet.

Matt: The internet.

Chris: The internet, that’s the tool. You should give us a call, we can help you increase revenue in your business 713-592-6724. If you have a referral, that’s somebody who’s interested in kind of any aspect of internet marketing. So we’re talking about link-building. Do we do link-building?

Matt: Yes.

Chris: Oh yeah, we do do link-building.

Matt: We do.

Chris: If we were talking about Facebook, do we do Facebook ads?

Matt: Yes, we do that.

Chris: We do, okay. If we’re talking about PPC, do we–?

Matt: Oh yeah.

Chris: Do we make websites?

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: Do we do search engine– so all of it.

Matt: Yeah.

Chris: You send them to us, we do the work for them. Provide them great results, eWebResults if you will. When they pay their bill, we pay you.

Matt: So we’re gonna add to the– we added a job section ‘cause we need more sales people, we need more account managers, we’re growing.

Chris: Yeah.

Matt: So if you know anybody out there, you’re in Houston, let’s talk, please reach out. But on that page, so on the–

Chris: The careers page.

Matt: The careers page, that’s where we’re gonna be able to submit like leads. So we’re gonna build like a little affiliate program.

Chris: Affiliate, okay. Cool.

Matt: Yeah, so you can submit where we can track your referrals.

Chris: Excellent. Please remember we were filmed live here at 5999, West 34th Street, Suite 106.

Chris & Matt: Houston, Texas.

Chris: 77092. If you want audio, video or a transcript of this podcast, you can get that at eWebResults.com. They’re all available on our website. You gotta kinda just go under the podcast menu structure.

Matt: Yeah, well Download Podcast and then Archives. Like Archives, Archives.

Chris: And we are the most popular internet marketing podcast on iTunes, that is because of you. So a big thanks, a big punch in the face to all of you. We really appreciate you, until the next podcast my name is Chris Burres.

Matt: My name is Matt Bertram.

Chris & Matt: Bye bye for now.

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