By Matt Bertram

By Matt Bertram

Matt Bertram, is the lead digital strategist at EWR Digital. He is the co-host of the Best SEO Podcast: Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing. Currently writes for Search Engine Journal, Forbes and Entrepreneur.

SEO Podcasts vs. SEO Blogs: Which Should You Follow?


In the ever-evolving world of SEO, staying updated with the latest SEO trends, strategies, and best practices is crucial. Two popular mediums for learning SEO are podcasts and blogs. Each has its unique advantages and disadvantages. This post compares the benefits and drawbacks of learning SEO through podcasts versus traditional blogs, helping you decide which medium suits your learning style and needs best.

Benefits of SEO Podcasts

1. Convenience and Accessibility

  • On-the-Go Learning: Podcasts are mainly audio and can be consumed while commuting, exercising, or doing household chores, making it easy to integrate learning into a busy schedule.
  • Hands-Free: Listening to podcasts doesn’t require you to sit in front of a screen, offering a hands-free way to absorb information.

I have a personal rule that if I am on YouTube or listening to a podcast or even a book on tape I have to be “moving” or doing something. I listen to podcasts while working out most frequently. 

2. Personal Connection

  • Voice and Tone: Hearing the host’s voice can create a more personal and engaging experience compared to reading text. (Good sound quality is more important than you think though! It’s got to be easy to listen too)
  • Interviews and Conversations: Many podcasts feature interviews with industry experts, providing insights and perspectives that might not be captured in written form. I love being a “fly on the wall” during some of these conversations. It is amazing the topics and conversations you can listen too in the age of information.

3. Up-to-Date Information

  • Timely Updates: Podcasts can quickly address recent changes in SEO algorithms and trends, offering timely insights. People just have to create content on the topics. It usually takes about 24 hours for people to start creating content about a trending topic.
  • Regular Episodes: Many podcasts release episodes weekly or bi-weekly, providing a steady stream of current information. I try to do this as best I can about the podcasts that we create. Some podcasts I am expecting them to post daily updates! It just depends the relationship you are looking to have with the with host or hosts.

Drawbacks of SEO Podcasts

1. Lack of Visuals

  • No Visual Aids: Complex topics that benefit from visual aids, such as diagrams and charts, can be harder to grasp through audio alone. (YouTube might be better for this if they have a video component with good video production.
  • Memory Retention: Without the ability to easily reference back, some information might be harder to retain and recall. This however, differs among the listeners and may not be that big of a issue.

2. Limited Depth

  • Time Constraints: Podcasts are often limited by time, potentially leading to less detailed coverage of complex topics.
  • General Overviews: Some podcasts might offer more general overviews rather than deep dives into specific subjects.

Benefits of SEO Blogs

1. In-Depth Analysis

  • Detailed Content: Blogs can provide comprehensive, step-by-step guides and deep dives into specific topics.
  • Visual Aids: Articles often include images, infographics, and charts that enhance understanding and retention.

2. Easy Reference

  • Searchable Content: Written content can be easily searched and referenced, making it simple to find specific information when needed.
  • Bookmarks and Links: You can bookmark important articles and follow links to additional resources, creating a rich learning ecosystem.

3. Self-Paced Learning

  • Read at Your Own Pace: Blogs allow you to read and digest information at your own pace, which can be particularly beneficial for complex subjects.
  • Re-readability: You can re-read articles as many times as necessary to fully understand the content.

Drawbacks of SEO Blogs

1. Time-Consuming

  • Requires Full Attention: Reading blogs requires dedicated time and attention, which can be challenging to find in a busy schedule.
  • Screen Time: Spending too much time in front of a screen can be straining for your eyes and mentally taxing.

2. Engagement

  • Less Personal: The lack of a human voice can make blogs feel less personal and engaging compared to podcasts.
  • Overload of Information: The vast amount of available blogs can be overwhelming, making it hard to discern which sources are reliable and valuable.

Which Should You Follow?

Personal Learning Style

  • Auditory Learners: If you learn better by listening, podcasts might be more effective for you.
  • Visual Learners: If you prefer seeing information and visual aids, blogs will likely be more beneficial.

Time Management

  • Busy Schedules: If you have a busy schedule and need to multitask, podcasts offer a convenient way to learn on the go.
  • Dedicated Study Time: If you can allocate specific times for study, blogs provide a more thorough and detailed learning experience.

Content Needs

  • Timely Updates: For the latest news and quick updates, podcasts are excellent.
  • In-Depth Learning: For comprehensive guides and detailed explanations, blogs are more suitable.


Both SEO podcasts and blogs offer valuable resources for learning SEO, each with its unique advantages and drawbacks. Your choice depends on your learning style, time management preferences, and content needs. Ideally, incorporating both mediums into your learning strategy can provide a well-rounded understanding of SEO, combining the convenience and personal connection of podcasts with the depth and visual aids of blogs.

How to Choose the Best SEO Podcast for Your Needs

Finding the perfect SEO podcast can be challenging. Our guide offers tips on choosing the right podcast for your expertise level, specific SEO interests, and preferred formats, ensuring you get the most value from your listening experience.


Podcasts have become an invaluable resource for learning and staying updated in the fast-evolving field of SEO. However, with so many options available, choosing the right SEO podcast can be overwhelming. This guide will help you select the best SEO podcast based on your expertise level, specific interests, and preferred formats.

1. Determine Your Expertise Level

The first step in choosing the right SEO podcast is to assess your own level of expertise. SEO podcasts vary widely in terms of the depth and complexity of the content they offer.

Beginner Level:

  • Look for podcasts that cover SEO basics and foundational concepts.
  • These podcasts often include step-by-step guides, beginner-friendly tips, and explanations of fundamental SEO terms and strategies.

Intermediate Level:

  • Intermediate podcasts delve deeper into SEO techniques and strategies.
  • They often feature case studies, interviews with industry experts, and discussions on more advanced topics like technical SEO, link-building strategies, and content optimization.

Advanced Level:

  • Advanced podcasts are geared towards seasoned SEO professionals.
  • These podcasts discuss the latest industry trends, algorithm updates, and in-depth analyses of complex SEO challenges.

2. Identify Your Specific SEO Interests

SEO is a broad field with various subtopics. To get the most out of your podcast listening experience, focus on your specific SEO interests.

Technical SEO:

Content SEO:

Local SEO:

  • If you’re interested in local search optimization, find podcasts that cover local SEO tactics, Google My Business optimization, and local link building.

E-commerce SEO:

  • For those working with online stores, e-commerce SEO podcasts can provide insights on product page optimization, category structuring, and e-commerce-specific SEO tactics.

3. Choose Your Preferred Podcast Format

Podcasts come in various formats, each catering to different listening preferences. Consider what format keeps you engaged and fits your lifestyle.


  • These podcasts feature interviews with SEO experts, providing diverse perspectives and insights from different industry leaders.

Solo Shows:

  • Hosted by a single expert, solo shows often offer in-depth analysis and personal insights on SEO topics.

Panel Discussions:

  • Panel discussion podcasts involve multiple experts debating and discussing SEO trends and strategies, providing a well-rounded view of the topic.

Case Studies and Real-Life Examples:

  • Some podcasts focus on real-life case studies, showcasing successful SEO strategies and lessons learned from actual experiences.

4. Check the Podcast’s Production Quality

While content is king, production quality also matters. A well-produced podcast with clear audio, good pacing, and engaging delivery will enhance your listening experience. Poor audio quality or disorganized content can detract from the valuable information being shared.

5. Read Reviews and Recommendations

Before committing to a podcast, take some time to read reviews and recommendations from other listeners. Reviews can provide insights into the podcast’s content quality, the expertise of the host, and the overall listening experience. Additionally, recommendations from trusted sources can point you towards high-quality podcasts you might have overlooked.


Choosing the best SEO podcast for your needs involves assessing your expertise level, identifying your specific interests, selecting your preferred format, and considering production quality. By following these tips, you can find the right podcasts that will help you stay informed and improve your SEO skills.

Happy listening!

Podcasting has an interesting origin story, one that isn’t straightforward. No single person really invented podcasting but sprung up from a combination of different technological innovations and shifts over a few decades. 

The advent of podcasting was a huge shift in the way that people consume media. The history of podcasts is unusual among other forms of media.  Its rise is a great example of how media and business work together to make something great.

Podcast Origins

Podcasting is a similar medium to AM/FM radio, but its roots come much later in time. Podcasts can trace their origins to the 1980s. Before the rise of the Internet, there was a service that delivered music and audio programs to radio and television stations that is sort of a precursor to the modern podcast.

AOL offered audio-only downloadable shows as early as the 1990s. The beginnings of Internet radio, where you could broadcast stations online, also started rolling out around the same time.

However, podcasting didn’t really take off until the 2000s, when more people had better access to faster Internet. The rise of RSS feeds also helped propel the rise of podcasts. RSS feeds allow you to receive updates from specific websites.

Software developer Dave Winer and MTV host Adam Curry figured out how to attach video and audio files to pages in an RSS feed. This allowed people to receive podcasts in a standardized manner. This way, people could automatically download their podcasts without having to check when a new episode was ready.

The Evolution Of Podcasting

Around 2003 – 2006, podcasting started really taking off.  Liberated Syndication became the first dedicated podcast service provider when it started in 2004. Once Apple added podcasting functions to iTunes and other Apple products, podcasts became even more popular.

In a 2006 speech, Apple Founder Steve Jobs demonstrated how to create a podcast using Apple’s Garage Band software.

In addition, the U.K. comedian Ricky Gervais became one of the first already famous people to start a podcast. The very successful podcast, The Ricky Gervais Show, was adapted for television by HBO and Channel 4.

Going Mainstream

Major news companies like the BBC, CBC, and NPR began releasing podcast recordings soon afterward. Smaller media corporations got on board soon afterward. Eventually, non-media companies started getting on the bandwagon. 

Today, thousands of podcasts are released each week, on every topic under the sun. People start new podcasts on new subjects every day while some podcasts are even released on both audio and video! It seems like there’s nothing stopping podcasts from being successful for a very, very long time. 

Why Are They Called Podcasts?

Ben Hammersley, a journalist for The Guardian, is credited with being the first person to use the term podcast, way back in 2004. It’s easy to guess that podcasts get their name from a portmanteau. The ‘Pod’ part originates from iPods, the device that most people listen to their podcasts on. The ‘Cast’ part comes from broadcast, which is a general term for how communications were aired in the radio age.

Many people and companies have tried to patent the term ‘Podcast’ in the United States, but all have failed. One company did briefly manage to patent the term, but after they went after major podcasts for using the term their patent was eventually thrown out. 

Of course, now you don’t have to listen to your podcasts solely on an iPod. Podcasts are available on tons of different podcatcher applications, and many are available in both audio and visual formats.

The Rise Of Podcasts

Podcasts have risen a lot in popularity over the last decade. In the United States, 22 percent of people were aware of the term ‘podcasting’ in 2006, while 70 percent had heard of it by 2019. 

Many people spend more time listening to podcasts than they do watching tv. In fact, more than half of the people who listen to podcasts spend more time doing so than they do watching television. 

The Podcasting Appeal

Many people find listening to podcasts much more interesting than, say, listening to the broadcast news. Podcasts are a more conversational format than a stilted or scripted show. Listening to a podcast is more like overhearing to a conversation your friends are having or getting a lecture from a teacher in a classroom.

You also don’t have to sit through the boring parts or the advertisements if you don’t feel like it.

The beauty of podcasts is that you can always fast forward and you can even listen to podcasts at a faster speed if you are running short on time. Hey, you can even listen on double speed if you feel like listening to people that sound like chipmunks!

The History Of Podcasts

Throughout its history, there have been podcasts about a wide variety of different topics in a ton of different formats. There are news podcasts and podcasts that are completely fictional. There are comedy podcasts, dramatic podcasts, podcasts about music … the list goes on and on and on.  

There’s even a whole sub-section of podcasts that just focus on reviewing and analyzing reality television.

The Rob Has A Podcast family of podcasts, for example, has been going strong for over ten years now. They focus on talking about the television show ‘Survivor’ and other reality television shows. Rob Has A Podcast actually releases episodes almost every day.

Not to mention, there are dozens of different daily news update podcasts. These podcasts can help you get your daily dose of news in under a half an hour without having to read everything on Twitter.

On the other hand, if you’re more of a news junkie, there are still oodles of podcasts for you. You can listen to in-depth analysis of every single current event under the sun, for every country.

Knowledge Is Power

There are also many different podcasts that give advice and discuss different business strategies and opportunities. The Best SEO podcast is one obvious example of a podcast that can give you advice about your search engine optimization and other strategies to help take your business to the next level.

There are so many other business podcasts to check out to help you with your business needs. You can hear about leadership, digital marketing, social media, small business strategies, content management, and so much more. You just need to keep an eye out for the content you need!

The Business Of Podcasting

Many different companies and people now make money off podcasting, turning it into a valuable business of its own. In recent years, Spotify and iHeartMedia have spent billions of dollars buying podcast networks so that they can jump on the podcast bandwagon. Even Barack and Michelle Obama are planning on getting in on the podcasting game.

Podcasting is a lower-cost medium than other forms, like broadcast television, and it makes it easy to get your content out there, and without a delay.

You can create a podcast with little or no equipment. Plus, it’s relatively simple to produce and release your podcast without a ton of production knowledge.

Really, you just need a plan in mind to execute, brand, and release your podcast, and you’ll be on track to join the podcasting industry in no time at all. 

Money, Money, Money

It’s pretty easy to monetize your podcast, as long as you put your mind to it. There are major podcasting networks that allow advertisers to buy slots on many different related podcasts at once.

Sponsors can also buy spots on one individual podcast if they feel that’s more their speed. Podcasters who have ads on their shows can do individual personalized ad reads or read from a script.

Podcasts can also get money from their listeners, either in a lump sum donation or as part of patronage. Most podcasts offer incentives for joining a podcast’s Patreon.

These can include a secret Facebook group or extra podcasts for members of the Patreon. Some podcasts are offered entirely behind a paywall and require a subscription to access.

Podcasts can also offer Amazon affiliate links so that they can get money for every person who used their link to buy products from Amazon.

These are only a few basic ways that individuals and companies can monetize their podcasts. Plus, they can do it while talking about a topic that interests them. There are tons and tons of more creative ways to make money doing what you love — talking about yourself!

The Future Of Podcasting

The rise of podcasting shows no sign of slowing down in today’s world. People need different things to distract themselves on their busy commutes. Sometimes music doesn’t suit your mood on a particular day.

Plus, there’s such a wide variety of different podcasts, there will always be something to fit with your mood. You can even binge-watch your favorite long-running podcast. 

What’s your favorite podcast? What do you know about the history of podcasts? Contact us and let us know!

The History of Podcasting and Its Effect on the Internet |Best SEO Podcast | Houston, TX